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middleageman here.

I just have to say, I'm overjoyed at the forums responses to my, somewhat, verbose 'posting style'.

At least, it provokes debate.

It is not really premeditated, maybe just 'lubricated'!

From working in a factory with my fellow, lowly paid Welshmen, I could b*tch, spit and banter with the best of you,

but it's nice to switch off sometimes.

You see, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I'm open and honest, if I feel something, I'll say it.

I'm not afraid of ridicule or scorn, we have thick skins up here.

Of course this is not aimed at all the forum members who have furnished me with their wisdom, but those who mock.

I shall continue with my, rather wordy, 'style'. If you you don't like it,

treat me as a TV program, your mouse a remote control and simply turn me off.

But if you don't mind reading a couple of minutes of my meanderings, thank you for your time! :giggle:

Edited by middleageman
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Your 'style', as you refer to it, is neither informative, effective nor poignant. It merely serves in boosting your perception of how you are viewed by others. Your comment above is not so much a discussion of any real issue, but a tool for fementing belief in oneself; take the phrase 'I wear my heart on my sleeve', an addition which has very few cannotations relating to the issue itself. Moreover, you boldly exclaim that this is a forum, whereby it is a place for discussion, however disagreement is surely a vital part of any discussion? Granted it cannot be acheived through childish means, however your disability to accept any disagreement was evident from your disregard of the issues I elevated in my initial post.

Everyone likes a good talk you see!

P.S If you don't like it don't read it, however I fear it may be too late!

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Thank you, a welcome and shortly considered reply.

You've used some nice big words there. ( but may want to use a dictionary as the 'spellchecker' ain't all that. :-

Oops! :$ I see you've already dragged me down to your lower level of response. Clever boy. ;):D

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Good to hear you praising the forum Middleageman! There's a lot of good about this place and the many talented and helpful riders on it!

It seems that your verbose posts have irritated some people. I guess people want to talk about Bikes/Trials and get annoyed having to read alot of text. I think I've been guilty of writing the odd essay in the past!

Nevertheless, there's plenty to unite us all, so I hope you continue to enjoy it on TF and be patience with us grumpy ones!


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Thank you, a welcome and shortly considered reply.

You've used some nice big words there. ( but may want to use a dictionary as the 'spellchecker' ain't all that. :-

Oops! :$ I see you've already dragged me down to your lower level of response. Clever boy. ;):D

PS. aren't you just an elaborately, eloquenty phrased p*ss taker all the same, your seem to be wearing the same dress?

What do you mean an 'eloquently phrased piss taker' I merely wear my 'heart on my sleeve', I believe everyone has the right to a view. It doesn't matter what dribble I come out with we should all look at it in a completely positive way and value the comments emormously, isn't that the way forward?! Besides I'm dissapointed you took the time to read it, to coin your phrase, just 'switch the channel' if you don't like it!

P.S also attack the arguement not the writer, it's far more effective.

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Wow, it's gettin' hot in here!

Ok, Phil H, I've retracted the last part of my post. I apologise.

I think I was veiwing your replies as some I have received before, as in (as you had suggested of mine),a non constructive,

pointless, dissection of how I write posts, but not the sentiments behind them. You might as well have called me some names.

Why not question what the forum is for? Or how newer members, who are finding their 'forum feet', are treated?

Is it to shoot down a 'Newbie' with an opinion?

Is it not to discuss, in depth if necessary, our thoughts on the forum/sport?

Why, if I write more than a simple 'Is that/does this' question antagonise people so?

Should I simply post: triallsfoorum- is it any good@ lol :turned:

I personally welcome any constructive criticism regarding my own use of the forum, as I am new.

I just wonder if anyone else receives such a response from an honest opinion?


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Wow, it's gettin' hot in here!

Ok, Phil H, I've retracted the last part of my post. I apologise.

I think I was veiwing your replies as some I have received before, as in (as you had suggested of mine),a non constructive,

pointless, dissection of how I write posts, but not the sentiments behind them. You might as well have called me some names.

Why not question what the forum is for? Or how newer members, who are finding their 'forum feet', are treated?

Is it to shoot down a 'Newbie' with an opinion?

Is it not to discuss, in depth if necessary, our thoughts on the forum/sport?

Why, if I write more than a simple 'Is that/does this' question antagonise people so?

Should I simply post: triallsfoorum- is it any good@ lol :turned:

I personally welcome any constructive criticism regarding my own use of the forum, as I am new.

