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Now transfer the money to your bank, the guy will then claim it back from PayPal, your PayPal will go into credit, make a new PayPal and forget it, you're £300 up with a phone still to sell (Y)


Jolfa, now your a work slave surely you've forgotten all of these ways of making easy money ?

And to be honest Wrayvon your name and address crossing out has allot to be worked on :P

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Asking price is 90+5er postage :)

Not bad at all that, I had a quick look around earlier at what they were.

But it's above my money range ATM. I wanted something to replace my current one or to buy a cheap one so my main phone isn't getting beaten up/potentially nicked at work.

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Email eBay and get him banned, maybe IP banned if they can do that?

Unlikely to ge banned, they will close his account, but he'll just open another if he doesn't already have about 50 to start with.

Regarding an IP ban, these scams are usually carried out in internet cafes were there is no trace to the original scammer - not to mention the cafe will probably run a dynamic IP, so it'll just change everytime.

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