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Graffiti Writers On The Forum


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I know a few people do on the forum, but its the type of work that people prefer to keep on the "d low" like, posting illegal graffiti, on a public forum, where your name can be easily tracked and veiwed by others isn't the brightest idea in the book

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I think unless you can top Banksy, or had permission to spray there...don't post it. ;)

How is anyone ever gonna top Banksy if they never try? Not to mention the fact that Banksy right now is a completely different kettle of fish to graff ;)

Dan: i don't think that's really true, plenty of people can read graff and you should look into an artform before dismissing it.

I do graff, big up mista neos but i would seriously keep it between you and your boys. I remember the times when i would post stuff on places like this and it got me in enough trouble to make me realise that being that loud about it is stupid.

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Sometimes, with tags, it is not being able to read them that is important. It is just what you have done with the letters. This is modern calligraphy.

The other side of it is, writing your name in as many places at once. For those who appreciate tags as some form of art, it is merely a record of where the artist has been.

There's more to it than this, though.

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I knew this would get smashed down, lighten up trials forum you bunch or boring f**kers.

trials is litterally the most uncool sport ever.

and its you fags that make it that way.

to the guy that posted this go find a bmx forum, they know how to have a fun time.

so true

Yeah, spraying stuff on walls that no one but you can read is so much fun? :huh:

and riding around on kiddies size bike with no seat is?

whats the point in that, its a waste of time and money... and you look stupid when you cant go any faster then a slow jog....


oh wait a second, because you do it it isnt pointless?

hmmmm your a little narrow minded arnt you.

I know a few people do on the forum, but its the type of work that people prefer to keep on the "d low" like, posting illegal graffiti, on a public forum, where your name can be easily tracked and veiwed by others isn't the brightest idea in the book

same with the criminal damage you cause on peoples/councils walls?

hmmm i smell a hypocrite who wants to moan about everything possible

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same with the criminal damage you cause on peoples/councils walls?

hmmm i smell a hypocrite who wants to moan about everything possible

Yer, but he's not saying 'hey check out this wall i grinded my bashguard on' and giving you the postcode of it aswell as his name and address.

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Yer, but he's not saying 'hey check out this wall i grinded my bashguard on' and giving you the postcode of it aswell as his name and address.

same principle, hey check out this vid of me bashing up walls on my bike.... everytime you ride on a wall you know you probably will damage it... this cant be cleaned off

i hate people that think everything they dont do is 'stupid and pointless' when they do 'stupid and pointless' things themselves

need to get out more maybe... hmm

and who is posting their postcode etc :S maybe youve been reading the wrong thread?

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I didn't mean to sound so narrow-minded, I had to sit there and think wether to post that or not, knowing that it'd cause arguements!

I was just stating my opinion. I myself can't see how spraying some letters on a wall is fun? Obviously I know others do, and I can respect true graffiti artists for their work, but people who just go about 'tagging' scribbling their names or whatever on bus shelters and shop walls, I just don't get it?

I said 'unless you can top Banksy' as a joke, I thought atleast one of you would get that! I even put a ' ;) '

I still stick with what I said about if you had permission, because going aboout spraying on peoples walls is a bit worse than a tyre mark on it. Obviously bashing it is different, but that's usually an accident.

Yes, trials is stupid and pointless, but I find it fun, plus it gives me something to do which isn't illegal!

Wow, I never thought I'd have to write so much just to explain some little jokey comment on here! I'll just not state my opinion in future.

Post up whatever graffiti you like! I was only saying it to try and make you think 'actually, I'd rather stay anonymous about that!'

I'm sure you stay very discreet when you spray on a wall, so surely it'd be best not to let the public know who did it on the internet?

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Hope he gets better soon.

Yeah, i'm making a slow recovery.

On a more serious note, i'm totally with Max. Posting it on a public forum, where alot of people will know exactly who you are, and mr internet policeman would have no problem tracking you down is a bit stupid really.

