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Whats Your Favourite Trick

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sidehops bore me shitless to be quite honest. ok i cant do them well and when i can i might become addicted but they are soo tedious to watch.

drop gaps are ace.

and tailwhips on walls etc are fun.

and 360 endo drop offs are lush too.

I thought that but now i can do them i love them :)


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For me now it would be

1) trackstand to manual to drop/ or hop up.

2) 180 front pivot to fakie to half cab and then hop up something (I can't 180 so I pivot)

3) still trying to add in the classic x-up just before the drop.

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How can you "+1" someone else's opinion?

I '+1' their opnion because it's my favourite trick too.

That's why I '+1' their opinion. One more thing to add.....What is a crank flip? I'm not too sure on these trick names :(

Edited by trials onza
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My favourite trick has to be the front wheel gap, looks mint in a line or if its just a one off while messing around.

But it is a bit scary if u dont quite make it and your front wheel hits the wall/object and sends u head first into it :P

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I'm from BC my poutine eating brother! Come on over, we'll build igloos, make snow angels and race our dogsleds. I can do a sweet wheelie with it now.

Someday, we should take both our Ski-Doos, molesting some local Indians along the way and meet at half point(let's say Saskatchewan) and ride together. So much fun can it be, lurching for miles in fields in every directions without encountering any obstacles... nose in the wind... like the wolves.

Supply the booze, i'll supply the poutine. I mean real booze. Don't you have fake booze in BC?

I'm Quebecer... you're different. Do we have to hate each other? :P

Will definitely go BC someday though, i swear... the north shore/snowboard scene seems so cool! (Y)

EDIT: Unless you're a local indian...

Edited by neomember
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Someday, we should take both our Ski-Doos, molesting some local Indians along the way and meet at half point(let's say Saskatchewan) and ride together. So much fun can it be, lurching for miles in fields in every directions without encountering any obstacles... nose in the wind... like the wolves.

Supply the booze, i'll supply the poutine. I mean real booze. Don't you have fake booze in BC?

I'm Quebecer... you're different. Do we have to hate each other? :P

Will definitely go BC someday though, i swear... the north shore/snowboard scene seems so cool! (Y)

EDIT: Unless you're a local indian...

I'm white dude... look at my pic. I am the person they came to for the idea of the color white. I'm f*cking Casper McCanadian. Yeah we can meet in Saskatchewan... but whats there to ride on? Tumbleweed? I guess we could ride on cows. I mean there are a lot out there from what I hear. Side hop on cow>Rear Wheel>Boon>Boon>Boon>180 Endo land on Goat> continue 180 and land on shit.

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I'm white dude... look at my pic. I am the person they came to for the idea of the color white. I'm f*cking Casper McCanadian. Yeah we can meet in Saskatchewan... but whats there to ride on? Tumbleweed? I guess we could ride on cows. I mean there are a lot out there from what I hear. Side hop on cow>Rear Wheel>Boon>Boon>Boon>180 Endo land on Goat> continue 180 and land on shit.

(Y) Maybe if we're teaming up together we can start a war against those Brits and claim this Trials Forum. What do they know about trials riding anyway...

I remember seeing that trials exhibition video: Britain vs North America.

Both of the Brits cheated... what a shame.

Being a Brit, i wouldn't be able to sleep at all nor looking myself in the mirror.

Aaaah... those are the Brits anyway!!

Just two Canadians meeting togethers...

EDIT: syntax

Edited by neomember
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