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School Exclusion


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Got exluded in year 7 for "Bullying" was a fight basically but he was a bit of an outcast so it classed as bullying...

Year 8:

Setting of a fire alarm, twice, in one day

Lighting the bunsen burner straight from the gas tap

Smoking in the PE department office

Year 9:

Setting of another fire alarm :rolleyes:

Swearing :blink:

Being Agressive towards a member of staff

Bringing Stink bombs in

Year 10:

Bullying again....

Knocking a few tables over

Smashing a window playing football


Smoking in another office

Email ing the WHOLE school a link to meatspin

Year 11:



Edited by Adam-Griffin
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im a good boy so i havent done anything but these are what someother people at my school have done:

Put laxatives in the water at school (there are loads of jugs of water at break for people to fill cups with) and on the same day covered all the toilets with cling film.

A boy who had just came up left the gas taps on over lunch (40 minutes) and half the school stank of gas. for some reason he owned up for doing it.

Threw a javelin at the teacher. (was expelled, FOR EVER!!!)

Threw an apple at his p.e teacher then ran away and hid on top of the roof

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Boys at my school, and in my year, got suspended for taking Viagra in 2003 [its an all boys school :sick:lol]

They had the piss ripped out of them for a while as you would expect!

Here is a link I found http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/uk_news/englan...set/3205747.stm

That has definitely got to win the medal for the "most embarrassing exclusion" :lol:

It was in all the national newspapers and on "Have I got news for you"!!! LMAO

Edited by Jules
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Boys at my school, and in my year, got suspended for taking Viagra in 2003 [its an all boys school :sick:lol]

They had the piss ripped out of them for a while as you would expect!

Here is a link I found http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/uk_news/englan...set/3205747.stm

That has definitely got to win the medal for the "most embarrassing exclusion" :lol:

It was in all the national newspapers and on "Have I got news for you"!!! LMAO

please say it was joe white

EDIT: also all your schools sound so strict, like how you could get excluded for ''knocking a few tables over'' lol

Edited by Joe_Elding
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please say it was joe white

Lol no it wasn't, it was this bunch of retarded chav's which thought they were "hard".

EDIT: I remember the "ring leader" (the one which supplied the Viagra lol) getting into a fight with someone on the day he came back from exclusion as he was getting so badly ripped.

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Im not going to go into the whole stuff nicked from school, because it would be a waste but....

Once "someone" raided the sex ed. cubboard

Picture 25ish people running after each other smacking each other over the head with dildo's with johnnys wrapped up their arms....

Didn't get anything for that.... even the teachers found it funny.....

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Im not going to go into the whole stuff nicked from school, because it would be a waste but....

Once "someone" raided the sex ed. cubboard

Picture 25ish people running after each other smacking each other over the head with dildo's with johnnys wrapped up their arms....

Didn't get anything for that.... even the teachers found it funny.....

Sounds fun lol

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I think we need a "what i nicked from school" thread.

Yeah lol

Sometimes at school you see something, you dont need, and know your probably not goignt to use, but you think f**k it, . greed :

Took a couple of glueguns with plenty of replacements of solid glue.

Taken a blow torch

Speakers n stuff - onley decent stuff im not into unsesisary taking shyte computor speakers

I aquired ALL my AUX cables from recording studio, i think theve got unlimited suply.

Digital scales from science labs

Drama Studio spotlight, Stobe light, put the strobe back though after, felt bad,

Anytime i want sandpaper, nip into DT rooms,

Nicked a wireless router from drama office becouse the one in my house broke,

Dont steal from people though, Victimless crime, well i like to think anyway,

But i got excluded for beating up a kid in the year above me when i was 13, he tried to steal my "Saracen X-Ray". i look back on it and know i would pay him to take it.

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Digital scales from science labs

If it was the scales to 0.00 of a gram then your a right wanker because those things cost loads and useless for anything but precise weighing. Ok maybe im a bit of a science nerd but theres never any of em' about and there legendary

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I got suspended for asking a teacher to say "Who threw the Cillit Bang?", and filming it.

