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New Year's Resolutions For 2008


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I'd like to:

Start running and just generally keep fit and start bulking up abit more (So I might have a chance for when I apply for the LFB).

Get a car at last!

Get my motorbike license after years of saying I will...

Start looking after my money.

Actually ride my bike and try to get better at Trials!

And my goal is to actually get my start date for the Metropolitan Police and start...

Edited by Gyser
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quit smoking

may aswell start tommorow because i've now ran out..

I think that's one of the best New Years resolutions anyone could make. I don't see the point in smoking personally, extremely expensive, makes you unattractive, causes problems at work for 'cig breaks' and makes you in ill health earlier than the majority of non smokers.


My new years resolutions for this year are:

  • Keep in contact with all my old friends from home more
  • Try and curb stupid spending like at the Casino!
  • Catch up and keep on track with Uni work

That's it :)

Same o and learn to type f***ing better on keyboard!

http://www.goodtyping.com/ :)

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Don't really have any...saying that I'll cut down the drinking and stuff will just be a complete lie; mainly because I don't want to.

Anyway, some useless things I'll try to stick to...

1. Relax a bit more...I tend to get stressed at things easily these days.

2. Interact my bedroom with my PC...all remote controlled, surround sound and HD Projector...been meaning to do it for a while but could never be bothered, probably upgrade everything whilst I'm at it.

3. Ride a bit more, probably. I get out about 2 or 3 times a week....which suits me, but I feel bad as I'm not really using the bike.

4. Clean my room....starting tomorrow, probably.

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Give up smoking

Drink less/smoke weed less


Eat better

Learn to manage my money

Buy a Mamiya SD Pro

[forget the 5th one]

Learn to sidehop

They aren't new years resolutions as such, stuff I'm working on constantly. But pretty much failing at

Edited by Billy
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Some quality ones in here so far!

I wouldn't normally do these, but like some people said, can bump it in a year and see what happened which is cool.

Spend less time on PC watching TV and general shit like that - There is always something better to be doing.

Start riding to work and back to get fitter OR at least do some XC or something.

Ride more!

Get in to a Semi-Final at a UCI World Cup - More of a goal than a resolution.

Go to new places and meet new people.

All I can think of at the moment, but there fairly realistic I think :)


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