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The A-levels Shitting Yourself Thread.


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Get the results tommorow which will basically effect the outcome of my whole life, which is a bit of a scary thought! If I do averagly well I can go on to Portsmouth University to study maths, if not I can try an come a manager at Sainsburys (jokes)! So wierd how a few tests can map your future, but yea kinda shitting it about tommorow (not going to lose any sleep over it though) find out if im in uni at 8am and pick up my results at 10.

Anyone in the same boat, GOOD LUCK!

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Thought I'd drop in and represent the BTEC massive! Just got my results, DDD, which is 360 UCAS points.

My course was a piece of piss aswell, best thing I ever did was dropping out of sixth form.

Best of luck to all you hard workers. (Mike you better pass this time... :P)

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Yeh I got mine too, just thought I best wind Mike up, he's been slaving like mad this year. :lol:

EDIT: Just got my unconditional yesterday, I'm off to study Web Info Systems + Services in just over a month. :o

Edited by Muel
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However, because I've also got a-levels, I'm still in uni. I haven't sorted my finances out yet though. Is anyone else in the same boat? :unsure:

Get on it like, today man. Otherwise they wont arrive till part way through the first year or after the first term or something and you'll be skint for all the freshers goodness :P

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Good luck to everyone waiting on their A-level results!

I finished my BTEC National Diploma in Construction with a final grade of MMM, would have liked better but I didn't put in the work to catch up after joining the course 2 months late! Luckily it's enough to get me into uni for Building Surveying :)

Still waiting on some sort of confirmation about my student finance and my enrolment at LJMU :blink:

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Whut? I thought you said you were on for MMM/DMM?

Yeah, I did.

Obviously not!

Get on it like, today man. Otherwise they wont arrive till part way through the first year or after the first term or something and you'll be skint for all the freshers goodness :P

I am stepping up the pace.

My course starts in october though :shifty:

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Get the results tommorow which will basically effect the outcome of my whole life, which is a bit of a scary thought!

Not really..

You dont know what life will bring you. I certainly didnt see myself where i am 6/7 years ago when i left school with 8 b-c gcse's.

Dont fret if you do shit. More to life than school grades.

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Excuse my ignorance but what the f**k is an MPP, MMM or DMM? What the f**k happened to A's, B's, C's etc? What the f**k does that mean? Has everyone gone f**kin' nuts? What the f**k happened to that guy's head?

In BTECs, you get a triple mark of Pass, Merit, or Distinction.

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Not really..

Yea really lol, if i get these grade the next 3 years of my life will be studying advanced mathmatics, and if I don't I'll never have to look at any equations for the rest of my life.

To make Dave feel better I need 240 UCAS points, the points scheme breaks down like this

A - 120

B - 100

C- 80

D - 60

E - 40

U- 0

I have a D in AS chem, which is half points so thats 30 points, and I did 4 A-levels, Genral Studys (which for my Uni counts as half UCAS points for whatever your grade is) And then Psycology, Business Studies and Mathmatics. Which I'm predicted ABB in so should be reet :S nothings ever guarenteed though because I've already passed business and sike, but had only done 3 of my maths modules, so i had to do 3 of them in the summer which was pretty intense.

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Considering the way A level and GCSE pass grades have been improving in recent years, I don't reckon there's much any of you have to worry about... I'm guessing 102% of candidates will receive an A*-C grade this year. :-

Edit: Followed closely by a marking scandal in which a 5 year old who's watched the Simpsons points out that it's impossible for more than 100% of candidates to pass at which point the universe may implode.

Edit 2: Ok, so what do you have to do to get a 'U' grade? Is that if you only write your name on the paper but spell it wrong?

Edit 3: Good luck peeps :P.

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I was sort've lucky with mine,

I knew I didn't want to go to UNI, so I got a job instead, until I know what I wanted to do,

It's good because I'm able to relax, My results aren't super mega hugely important,

But I'd like to not have wasted 2 years of my life.

Good luck to everyone, and hope everyone recieves what they deserve, for AS and A-levels, And for GCSE's next week.

At the end of the day you get what you put in,

You work you're ass off, you get rewarded,

If you don't, you go on the dole.

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na, you just have to remember your date of birth and first name i think... i think you get an E for remembering your second name

Shouldn't laugh but :giggle:.

did you do A-levels Dave? they aint' easy!

I'm Scottish so we don't do A-Levels. Our uni entrances were done on Highers at the time (proper Highers, none of this modular crap they do today) and I got 5 A's. So there :P.

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