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I really must be an abnormal rider because when i sidehop i always side hop to the right. I just cannot go to the left. In most videos, the riders are left foot foward. However i can only ride with my right foot foward. When i try with my left i just fall off :$.

Is there a certain technique to hopping to the left?


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The technique is no different, it just feels odd. You want to try it on really small things, just so it feels more normal, and then you can work on height. Some people on here can sidehop to both sides, but even now they think sidehopping to the other side, whichever it is, feels wrong.

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hang on are you saying you think that everyone rides with there left foot forwards?

That's how I read it, too....

If you do - they don't.

I ride right-foot forward, and until a few days ago, sidehopped to the right too.

I seem to be "ambi-hopstrous", and can get as high to the left as the right. Feels equally comfy, too.

(this wasn't a conscious effort, as I hardly do them. It just sort'f happened :P)

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it depends because when a right foot forward rider side hops to the right if u look at there foot it is dead close to the object.whereas if they hop to the left they have got more room in between the bike and the object.

hope this has helped.

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I never meant that every one is left foot fowards. Just seamed to be the majority. I cant even back hop with my left foot fowards, its just so un natural.

I don't think it's common for riders to be able to ride with both feet forward, most riders prefer either the right or the left foot. And if you want to practise sidehopping to the right, stick with your right foot forward, I'd say :)

Edited by staphan
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its just so un natural.

Im the same as you, right foot foward and only that way.

I cant even ballance left foot foward its too un natural.

But its all down to practice, its just like when you first start learning to balance, you can only do it for a few seconds, but over time you get better and better.

just keep practicing it to you get it.

Edited by Bol Maaaaaaing
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I never meant that every one is left foot fowards. Just seamed to be the majority. I cant even back hop with my left foot fowards, its just so un natural.

Have you watched Vincent, Gilles & giacomo coustellier, Kenny Belaey, Dani Comas? They're the best all right foot foward :)

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I still sidehop the retarded "wrong foot way" just don't have the determination to change feet, I can do over the average bar height comfortably and never feels like it hinders my riding too much, I don't want to do big gay tucks anyway so try to stay fairly straight. Remember that neil tunnicliffe sidehops the wrong way :P

Indeed, I still agree with myself of course :P

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God trials chat is becomming a funny place!!!

I never meant that every one is left foot fowards. Just seamed to be the majority. I cant even back hop with my left foot fowards, its just so un natural.

To be honest, if you're learning still, I wouldn't even try riding with your bad foot forward, you might as well master all the basics first before you go and confuse yourself.

i ride left footed but sidehop to the right does that make me a wierdo?

No, read the thread. As explained, that's 100% normal.

There is no right or wrong way to do anything :S

Dont be silly, there clearly is.

If you ride right foot forward, the natural direction to sidehop is to the left, and the other way round.

People who go the other way are wrong. it's that simple. they may well be able to do a fair height, but it's still unnatural, and before anyone comes out with any 'neil tunnicliffe does it that way' crap, he may well do. there are always exceptions to the rules. Neils been riding for about a thousand years, before people realised how much easier sidehops were with the correct footing.

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Dont be silly, there clearly is.

I never clip my pedal or anything like that ever and I don't like getting too close to the wall anyway.

Youtube Video ->
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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That's the way I sidehop too. I reckon if you like to spin clockwise (Viewed from above) and trackstand left foot forwards you find it more natural to sidehop left. I try both methods though, more because being able to sidehop both ways is better than only one way regardless of which way you happen to prefer - still not really breaking 30" in either direction though, but can do 27" ish in either direction (On a good day :P). Not having the nerve to commit to higher stuff is holding me back a lot more than my technique though... Still can't spin anticlockwise to save my life...

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