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£30 Fine, Cpo Riding Path *video Evidence*

Dan Burgess

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its £80-£130 plus they can take away your pride and joy and have it crushed

How d'you work that out? I've never been threatened with anything like that. Two of my friends got arrested by City Police for "Improper use of a roundabout" that they were riding on, and got £70 fines, but that was it. No mention of "crushing" bikes or anything like that - I'd imagine they'd have a job doing that legally, unless you were unable to pay the fine or something, but even then you'd have pretty good grounds for doing them for unlawful destruction of your property?

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I've nothing more to add apart from that I've had NO problems whatsoever with PSCOs and find them pretty sympathetic when it comes to riding. And I usualled get WELL narked off if I get even slightly told-off by anyone! It's usually the public who are complete pricks about it.

My experiences with PSCOs and the Police in general in this country has been nothing put positive. If anything I've got off pretty lightly (in some dodgy situations!)

I bet I get booked by one tomorrow now... :lol:

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I would like to see them take my f**king bike

Haha I'd like to see you try to stop them, what are you realistically going to do? Have a scrap with the Police? Run?

You (not making a dig at you personally, 'you' encompasses 95% of the public) would have to stand a watch really...

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Haha I'd like to see you try to stop them, what are you realistically going to do? Have a scrap with the Police? Run?

You (not making a dig at you personally, 'you' encompasses 95% of the public) would have to stand a watch really...

No I mean a PCSO.. I would leg it f**k off taking my bike

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yer the law is that you can ride on the pavement with 20" under wheels, as the classed as a childs bike,

but any thing over its unacceptable im affraiod.

ross, unlucky btw. <_<

Im actually going to hunt down and kill the next person that says that. Can people not read or what?

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about 5 mins whilst questioning us some guy rides past us 10x faster than we did and they dont do anything or fine him.

Oh my god, is that perhaps because he's already gone by the time the cop half heartedly flags him down?

Quit moaning, riding on the pavement is illegal - I got cautioned the other week, yes it's annoying, but we're not meant to be there.

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