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Yorkshire Dale

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Dale

  1. well i really enjoyed that kenny is a beast! iv wanted to do that with a seat for a long time but dent wanna get laughed at! i may have too now
  2. ive watched it again to the end, the riding is good dont get me wrong just think that the bar angle looks horrid and ruins riding style. i no thats not everything but i would rather watch someone like kyle livesy not going as big but making it look good if u no what i mean? massive props for the song choice though gets me hard that track
  3. i stopped watching cos of the bar angle! looks awful
  4. is it low bb? just wondering with it having no spacers under stem and lowish bars?
  5. well that was just a rubbish excuse for him to pose topless? minutes im never getting back, good job im at work haha
  6. any skate shoe will be fine to ride in. there all iv ever used and not had an issue in 16 years!
  7. saw this yesterday, could have cried :'(
  8. dude thats oldschool! anything thats less than 5-6 years old is new school! kids these days :'( Ps. i was there that weekend and it was awesome
  9. im so glad i never used LOL! i new HAHA would come back around
  10. I new tom dugan was mental but i dent no he was that bad? haha
  11. far too much slowmo, get another edit out soon though man in normal speed and a more upbeat song
  12. haha i saw the front high tread and automatically thought of Tricks And Stunts! "Its a common mistake everyone makes, there always, "ah front high front high"" haha love it!
  13. really enjoyed the video and the idea of it all being a dream n stuff that in itself is the creative part in my eyes. its a cool idea that as far as i can remember hasnt been done? hes obviously a beast of a rider for his age and looks like he really really enjoys himself on his bike with all the air punching. hats off to him for trying to ride like danny mac. i would if i could
  14. looks awesome! dont change the bar and stem man, thats perfect for that frame geo
  15. i swing on mine dude there tight as fook! 40nm is for cranks not wheels
  16. i hate doing shit like this mate but i think its a pure 09? the control had a cnc brake booster built in to the seat stays. sorry
  17. did do a couple yea so i put some stainless m10 bolts in that use a 17mm spanner instead of an allen key next ride my bro did the same and we have never looked back x
  18. Haha iv enjoyed reading this thread i ran a pro 2 on horzontal dropout without snail cams for ages. Wheel never moved so im assumeing that it was the "magic friction" that held it? Either that or my brute force tightening the wheel up? Awesome comment!! im still chuckling thanks for cheering up this very gloomy friday for me xx
  19. enjoyed it yesterday but dent ride for long. need to give it a good thrashing and mess with the bar position and stem hight to get it right next ride will sort it
  20. i had one of those, loved it! wanna c it built so hurry up
  21. Sorted it u should be able to c it now )
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