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Call Of Duty: Modern Warefare 2


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Irrational amounts of lag, leading in me using an irrational amount of rounds.

I've done everything microsoft suggest to do to my router.

Help anyone?

Its very random, sometimes it will happen mid way through a game and then clear its self up, others its through a whole game and sometimes when im very lucky i have none!

Help is very much appreciated.

Xbox BTW

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Irrational amounts of lag, leading in me using an irrational amount of rounds.

I've done everything microsoft suggest to do to my router.

Help anyone?

Its very random, sometimes it will happen mid way through a game and then clear its self up, others its through a whole game and sometimes when im very lucky i have none!

Help is very much appreciated.

Xbox BTW

Anyone in your house downloading?

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ffs I suck at this game :'(

I can get loads of kills, but always end up with nearly the same amount of deaths

Dont run out like a fanny, be defencive, that doesnt mean sit in a corner and wait for people to come past, pick a quater of the map, and defend it, try find a gun which matches your playing style, if you like to rush them use ninja pro and an smg, if you like to defend flags/bombs from miles away a sniper obviously, if you like to play defencivly use an assaut e.g scar, tar, acr, m16, m4, always take cover after you have taken a shot, dont stand out in the open, once youve killed someone MOVE, they WILL come back for payback, if your rubbish at getting high streaks use uav, carepackage and pred. Uav helps you and your team out 100%, espesh when rushing.

if you have xbox and want some more help, add me I SHIXX I, Im not exactly amazing, but i 95% of the time go possotive in my matches, with like 23 - 1 or 45 - 10, scores like that, highest streak is 31 and winning streak 33.

make sure you learn most common routes in maps aswell, go into a private match and play with a few mates till you know the maps 100%, you need to know all the camping spots, make your own routes and learn other common routes, will help alot ingame.

hope this helps abit, but these are pretty much the things what got me to an okay standard at this game.

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Haha, that sounds like proper serious talk for a video game :P

Still, it beats being headshot constantly, like when I played halo at my mate's a few years ago.

haha, well if your no good on xbox live you just get americans saying shit down the mic about tea, crumpets and cricket lmao.

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if your rubbish at getting high streaks use uav, carepackage and pred. Uav helps you and your team out 100%, espesh when rushing.

UAV (and counter UAV) is a waste of your killstreak. It doesn't benefit you any more than the rest of your team, and unless you've actually got a team plan, it doesn't help YOU much. I've got hardline on, and then Predator (4) / Harrier (6) / Pave-Low (8). Get 4 kills in a row (not too hard) then use the predator to get 1 or 2 more kills. Then harrier strike (should get you 2 more) then Pave-low gets at least 3-4 depending on the map. Sometimes 10+ if the other team are stupid. So all you have to do is get 4 kills and then hide out whilst your killstreaks do all the work. Eeeeasy.

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UAV (and counter UAV) is a waste of your killstreak. It doesn't benefit you any more than the rest of your team, and unless you've actually got a team plan, it doesn't help YOU much. I've got hardline on, and then Predator (4) / Harrier (6) / Pave-Low (8). Get 4 kills in a row (not too hard) then use the predator to get 1 or 2 more kills. Then harrier strike (should get you 2 more) then Pave-low gets at least 3-4 depending on the map. Sometimes 10+ if the other team are stupid. So all you have to do is get 4 kills and then hide out whilst your killstreaks do all the work. Eeeeasy.

Id say that was exactly the opposite of my opinion. UAV and (especially) counter UAV are the two most under rated killstreaks on the game. If I get both counter and normal UAV up then I will get more kills then a predator will get me, or generally anything until you hit Pavelow (and even then sometimes).

Here are a few tips I would give if you're looking to get better;

First of all, change your sensitivity. You'll be able to turn and kill people alot quicker with a higher sensitivity, the trade off is that small adjustments are made more difficult. So try and get used to a higher sensitivity. I play on 6, bearing in mind default is 2 I think. Thats a hell of a difference. At the end of the day, if you are comfortable with lower or higher then that, stick with it but I would say that the High setting should be a minimum.

Secondly, use the tactical button configuration. This makes your knife B (on xbox, circle I presume on PS3) and your crouch/prone on the right thumbstick click. Now im sure most people playing online have been killed by someone who jumped around a corner, went to prone and shot them. This makes doing that alot easier. Even if you only go to crouch whilst shooting, it still makes you a more difficult target to hit and having the crouch and aim on the same stick gives you that half a second advantage you need.

