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Halloween Costumes...


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So, it's approaching again...

I never bother with dressing up really, but I'm kind of feeling it this year. But I never do the cliché shit so I'm trying to think of something a little more unusual. I thought I'd share my ideas and maybe see what anyone else had going on?

  • Cot Death
  • My Dad (he's pretty freakin scary)
  • Gary Glitter and Maddie (gf as maddie, stolen idea from sicki)
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Rapist and Rape Victim (again including the gf obv)
  • Still birth

A lot of those would be fairly difficult to implement, but I don't mind that too much. I don't even care if it's a crap costume and I just get the shock value of telling all the vampires and ghosts what I am.. Meh. I'll probably just not bother again!

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Just do the same as me ?

Walk around looking like a f**king weirdo with an axe and a balaclava ?

Failing that I'm saying Garry Glitter, if your missus is a midget it should be pretty easy to impliment. Or failing that I know a little girl who basically looks just like Maddie' (except she's not dead...) that you can borrow. In fact, when Prawn saw her he pretty much whipped his phone out and 999'd there and then.


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I'm now thinking of something very sick and twisted on a personal level.

One guitar lead, wrapped round my neck. Use coat hanger or similar to make lead stand upright. Use some form of faded blue makeup to look unsmurfy but less alive.

Tada, I am my best friends suicide.

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I'm now thinking of something very sick and twisted on a personal level.

One guitar lead, wrapped round my neck. Use coat hanger or similar to make lead stand upright. Use some form of faded blue makeup to look unsmurfy but less alive.

Tada, I am my best friends suicide.

Did he manage to hang himself with a guitar jack ?

Thats pretty impressive to be honest, a friend of mine tried to hang himself with a reel of bailing twine and just ripped his throat open and f**ked up his jaw. But he was still hanging from the barn rafters for 24 hours whilst he waited for his parents to come home and get him down.

That woulda' been quite a shock...

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But he was still hanging from the barn rafters for 24 hours whilst he waited for his parents to come home and get him down.

Is it wrong I laughed at that? What the hell did he do to pass the time!? lol. And just the 'waited for his parents to come home and get him down' lol..."Ohhh, Johnnys tried to hang himself again, Mark, run and get the wire cutters. Oh Johnny, what are you like?"

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Is it wrong I laughed at that? What the hell did he do to pass the time!? lol. And just the 'waited for his parents to come home and get him down' lol..."Ohhh, Johnnys tried to hang himself again, Mark, run and get the wire cutters. Oh Johnny, what are you like?"


I found it quite funny too, I guess he was just shitting himself over his parents coming home haha.

They've moved to southern ireland to a new farm now, so he's probably topped himself by now. Haven't spoken to him for a while actually, might try sending him an email !

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So, it's approaching again...

I never bother with dressing up really, but I'm kind of feeling it this year. But I never do the cliché shit so I'm trying to think of something a little more unusual. I thought I'd share my ideas and maybe see what anyone else had going on?

  • Cot Death
  • My Dad (he's pretty freakin scary)
  • Gary Glitter and Maddie (gf as maddie, stolen idea from sicki)
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Rapist and Rape Victim (again including the gf obv)
  • Still birth

A lot of those would be fairly difficult to implement, but I don't mind that too much. I don't even care if it's a crap costume and I just get the shock value of telling all the vampires and ghosts what I am.. Meh. I'll probably just not bother again!

What about dressing up as Micheal Myers, and head down to your cinema for Rob Zombie's Halloween2 :lol: Edited by Rusevelt
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Theres a massive party In one of the bars on camp every year but some bastards decided to rent out the good one(Theres two, ones run as kind of a charity, 50p a glass of wine, double vodka and coke for a £1 etc whereas the other Run b y the Naafi which used to be a non profit organisation, not anymore though :( and is super expensive.. ) for his Birthday , think were gonna end up in the Expensive one :(

Might not dress up, don't want to go as something generic but then at the same time I lack the imagination to think of something unique.

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I saw one in america i was impressed with.

It was a plug socket, and a plug, and you plug is for the male, and plug socket is for the female.. so the Male slots into the female :).

Other than being 'shocking' (:giggle:), I don't see the relevance to halloween?

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