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My Injury

danny l

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Thought I would share my injury

Got hit in the face this lunch with a hockey stick (while playing hockey lol )

Got a gash from in between my eyebrows to the top of my forehead and had to have some tissue removed because it had been crushed

Ended up having local anaesthetic and 9 stitches :giggle:

Wont be riding for about a week though :angry:

Anyone else got any good injuries?

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I tore all the muscles in my back when i first started riding. But when they healed my spine was actually a little twisted and started pinching nerves so i had to go in for some grueling physio.

That was annoying.

I broke my collar bone playing soccer once but that wasnt too bad.

The worst was when i was 15 playing keeper i dove for the ball and got kick full on in the face. Ended up breaking my cheekbone. OHH man the agony. I think that was the longest 2 weeks of my life. When people say liquid diet them mean LIQUID as in nothing.

Dudes, DONT get kicked in the face.... its not a good idea

Props to anyone who can top that B)



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This thread is useless without pictures :D

My most recent serious injury was bmx handlebars embedded into the top of my right thigh, I mean right at the top and inch to the left and no kids and 2mm to the right I would have died in a pool of my own blood in the skatepark :(

As it was the bars punched a hole straight through my jeans and neatly applecored a 7/8" diameter hole out of my groin. Having fallen off the bike in a tangled heap I kicked it away with my left leg and it skidded away with a lovely trail of flesh hanging out the end of the handlebars :D

My mates dragged me over to the wall and propped me up whilst I put pressure on it - its soo awesome to get dragged through pools of your own blood :D :D :D

The bars went into my leg a full 3", the grip was rolled back as a witness to this.

The result was 4 subcutaneous stitches to sew the hole up and another 5 to close the entry wound, the doctors could see the femoral artery in the bottom of the hole - I was so very close to killing myself :o

Suffered minor nerve damage which meant it felt like someone was sandpapering my inner thigh for 18 months.

Now have a neat scar at the top of me leg but I dont show it off in public in general :D

The moral of the story is dont go riding after a 17 pint all day bender starting the previous lunchtime and dont rely on plastic bar plugs to save you - I have the blood soaked remains of an odi bar plug wedged in my bars somewhere, oh and that samsung d600s dont like to be soaked in blood :)


Edited by forteh
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slit my right shin down to the bone about 4 times and i got about 16 little scars on my legs and at school me and a m8 was mucking about and he broke my thumb in 2 places and couldn't ride for ages and when i was about 13 i stood on a wheelie bin and fell off it and broke my elbow hahaha

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i would post a nice gorey picture but the doctor put some special plaster thing on it which i can take off in two days so will post one then

mine made quite alot of blood and it all went on my face. must have looked like i was dying or something!

all the teachers looked so shocked, i was laughing at them because at that point my head was still numb


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Thought I would share my injury

Got hit in the face this lunch with a hockey stick (while playing hockey lol )

Got a gash from in between my eyebrows to the top of my forehead and had to have some tissue removed because it had been crushed

Ended up having local anaesthetic and 9 stitches :giggle:

Wont be riding for about a week though :angry:

Anyone else got any good injuries?

Now thats just gay. Please come out soon :( . Ill make you feel better, lets go ice rink!!!!!!.

I got my rear wheel fixed doesnt move now!!!!.

Get better soon danio!!!!!!. i found a booster for ill give it to you when you are out next.


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As a supplement to Trials riding, I used to play squash to keep fit with a mate of mine on his return weekends from the Marines...

Anyhoo, not being the brightest spark on the bonfire, I neglected to get any goggles for general eye protection and continued to play in my glasses.

Well, rather predictably, on Friday the 13th of January 2006 I was being a smug f**ker and thought I'd figured out where the guy was gonna send the ball next. I span round and went round the back of him to cut the ball off mid-return, when I suddenly found myself face-to-face with his backswing!!

I now have a nifty scar on my right brow where the racquet hit my head, and a nifty scar ON MY EYEBALL where my left lense shattered into my eye.

The scar, inidentally, is from the resulting operation (under LOCAL anaesthetic) to try and remove a small fragment of glass from my eye.

