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Aren't vegetables "living things" until you rip them brutally from the ground?

*~*~*~*~*HYPOCRISY FALSE ALERT*~*~*~*~*

Dont really see killing vegetables as murder, surprisingly enough!

The difference defines vegetables from animals before u ask

so you asked anyway...

animals feel pain, plants dont :blink:

Edited by Chandler
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Yes if carrots had a heart beat I severely doubt Id kill them!

they probably WOULD scream if u pulled them out the ground too haha

why do humans have canines..

why do men have nipples.. lol

Edited by Chandler
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i think shooting it in the face with a shotgun would be a pretty swift death too in fairness . . .

On topic though, i think lifes too short not to eat meat it is natural afterall, and its the only protein i get in my diet really.

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Unfortunatly Sam I disagree with this point, the cows, pigs and sheep on my farm are my property, We bought then, we insure them etc, and can do with them what we wish, whether that be to breed them to maintain a good herd/flock or rear them to be sold into the meat trade.


getting butchers to kill animals for you to eat, is about as justified as hiring a hitman to kill someone

Murdering animals should become illegal...."killing humanely" is a contradiction in terms

Tell me this then, if you were going to be killed, would you rather be stunned/shot or ripped to pieces, i know for a fact i would rather be stunned/shot than ripped to pieces, It may not be "humane" but it realy is the best way. What about halal meat, all they do is drag the animal into a shed and slit its throat and let it bleed to death, not exactly nice is it!

But it would have been better for the world if there would have never been any humans, and the whole system of life would have carried on in a more natural way.

I very much doubt that, if humans did not evolve the way we did then another animal would have evolved to be the dominant species and it would be pretty much the same, there will always be a dominant species.....


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why do humans have canines..

why do men have nipples.. lol

All humans begin life in the womb as females. If no Y chromosome is present in the foetus, then the embryo will continue to develop as and be born as a female. If there is a Y chromosome present in the embryo, the male sex hormone testosterone restricts the full development of breasts to just nipples, the labia fuse to become the scrotum and clitoris develops fully to become a penis. If the Y chromosome prevails in producing a male, this is not done without a fight. Male babies are weaker as a result than female ones, accounting for the slightly higher death rate in male babies.

I'll ask again - Why do humans have canines?

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getting butchers to kill animals for you to eat, is about as justified as hiring a hitman to kill someone

Murdering animals should become illegal...."killing humanely" is a contradiction in terms

We all need to eat, not all of us require the services of a hitman. I accept we could all live as vegetable botherers to save the animals, we could all live in mud huts to save the planet, and we could all kill ourselves to save the poor defenceless oxygen we breathe, but personally I don't think extremism in any form is acceptable so I shan't be topping myself any time soon.

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my auntie and uncle keep sheep to eat....they are a small flock, about 10 sheep and they have acres and acres of land to have fun in. They seem rather happy.

I LOVE meat! My fave is pork. Its natural for humans to eat meat, Chimps eat meat too. the people who get clogged hearts are just the people who eat too much saturated fat and don't exercise. If you eat a nice lean bit of meat or white meat like chicken or fish then its very good for you, especially combined with veg and exercise (which you will have the energy to do from the protene in the meat).

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True, but surely a quick, painless as possible death is more humane than shooting it in the face with a 12 bore?

i think shooting it in the face with a shotgun would be a pretty swift death too in fairness . . .

On topic though, i think lifes too short not to eat meat it is natural afterall, and its the only protein i get in my diet really.

I don't think i've laughed so much for a while.

Thank you Marvin and Caleb for lighting up my day. :giggle:

Now i'm smiling again i feel i can post here.

I don't disagree with vegetarianism or veganism but alot of vegans and vegeterians try to force thier ideas onto others. I can see why someone would find murdering (As they see it.) an animal wrong, but there is no need to say because i think this is wrong it is automatically the law and everyone must do as i say, thats the only thing i object to. Before anyone explodes at me i'm not saying this is true about all vegeterians/ vegans.

Theres one point i think alot of people don't think about, these animals are bread for food, they're fed and bred to have as much flesh on them as possiable thier not bred to grow old, if you see rescued battery animals many end up with arthritis and other joint problems, this means that humane killing is acctually more humane than allowing these animals to die in pain.

I know not everyone will agree with me but i thought its something to think about.

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Animals kill each other to eat, so why shouldn't we :ermm: People saying eating meat isn't natural are talking bullshit, it's the food chain. I'm sure you wouldn't be die hard veggies if you didn't live in a world with such a massive scale of choice of food and ways of cooking.

For the record, i'm actually a veggie. Well, I should probably say i eat fish before the die hard among you shoot me down and ban me from the club. The reason i don't eat meat is just cos it feels wrong, it's partly a taste thing (with some meats but i've definately eaten others by accident and enjoyed it till i realised haha) but also i just don't like the feeling of eating meat. Seems like some, almost instinctive, thing in me (and me in particular rather humans) that just makes me not want to eat it, i have no idea how to explain it.

At the end of the day, everyone feels good if they're an activist about something. You could be an activist about so many things that you would never stop; the farming for those vegetables creates soil erosion and ruins natural habitats, pollution, global warming, your nike trainers, blah blah blah. Some people just choose to be activists about other people eating meat, when there's probably 101 other things that deserve your activism just as much, don't anyone think it makes them special or any different to anyone else because they dont eat meat.

Oh and...

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Yes if carrots had a heart beat I severely doubt Id kill them!

they probably WOULD scream if u pulled them out the ground too haha

why do humans have canines..

why do men have nipples.. lol

I think a more pertinent question is would you rather drive an animal round a wall of death in a sidecar or have it slaughtered for meat?


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