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I don't wear mine on local riding, mainly because none of it is big stuff, and I've ridden it all to death anyway! Not really an excuse, but it's my choice... blah blah. I usually take it with me though, if I find something big/new to try...

Wear it at new places too.

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I wouldn't say people don't wear them anymore. Having been away from the scene for a while, I would say that far more people wear a lid now than they did in 2004ish. On the London ride a few weeks ago I reckon I only spotted five or six people who weren't wearing one.

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When i did ride previously, I found that wearing a helmet was well worth it, even on small stuff it helped boost my confidence and helped me to commit to things, I nearly always wore it, even locally, or pissing around with a couple of pallets....

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On the London ride a few weeks ago I reckon I only spotted five or six people who weren't wearing one.

I would've been one of them, I couldn't find my one before we left! Was sat in the Mini in the garage. >_<

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Its just one of those things I do without thinking. I never wore one until I fell off a pallet in the wet cracking my head on it, and then days later ruptured my spleen, so when i started riding again I invested in a giro xen, still have the same lid now, (like 3 years later) Now i just wear it out of habit, it doesn't help my confidence but I just feel a bit naked riding without it. Its got 3 cracks and 1 snap so would do f**k all to protect my head in reality but I like it... its pink.

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I wear my helmet all the time when I go for a ride, not around the back lawn because its grass. And when I try anything new.

I fell off my bike doing a massive jump and hit my head and got concusion, if I didnt have it on I would be cabbage as!

haha, I answerd my own question!

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I find it impossible to try hard stuff without my helmet, I've known two people have major accidents through hitting their heads coming off bikes, one didn't have a helmet on and died, the other was in intensive care for 2 months!

I know that was on road bikes, but you'll hit your head just as hard coming backwards off a wall.

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When i did ride previously, I found that wearing a helmet was well worth it, even on small stuff it helped boost my confidence and helped me to commit to things, I nearly always wore it, even locally, or pissing around with a couple of pallets....

+1 but now i wear it all the time!

Haha, same. I packed minutes before leaving for the airport.

you wasent wearing it when you were brushing your teeth though was you ?? lmao

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Are you wearing one in your avatar? lol

I love wearing mine, even if it does give me a spotty fore heed if I wear it all day and get sweaty. lol

i didnt have a lid then got one before london but since then i always wear it riding

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