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Rich Pearson Vid 3

Rich Pearson

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In plymouth (which was yesterday) we spent a good hour ragging it through fountains and then riding the rocks on the Hoe getting splashed with salt water. Not good for discs, at all. Hence new pads today.

What happened with them? Did they just wear out very quickly or just stop working properly?

Good to know such things :)

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At the end when you see me hopping across the rocks you can hear the brakes have almost totally glazed.

I had to keep heating them up and applying water all day just to get them working, the result of which; sweet sod all pad material left in the rear caliper... :(

But as you can see at points like 01:40, 02:17 and 03:02, when that brake works, you can't budge the b*****d.

In plymouth I nearly went over the bars doing a coust hop because I didn't realise how sharp the brake was!

Again, thanks for responses.


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That was awesome, matey (Y) . It didn't play ever so well, for me, but that was just down to my uber slow computer :lol: . But, there was a wide variety of moves in there and, as lots of people have mentioned, your gaps to front are sweet!!!



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At the end when you see me hopping across the rocks you can hear the brakes have almost totally glazed.

I had to keep heating them up and applying water all day just to get them working, the result of which; sweet sod all pad material left in the rear caliper... :(

But as you can see at points like 01:40, 02:17 and 03:02, when that brake works, you can't budge the b*****d.

In plymouth I nearly went over the bars doing a coust hop because I didn't realise how sharp the brake was!

Again, thanks for responses.


My front BB7 was f**ked after taking a quick dip in the Hoe, i think its the Devonshire water.

Very nice vid, can't wait to get back to Plymouth.

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cool vid but I thought the music was a bit gash and another thing that let it down was the camera quality? Maybe it's that clip on jobbie that you put on.... Plus I think that sometimes where I personally know theres some big riding the fisheye makes it look a lot smaller.

But apart from that awsome, your improving all the time.

Must get riding again.

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No one likes the music: I GET IT!!!

I'll edit the next one to f**king Backstreet Boys or somthing you pussy actually like...

Cheers for the replies


I like it Rich :$ but then I have also spent to much time with Andrew like you!

Can we get on and film me on the Beta, i'm going to explode if I don't soon. Went out for a ride in Newton about 2am which was fun although didn't try anything over 5ft, I need a portable kicker!?

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