No such luck... It would have caused more damage trying to chase the damn thing out, so they left it in there. It may stay there for ever, or it may travel either further in or maybe even out, but we don't know until it happens one way or the other.

Obviously the moral of the story should be to wear eye protection at all times when playing dangerous sports...

I prefer to merely state that doing anything in any way risky on a Friday 13th should be avoided at all costs...

One week of being unable to open my eye, a following week of excrutiating pain everytime I blinked, a total of three weeks of on-the-hour-every-hour eyedrops, £185 worth of new glasses and the now rather irritating occasional lack of ability to judge distances (or heights)...



- Adi -

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As far as riding injurys go i have had my fair share (N)

Amongest countless broken fingers and toes last year i broke my elbow in half when my back brake snapped riding off a curb. The specialists at the hospital siad i must have hit it at 60mph+. Ended up having 6 hours of surgery a metal plate and 6 screw in my arm loads of staples to hold the skin together and a nasty scar it healed and i was back on my bike within 2 months but my arm has never been able to go straight since. 5 months after that misshap i failed a tap up to an anchor outside a local museum and jumped back and my foot folded inside my leg my fibula touched the floor it broke my fibula and my lateral malleolus unfortunatly the pictures of my ankle break are on my laptop but i have the xrays from my arm and some of the staples. ENJOY!!






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As far as riding injurys go i have had my fair share (N)

Amongest countless broken fingers and toes last year i broke my elbow in half when my back brake snapped riding off a curb. The specialists at the hospital siad i must have hit it at 60mph+. Ended up having 6 hours of surgery a metal plate and 6 screw in my arm loads of staples to hold the skin together and a nasty scar it healed and i was back on my bike within 2 months but my arm has never been able to go straight since. 5 months after that misshap i failed a tap up to an anchor outside a local museum and jumped back and my foot folded inside my leg my fibula touched the floor it broke my fibula and my lateral malleolus unfortunatly the pictures of my ankle break are on my laptop but i have the xrays from my arm and some of the staples. ENJOY!!

i feel sick that falling off a curb could do that :sick:

Edited by Czar-rider
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Seriously i have no fears about doing huge drop gaps and what not but i have this annoying little piece of me that hates curbs now lol. i'll try get some pictures up of the scar i have it runs pretty much the full lengh of my arm great conversation starter with the ladies though :P I also have no funny bone now as it was taken off to fit the metal plate you can see it and feel it through the skin too its nasty.


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I appear to bounce, every time I have a decent stack I can keep riding for the day.

The only real injury I ever had was I looped my motorbike trying to get up a big step, and I knackered my left shoulder, it's always seems to pull really easily now. (N)

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As far as riding injurys go i have had my fair share (N)

Amongest countless broken fingers and toes last year i broke my elbow in half when my back brake snapped riding off a curb. The specialists at the hospital siad i must have hit it at 60mph+. Ended up having 6 hours of surgery a metal plate and 6 screw in my arm loads of staples to hold the skin together and a nasty scar it healed and i was back on my bike within 2 months but my arm has never been able to go straight since. 5 months after that misshap i failed a tap up to an anchor outside a local museum and jumped back and my foot folded inside my leg my fibula touched the floor it broke my fibula and my lateral malleolus unfortunatly the pictures of my ankle break are on my laptop but i have the xrays from my arm and some of the staples. ENJOY!!

dont think im goin to ride near curbs again lol!

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sorry for out doing you on the injury dude

but to be honest yours probs hurt more i didnt realy feel mine was in shock i just sat on the curb holding my arm and burst out larfing weird i know lol

and trust me i know what a hockey stick can do to people i broke a guys shin playing at school lol

im sure it was painfull >_<

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Is it me or is hocky really dangerous? My friend broke his ankle playing last week, ball got smacked at his foot.. Funny thing was, he carried on playing. Sounds painful, did it damage any of your teeth? Good luck if it did, after my front tooth was chipped badly in rugby i've been to the dentist too many times :(.

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Yo dude loved the way u blacked out ur balls man.

Must hurt a little when the misses goes down town :giggle:

Well you really wouldnt want to see what I blacked out on that photo :D

The bruising was black all the way from my right knee up to my waist - everything was black/purple and I mean everything :o

justicejamie wins for staples :D

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