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Apology To Libor


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In March of this year in a forum topic (British Championships whats going on) about the organisation of BikeTrial I made a comment regarding Libor Musil. I immediately regretted it and edited the post (this was a comment made in pure frustration of what was/is happening to trials in the UK), however it would seem that someone has reported that post to the UK BikeTrial Committee Chairman and my opinions have been reported to Europe/World.

I apologise sincerely to Mr Musil who I am sure has worked hard for the sport.

I believed that trials-forum was a medium for people to state their personal opinions in discussion. It would seem not and that you can be penalised for stating your thoughts.


My punnishment will/seems to be a ban from the BIU and ACU this will/does affect my "World" Masters status, i have no control over the matter as i will not deny stating what i did, i put it as it was my "opinion" of the matter.

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so because you bad mouthed one of the big boys your gonna get banned, thats a bit much isnt it?

It's a lot much.

I can't really add to that without the possibility of getting Wayne into even more trouble given that the powers that be appear to be a bit on the hypersensitive side.

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dont worry about it. i cant. :(

i would just like to thank the people who have shown their support in the last week for their time and effort and the support they have shown.

I will see people at the National Bike Trial Championships the rest of this year.


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I think it's a bit harsh to ban, but if roles were reversed, and you've put hours and hours each week into the sport, voluntary, and then you hear of some rider slating you, it's easy to see why he's done what he's done.

I personally wouldn't ban someone becuase of what they said on a forum, but it depends on what you said and how you said it.

What exactly is up with trials in the uk anyway? And what did you say roughly?

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at least they've not taken your bike!

If they can actually do that, they can f**k right off, that's so f**king stupid, i would fight them for it.

And whoever cried to mr boss is a willy.

This is so stupid, REALLY childish too. I'd like to know what you said, to make sure my opinion is right, but either way, if it was a stupid little thing, when i'm good, i am NO WAY competing.

As you can tell, this has pissed me off, so, sorry for the french.

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If you edited it afterwards how did he know what you said? Theres no way for anyone except admin to check pre-edit posts and they can't ban you just because of something someones said surely?

EDIT: Removed so as not to affect waynes case.

Edited by Krisboats
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I will agree with everyone else here - who ever he is... is a complete idiot. Heck, trials is never going to be my strong point, and I'll never ride comp, so it doesn't matter if he bans me!

I do not like this man much at all

( Edited to save warn )

Edited by Hendrixmaster
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I agree with all the posts above, although I daren't express my feelings on this subject for two very good reasons:

1. I hope to start comps later in the year or next year, and don't want to be banned.

2. I am already on 10% warning for being abusive to pre-members, and I don't want to get a ban for being VERY abusive to Mr Musli and his associates.

This is utterly ridiculous, normal people like us have to take it when someone makes a comment, but because he has some power over us, he thinks its OK to ban someone for expressing their feelings about a certain subject.

What a load of shit.

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Most replies are conveniently forgetting that in such a small sport, having such a well known and listened-to figure as Wayne slagging the authorities off will do nobody any favours. Musil may even have felt it verged on libel, its not unknown for forums to be shut down over libel claims. It isnt childish to react like this, and im sure it was done within the consitition of Biketrial.

Just try being in charge of something, and have your best efforts slagged off while trying to get through a difficult period. It takes the patience of a saint not to lose your rag, I can assure you.

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You seem to have misunderstood. Libor has given the ACU BikeTrial Committe the power to make the decision on how this should be dealt with and to deal with the matter, my letter was from Phil Tupman of that committee, not from Libor.

Whilst I appreciate your support I don't think that it will be helping my cause as "big brother" is watching this forum.


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You seem to have misunderstood. Libor has given the ACU BikeTrial Committe the power to make the decision on how this should be dealt with and to deal with the matter, my letter was from Phil Tupman of that committee, not from Libor.

Whilst I appreciate your support I don't think that it will be helping my cause as "big brother" is watching this forum.


So bluntly, you've been screwed for being on the wrong side of the fence?

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wow trials forum has tunred into the soviet union :-S

opinons get expressed its tuff if they dont like it they shouldnt ban one of britans best riders for expressing his views and if they ban waynio we should start a new group of competitions run to rider ideals not a "committie" .

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