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Yorkshire Dale

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Dale

  1. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153219248485381&set=a.10150925375965381.765034.767595380&type=1&theater reyt happy with this
  2. saying that really isnt gonna make them gift u one, hahaha
  3. haha it will feel like it has 30mm of rear suspension travel! looks weird but would love to try one to c how it feels?
  4. yea like that, the quarry looked like an amazing spot to ride =)
  5. iv never had a pair of cranks that i have been able to get them off without a tool even after a few rides? if u can do that then your either over or under torquing them. the crank and bottom braket are designed in a way that when torqued up right (usually 40-50 newton metres) they in effect stick (bond) to each other hense needing a puller to take them off. plus the spacer is there to stop you pushing the crank arm on too far effectively splaying the splines out a little so when he does eventually put the spacer back on the crank arm won't tighten up right becuase the splines will have been made a little bigger and will not sit on the bb tight enough. hope that clears up what i meant. iv just read my earlier comment back and it did sound a little harsh. early start n all that, sorry xx
  6. Dont listen to isitafox! if u ride it loose u will damage your splines on the crank arm then u will have a knackered crank and it will come loose every ride! Nip it to your local bike shop and im sure they will be happy to help or ask if any of your mate have a tool to get it off! Again dont ride it loose!!!!
  7. if its mod then pink spokes are common in any bmx store dude!
  8. i'll admit to watching this vid more than once and enjoying it more everytime :bow: there should be more riders out there like u dude. Trials would be a lot more fun........
  9. that last trick made the vid
  10. Yorkshire Dale

    2014 hs33

    dude ur brakes compared to barrys and even my v'brake flex like crazy so i can c where people are coming from :wink2:
  11. dude water and anti freeze works great ! iv used it forever
  12. country file, nuff said :bow:
  13. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=lego+men&sa=X&rlz=1R2ADBR_enGB348&tbm=isch&tbnid=hGkKWbciUDVoJM:&imgrefurl=http://www.bforbel.com/2011/08/lego-men-name-cards.html&docid=wQ6vPmPyD4wDTM&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6FG0hskYnQY/Tl1UqzI9ojI/AAAAAAAABhI/RyGomFAVGic/s640/lego-business-card_1358923i.jpg&w=620&h=400&ei=bgcTUtCQAYPD7AaX5IDACg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=228&dur=109&hovh=180&hovw=280&tx=173&ty=95&page=3&tbnh=134&tbnw=237&start=38&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:49,s:0,i:242&biw=1152&bih=608 only if u wanna look like the one one the left
  14. tsg evolution best iv ever had and i used to hit my head a lot!!
  15. think that just made me diabetic!!
  16. awesome riding ruined by the song choice
  17. thats the funniest thing iv seen on here for a long time coodo's dude
  18. evolve was the second one there was one called Revolution before it. Contact is the third one
  19. And on that day, not a single manual was done!
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