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Fat Mike Europe. Hd Video !


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I'd love to go on a trip like that myself but to make the most of it and not just turn it into a waste of money, you have to be a pretty good rider :(

No no no, you couldn't be more wrong! The whole point of a trip like that is to go explore new places, meet new people, have a laugh with some great friends, enjoy whatever riding you're doing, and learn a lot in the process. :) Pretty much all the spots we rode (especially places like buthiers and sabadell) have such a mixture of riding that it can cater for almost anyone.

I'm glad people enjoy the video, but by god it's a million times more fun going out and making it. :wink2:

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I always considered Mike just to be one of those better than average riders who have been riding for ages but after watching that I'm amazed. He's got some serious, almost pro skills.

I remember seeing Mike at Bracken rocks a few years ago, riding with Aust (whatever happened to him?), when he was just starting out. I'm more or less at the same level I was back then (riding once a week if I'm lucky just isn't enough!), and can't believe the level that Mike's at now! Props.

there hasn't been a video made of this quality in a long time amazing :)


EDIT: that fall on the sea defences in Barcelona (?) looked brutal!

Edited by Ben Swales
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Brilliant! Always love watching Mike ride. For want of a better phrase it always seems to be fully 'balls out'! Looks like you had a really good trip too- I really ought to make the effort to do something like that but between being rubbish at finding time and being a bit lazy I dunno if it'll ever happen...

Anyhoo, awesome vid! :D

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Sexy Max managed to punch a lump of concrete at the Pau trials park (no footage from there sadly), so he couldn't ride that much this trip. :( Still on top form with the camera and the riding he did do though!

Moose, the natural spot in part 2 was Buthiers france, and the large concrete blocks in Barcelona. Not seen Ot Pi Dream in a long time so can't remember if they're in there..

Cheers chaps

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This is the best vid i've ever seen

such a quality and riding skill.

it s like skate videos: travelling, doing crasy stuff ( 00:35 part 1,...) and in the end make a incredible video

it s just terrible! =)

hope to ride soon with you mike


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Good stuff lads :) natural bit was awesome, really want to go there at some point next year. What was the tune from part two?

Part 1 Frou Frou - The dumbing down of love

Part 2 Explosions in the sky - Memorial

awesome! ridign was awesome, edit was awesome, imogen heap was awesome, atmosphere was awesome! loved it :)

Thank you very much.

Thanks for all the comments so far chaps :)

Edited by max-t
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Loved the vids, 1st one seemed better but could be because the music fitted the atmosphere so well. Makes me want to get back riding alothough that won't be happening for a while. Awesome riding in them, fair play Mike. The rail line was one that stuck in my head although it was all good.

Good to see you remember to fall off now and again as well, looked like it could have been a lot worse.

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Epic trip and video there.

Is there suposed to be a load of black screen at the end of both of them? Or am I missing out on some of the video

No, I don't know what happened there :S .

No more comments? :( critisisms, anything?

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