I used to make a mess of things (note: used to, haven't done for about 8 months due to a few brick-shitting experiences), it was just an escape, I see it as a way to express yourself/ let your feelings out albeit a bit unorthadox - it's a really, really good feeling to get out and do it if you've been feeling like utter shit about something or another. Seeing something that you can really be proud of, and you get a bit of a rush too, knowing that you shouldn't really be there and that you've gotten away with it. At the end of the day, you're not doing anyone any harm (waits for "yeah but it's peoples property etc etc" - i agree with you, that's why I never hit any private property)

It's all down to opinion, some will see it as art, some will see it as mindless vandalism, and i'm not gonna try and change anyones mind on the matter. There's more to certain pieces than some chavvy b*****d doing it to get some respect from his mates. Although that is part of it, and to be honest i think it's terrible that 'proper' graffiti gets associated with some kid scribbling his name on every surface he sees.


EDIT: And i know for a fact that one or two members on here are proper police offciers, so it's reeeeally not a smart move to make.

Edited by Skoze
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I knew this would get smashed down, lighten up trials forum you bunch or boring f**kers.

trials is litterally the most uncool sport ever.

and its you fags that make it that way.

to the guy that posted this go find a bmx forum, they know how to have a fun time.

The best thing uve said all year.

some people need to f**king let go abit.


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I knew this would get smashed down, lighten up trials forum you bunch or boring f**kers.

trials is litterally the most uncool sport ever.

and its you fags that make it that way.

to the guy that posted this go find a bmx forum, they know how to have a fun time.


graffiti looks cool, even if you cant read what it says.

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I didn't mean to sound so narrow-minded, I had to sit there and think wether to post that or not, knowing that it'd cause arguements!

I was just stating my opinion. I myself can't see how spraying some letters on a wall is fun? Obviously I know others do, and I can respect true graffiti artists for their work, but people who just go about 'tagging' scribbling their names or whatever on bus shelters and shop walls, I just don't get it?

I said 'unless you can top Banksy' as a joke, I thought atleast one of you would get that! I even put a ' ;) '

I still stick with what I said about if you had permission, because going aboout spraying on peoples walls is a bit worse than a tyre mark on it. Obviously bashing it is different, but that's usually an accident.

Yes, trials is stupid and pointless, but I find it fun, plus it gives me something to do which isn't illegal!

Wow, I never thought I'd have to write so much just to explain some little jokey comment on here! I'll just not state my opinion in future.

Post up whatever graffiti you like! I was only saying it to try and make you think 'actually, I'd rather stay anonymous about that!'

I'm sure you stay very discreet when you spray on a wall, so surely it'd be best not to let the public know who did it on the internet?

Haha fair enough, i kinda drunkenly jumped the gun to be honest. Sometimes those wink smilies look more kinda 'i'm right your wrong' then jokey, shoulda used a tongue :P

Personally i'm not really someone who tags alot and worries too much about 'getting up', but i can still respect the people that do. It's hard to explain but as Matt says it's just a rush, albeit selfish, that you get and it's just fun, i know people that i would say are seerrriously addicted haha. These people are dedicated, i remember walking through London at about 12:30pm last new years eve and seeing 'Tox 08' on a bridge above me haha (on a related namedrop note: i saw him the other day in a pub :P), and that bought a massive smile to my face, not everyone sees it as bad so there is some good in it if you get me? It's also not the actual tag that i appreciate but the placement, how they got there and how perfectly placed some tags are in places that you'd think they would have to fly to get to.

Does Mr. Internet Policeman not have bigger problems?

I would've thought he'd be spending his time watching... Waiting for Anon to slip up.


It's more if you get caught or are under suspicion they look for solid evidence using things like that, they look on websites, your phone, your room etc. The BTP confiscated my phone and i was lucky enough to not have anything on it 'seeing as i don't do graff' but was shitting my pants that they would find stuff that i had posted on websites etc.

EDIT: Just read this on a graffiti blog haha: 'According to "Live Science" graff writers (and skydivers) do it to attract mates...'. Maybe that answers some of the stuff in this thread? :P

Edited by Max Quinn
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