I just wonder if anyone else receives such a response from an honest opinion?


Me personally i read your posts and i can't really take any of it in. It's like you're going out of your way to type out posts in that manor, i don't know why you're doing it, it's as if your writing an extremely formal letter. I think you need to take more care in putting spaces after commas, and write in full paragraphs rather than constantly hitting the enter key after every full stop. It seems like your typing in a way that's out of your depth too, half of what you say makes very little since if you read it out loud.

"I think I was veiwing your replies as some I have received before, as in (as you had suggested of mine),a non constructive,

pointless, dissection of how I write posts, but not the sentiments behind them."

What?! :huh:

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Yeah I would agree that perhaps you are trying to over intelectualise your posts. Really not what is required on this forum, usually toning down. Another point that JT raised which i want to talk about is the fact he said your posts were hard to read, I think that is due, in part, to the fact that they are laid out oddly due to you pressing enter after every full stop (as JT pointed out).

All in all, I like reading your posts. The things I pointed out can make it a bit of a challenge for me and I assume others but its nice to get a different view.

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I think youve come to the wrong place for help. you want somthing like observed trials.net, this forum has slid down the pan, you either get caught up on your spelling and grammer, or get told this or that has already being discussed, "use the search".

if it wasnt for chit chat i doubt alot of people would still be here.

We need rowly

"I think I was veiwing your replies as some I have received before, as in (as you had suggested of mine),a non constructive,

pointless, dissection of how I write posts, but not the sentiments behind them."

Edited by The Joker
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Thanks for your responses and advice. I'm pretty new to any forum posting so I wasn't really sure of the

'code of practice'! This thread has been quite an eye opener, to see how all this works and get a feel of peoples

personalities behind the names. I guess some of the things I write make a lot more sense after a couple of wines,

as sometimes even I wonder what I was on about! :S Oh, I think my sentences are a bit disjointed due to typing

longer ones in the 'posting box'. They look fine on a preview post, but then turn out weird!



Oh yeah, sort of back on topic, how did you feel when first joining the Forum, from a Newbie to full member?

How were you treated? How does it compare to now? How are Newbies treated?

I only ask because I have an 'outsiders' view and may see things differently.

Have attitudes changed over the years? :huh:

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Oh yeah, sort of back on topic, how did you feel when first joining the Forum, from a Newbie to full member?

How were you treated? How does it compare to now? How are Newbies treated?

I only ask because I have an 'outsiders' view and may see things differently.

Have attitudes changed over the years? :huh:

Heya dude, sorry I was a dick before, really was uncalled for and not at all needed.

I think the forum has changed a bit, even since I joined(late 07). It's hard to put my finger on, but it feels as though it's less like a close community.

"N00bs"(:P) are generally treated a lot worse than full members, maybe 'cause they refuse to use the search feature, or maybe because they ask what seem like obvious questions to full/more established members. But they do things differently- and this forum, like most others- don't accept that newbies do things differently!


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Thanks for your responses and advice. I'm pretty new to any forum posting so I wasn't really sure of the

'code of practice'! This thread has been quite an eye opener, to see how all this works and get a feel of peoples

personalities behind the names. I guess some of the things I write make a lot more sense after a couple of wines,

as sometimes even I wonder what I was on about! :S Oh, I think my sentences are a bit disjointed due to typing

longer ones in the 'posting box'. They look fine on a preview post, but then turn out weird!



Oh yeah, sort of back on topic, how did you feel when first joining the Forum, from a Newbie to full member?

How were you treated? How does it compare to now? How are Newbies treated?

I only ask because I have an 'outsiders' view and may see things differently.

Have attitudes changed over the years? :huh:

i started from the begining, theres me and a few outhers who have watched this place go dowwwwwn.

the old days were the best. there was no need for NMC or warning systems.

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"N00bs"(:P) are generally treated a lot worse than full members, maybe 'cause they refuse to use the search feature, or maybe because they ask what seem like obvious questions to full/more established members.

but by not using the search feature they give the opportunity for non-members to make decent posts and show they'd probably be worth making into a member, seems wierd but maybe members should be requied to stay out of nmc, or at least, they should be more likely to be warned for being dicks about using the search. 'cause most basic trials knowledge has been covered to death, or it seems that it has in the time period of me joining to now. hah i've been here over 3 years :S madness

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