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Best Deng Frame Made Up Too Now

gu trials

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'04 Short Echo Control; it's just so damn right!

edit for clarity; The geometry of these frames was excellent, they ride so well! They also have a great look to them, and are pretty solid. These frames were released before the CNC fad came about, so there's a little work on the chainstay plates, but that's it. Perhaps a little more stiffening around the back end, and the option of vee mounts would have finishedd the job to perfection, but nevertheless it's an awesome, awesome ride :)

Edited by Monkey Boy
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Its gotta be the Echo Control. the geometry hasn't changed much over the years. and its probably accumulated the highest number of unit sales for a deng frame. should be interesting when the 2008 frame comes out....if ever!

Edited by Rusevelt
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When are you newbies going to get that there can't be a best it's down to personal opinion. Change it to "In your opinion what is the best deng frame so far" and you might get validated just that bit quicker. :)

P.S. All the Deng frames are crap because they are so overpriced. (N)

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Jesus, chill Winston.

It;s just a topic for discussion, and one which is fine. Really all those that have replied should have given more thought/reasoning to their answers ( :$ ) to clarify reasons, but it still gives a good perspective of rider thoughts as to general trends in popularity (Glad to see lots in favour of Controls, good work ladies)

Deng frames, though not cheap, are far from expensive. Most frames (I'm thinking mainly of stock, but I think mods are similar?) are around £230 -£320, which is a reasonable price. Yes, it may benefit some extra riders (and thus Deng himself) to produce a lower down model for trials beginners, but it's not like he's pumping out a whole range of £500 frames, is it?

People are often quick to slate Deng's products, which, in some cases, may be justified to some extent, provided that ideas are backed up with reasoning and evidence, but all too often it just seems to be unnecessary. Deng's put a lot into the sport; maybe not in an entirely good way, but he's made it more accessible for many, as well as opening up the market so more choices are available. Look at the number of people riding Echo/Adamant/GU/Czar etc, even those that did not buy new have purposely bought them, and are riding them. He must be doing something right...

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