But weird thing was, he gave me his permission for it.

I think he just couldn't take it when he saw it on YouTube. =D

I remember when we had to wait for our tutor in the mornings (always turned up late), we used to play different sports in a narrow corridor full of windows.

One week it was football, next week it was cricket.

Always resulted in a window or ceiling tile being smashed.

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HaHa, Nicking stuff from school was always really hard for me because it was a 52 week placement bording school.

So the real deal was seeing what you could bring IN to School :)

My fav' was always filling my shower gel bottles with scotch. But we used to do all the jailhouse tricks (swallowing bags of weed and stuff)

We wern't alowed mobile phones at night, but we were alowed to smoke between class breaks (Y)

My school was great and they really did sort me out.

I'll let the cat out the bag now, and i'd really appreciate no piss taking !


I went to an EBD School (Education Behavioral Difficulty) Because i sufered from asperger's when i was younger (Mentally single mindned aggressiveness basicly)

So i had a completly different schooling to alot of you. Some of the shit i had to put up with was ridiculous. Everything from a kid being held down and burn't with a zippo to a teacher being beaten to near death with a drain pipe. And although it was a complete mad house i'd give anything to be back there, having fun and living easy with my friends. Since i've left school i've found it really had to get on with new people and my lifes changed SO much. I couldn't leave the school because if i did i'd litterally be put in jail !

But what i'm reelly trying to say is;

So kids, Don't f**k up in school ! Make the most of it and try the best you can, I'm f**ked now. I won't be able to do anything apart from in the motor trade.

So work hard and get on with it !

Edited by Pashley26
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Got exluded in year 7 for "Bullying" was a fight basically but he was a bit of an outcast so it classed as bullying...

Year 8:

Setting of a fire alarm, twice, in one day

Lighting the bunsen burner straight from the gas tap

Smoking in the PE department office

Year 9:

Setting of another fire alarm :rolleyes:

Swearing :blink:

Being Agressive towards a member of staff

Bringing Stink bombs in

Year 10:

Bullying again....

Knocking a few tables over

Smashing a window playing football


Smoking in another office

Email ing the WHOLE school a link to meatspin

Year 11:



what a b*****d you were mr :P

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the 0.00 gram scales are pretty useful for dealing I would say.

anyway we'd have competitions to steal the most random thing from a class not big things but just fun things. one guy came out with the tuna filling from the teachers sandwiches in his hand :giggle: I got a picture of one of the teachers wifes from his drawer :P

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ooh this is the "best" fight ever seen witnessed at my school.

Some twatter stabbed someone in the head with a key, the stabee was kinda going "aaaah my head etc.." and the stabber was promptly chased by around 300 people through the school (some kid ran under a barrier as it came down - knocked out cold :P ) ended up on the second floor with the stabber threating to "get rude" and whatnot. so he was promptly slammed through the window onto the yard and arrested.

Nothings happened after that.


P.S Some dude called Arkmed or something set up an ebay account in school and "sold" laptops he didnt have. Made about £16,000 in a month. He's still in prison for fraud me thinks.

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Well at my school, we had an electronic bell, I recorded it on my phone, I'd change the clock in the class room which I was in by like 10 mins and would play the recording of the bell from my phone when the clock said it was home time. Eventually everyone started doing it and school wanted to know who came up with the idea, so some tell tale grassed me up for it. Got a week for that.

I had a fight in a science lab, got a week for that.

Put a skink bomb through the girls changing rooms air conditioning system had 3 days for that.

Once I logged on my computer at school it logged me on as a admin, so I thought to myself "Ooh il have some fun here" I cancel'd all documents waiting to be printed and took control over a teachers computer went into MS word and typed " Im coming to get you!" did the same thing to a girl in my year apart from I told her she would die in 7 days, got 2 weeks for that.

Thats about it really.

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last year my mate kegged my form teacher (hes a pe teacher) in front of over half the people in my year it was so funny. nothing happened to him 'cus it was the end of the year and my mate didnt stop running till he was on the next bus home. haha he gets some right looks from him now.

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