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Yeah, my only criticism is that it looks like it was made about 8 years ago, and only uses very basic HTML. It's a shame that very few companies seem to be able to get their websites designed properly, because it's one of the first places beginners go to look at bikes. But I guess I'm looking at it from a slightly skewed perspective as web design is my job.

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The spares bit is kinda hassle. Frantically scouring the bike to see what works as a 'spares' section isn't particularly user friendly? If it was a bit more obvious it'd be cool. Other than that, like everyone's been saying, just looks a bit dated/old compared to other company sites.

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Flash = pure hassle for a site that involves parts 'n' stuff though, in so much as like on here, you couldn't link to a certain part/news update/pic on there? Just means that it's less exposure for your site if someone has to just say "Go to www.cleanbikes.co.uk then click Parts then click on the Pedal then click on VP double cage" instead of copying the product description + pics?

EDIT: That's from my experience doing news updates on a BMX site. When you try and do anything from www.sandmbikes.com, it's pure hassle 'cos their site is Flash, so you can't link to News Updates, new product info, and so on.

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It's a nice idea. Would be better if it was Flash. I know flash can be a hassle, but consider it.

Got all the information there though!

Where did that come from?

Their site doesn't in any way qualify for a flash developer to even look at doing anything with it. :blink:

I have a request... please get a professional to make you a site. Pay a designer to design it, pay a developer to develop it, because seriously, you wont be going much further with a site like that.

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  • 2 months later...

You know, back in August last year I'd have built you a nice functional site for about £250.

I really needed the money back then and the same kind of site could have cost you way over £1,000 from a big company.

It needs a total rebuild, it's just not user friendly and as has been said, looks out of date. I always worry about sounding harsh, I'm just honest - if you have a poor website then your company gets a poor image so I'm just trying to help :)

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I wouldn't buy from there personally.

Good job we don't rely on you then :giggle:

No offense meant, and I'm sure you're a brilliant web designer, I just get fed up of seeing all the shops looking almost identical.

We're into more than just selling, and organising events is just so important to us personally, whether it's an important national or international event, a demo for the local club, or a charity fund-raising event. Having worked hard as the chief exec of an international company for 15 years I want a bit of fun in life and to put something back into the world ... and I get that by helping other people out - not by sitting back and counting the profits from yet another "professionally designed" internet shop!

If people like it - great! If they don't - ok!


PS: Don't forget ... two days at Shipley Glen this weekend guys!

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It doesn't have to look the same as all the others, and could have so much on there...

Comp results, photo galleries... Could almost be a website with just a shop built on the side of it.

I'm not saying copy Tartybikes or anything, it just needs bringing up to date.

I'm also not trying to convince you to hire me, because I'm full time employed now and too busy to work on webdesign. Honestly, I just think you'd look much more professional with a good website.

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I don't really understand your viewpoint to be honest Barbara, everyone bar 1 or 2 people has said pretty much the same as me.

We're giving you good constructive feedback and you're dismissing it. Why?

Saying it'll look like everyone elses is nonsense, you can have it designed however you like, just brought up to speed - it doesn't need that much doing to it really, the base content is there, it just needs a little tweaking / extra features added.

Nobody is saying make it a generic e-commerce site.

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Its all about making a site that people will be comfortable with sending their money to. For example, people would think twice about sending money if Tartybikes website looked like it had been designed 5 years ago, without any real thought or effort.

If I search for a plumber for example, and thier website is full of clip art and looks outdated, I will move on, until I can find one that looks like I can trust them.

To turn round to a potential customer and say "I'm glad we dont reply on you" strikes me as a slightly wrong approach. You should be thinking "how can we get even more business" and maybe some of the ideas coming up on here will fulfill that. At the end of the day, every business is out there to make money. It doesn't mean you still cant have fun though, but small professional touches will help people take you more seriously, boost your profits, allowing you to hold more competitions and fun days. How is that a bad thing?

From the sounds of it, all it would take, its a more professional looking site, and more people will shop with you and reccomend you to their friends ect.

Dont be so quick to dismiss criticism and ideas :)

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I want a bit of fun in life and to put something back into the world ... and I get that by helping other people out - not by sitting back and counting the profits from yet another "professionally designed" internet shop!

You'll also get that 100x over if you've got a site that reflects that. A website doesn't have to look like a shop, it doesn't have to look like a corporate identity. Find a designer that can understand a clients company, understand what they want to get out of it and you'll get a site that you want, and a site that gets across the message you want to get across.

Let me give you an example or two. I'm not trying to preach, nor sell anything, it just seems a fair few people very much under estimate the power of the internet, and how much influence it has over a person in the way they view a company or organisation.


We designed this site with one thing in mind, history. Of course Newmarket want to make money, but the whole way through the project they was all about conveying the grounds history and pride in being where it is amongst the racing community. They wanted the website to reflect the current season, and be appealing to the type of people that visit the grounds.


If anyone isn't out to make money, it's these guys. Same principle as you, trying to help people, restore fun in life by removing the bad. For their site they wanted information displayed, and be really easily accessible.

I'd imagine that's what you would want from your site, a place to advertise your fund raisers, a place to shout about the things you and your company have done.

Just some points to consider. Websites are a lot bigger factor in peoples mind then people tend to believe, if i hear of a product, i immediatly go and find it on the internet, if the site is any good i'll persue, otherwise i really wont bother past the search. :)

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Sometimes a company that hasn't neither the time or budget (remember the recession?) can put out an instant 10/10 website.

Often these websites are built up by the company or by mates.... usually for a bike and a pint.

Remember the evolution ONZA has gone through? (see: http://www.onza.com/ )

6 months ago their site was (quite simply) shite.... because the combination of time, budget, skills weren't available.

After a few attempts, some valid constructive criticism from this forum (and some amusing raw rude comments too), its settled into a nice looking site.

In my opinion, it does need a bit more content here and there, but there is a lot more pride and purpose to it

and defiantly stands up as professional without losing the fun element. . . Actually I've just noticed they've updated it again.

As much as some people/designers/developers think that websites need to be perfect, 'flash less', even corporate, (I'm not pointing an evil finger at anyone!!!)

lets remember the point of these websites.... riding is fun, cool and we don't wear a shirt and tie... unless we are up for criminal damage!

.... and yes to increase revenue.

As for my humble opinion on cleanbikes....

If its worth chucking 2-3 grand at then maybe you get something shit hot (BIG maybe), or you could employ a spotty student who lives with his mum.... sound familiar??

.....maybe you'd get a return in a couple of years.... maybe not.

Or if its not worth gambling thousands then get in touch with your mate's mate's sister's half brother in law from down the road and he can do it for bike parts and a pub lunch... he'll update it (eventually) too....

...especially if he fancies your sister.

You can work it that way and when you need to take the next step, (ask the guys who have done the same thing at ONZA) you upgrade....

I'm sure they worked out a good deal there.

Feel free to tell me if I'm wrong, it's not black and white..... spending and the business growing,

it's guaranteeing, with small steps, your family do not get their home repossessed because of short sighted expenditure.

Websites do work, but successful business takes careful planning, budgeting and consideration.

The site's ok , but needs to (and will) evolve in relation to the company's growth & needs.

:ermm: 6/10

Flash = pure hassle

There's a term for whats happening at sandmbikes... its called "FLASHTURBATION'

Having worked hard as the chief exec of an international company for 15 years I want a bit of fun in life and to put something back into the world ... and I get that by helping other people out - not by sitting back and counting the profits from yet another "professionally designed" internet shop!


Edited by sparetyre
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