Thirdly, avoid weapons that are underpowered or simply just not good enough. Basically this might mean avoiding all the weapons you like, as thats what I had to learn back on COD 4 and the same applies here. The weapons generally used on the competitive circuit are UMP (generally either silenced or FMJ), M16 (holographic sight as there seems to be a glitch in the game which makes the M16 2x more accurate when shooting with the holo compared to the red dot sight), FAMAS, sometimes the ACR (which although slightly weak, is so accurate it makes up for it) and then your choice of sniper rifle.

On top of all that, Search and Destroy is probably the best game type to hone your skills. Yes you will struggle at first and I still do sometimes but it is so much more competitive and it will make you play so much better.

As for killstreaks, well that really depends on your chosen game type. Team Deathmatch I generally like to back myself and go for 7 - Harrier, 11 - Chopper Gunner and 25 - Nuke. Search and Destroy I use 3 - UAV, 4 - Counter UAV, 5 - Predator. Capture the flag I use 3 - UAV, 5 -Sentry Gun, 7 - Harrier (although I am generally a flag runner so I cant really go for big kill streaks). Demolition is the same as CTF.

Just as a general guide here are some example classes I use:

Search and Destroy

UMP - Silenced

M9 Handgun - Silenced



Sleight of Hand

Stopping Power


M16 - Holographic

M9 Handgun - Silenced



Sleight of Hand

Stopping Power


Capture the Flag


M9 Handgun - Silenced

Tactical Insertion





Generally the way I see it is if I dont have stopping power on, I have FMJ on. Stopping power works out as a 40% increase in power or something like that whereas FMJ is only 20% but having neither is such a massive drop that you will find you wont kill people in time.

For those of you looking to get competitive, you need to look up www.gamebattles.com and then have a look at www.decerto.net Mainly have a look at the rules they set out on decerto, as they set the standard for all COD events generally.

Anyway, enough of my geek talk :)

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UAV (and counter UAV) is a waste of your killstreak. It doesn't benefit you any more than the rest of your team, and unless you've actually got a team plan, it doesn't help YOU much. I've got hardline on, and then Predator (4) / Harrier (6) / Pave-Low (8). Get 4 kills in a row (not too hard) then use the predator to get 1 or 2 more kills. Then harrier strike (should get you 2 more) then Pave-low gets at least 3-4 depending on the map. Sometimes 10+ if the other team are stupid. So all you have to do is get 4 kills and then hide out whilst your killstreaks do all the work. Eeeeasy.

WHAT? how does something telling you on the map were everyone on the other team is, not help?

Id rather have stopping power pro over hardline, or light weight pro so i can change weapons quicker for faster ownageeeeee.

EDIT: and oh by the way, to the guy on about fjm, everyone says it increases your damage but it doesnt, it only increases damage through walls, so its not gonna make a difference unless your shooting though walls.

Edited by Mat Smith!!
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No, FMJ does increase damage trust me. It might not say it does but it does. A bit like how the holographic sight improves accuracy on the M16 even though on the stats all it increases is range.

it says it does, but it doesnt lol, it only does it on certain guns, the model 1887s with fmj + akimbo have the same range as they did before the patch, that doesnt increase the damage, its different to every gun, some guns it doesnt even make a difference, the game is so f**ked up you have no recoil with a holographic sight and then crazy recoil with a red dot on some guns, its stupid.

have you seen the glitched lobbies with speed hack and jump hack? ive been in a few on domination and they are SO annoying, also 2million xp per kill in some lobbies, i havent been in 1 of them yet and dont really want to, i dont want to be 10th prestiege within 10 kills, thats ridic.

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I agree, UAV is the original decent killstreak to get you going. Yeah it may not get you more than two kills, but it helps your team, in turn gives you more support so there's less chance of people killing you. Having a shit team is pretty much a guarantee you won't do as good as you normally do.

No, FMJ does increase damage trust me. It might not say it does but it does. A bit like how the holographic sight improves accuracy on the M16 even though on the stats all it increases is range.

I found FMJ also increases damage. I'm interested to try the M16 with Holographic.

I discovered a fun game style last night. Nothing new i know, but it adds some extra enjoyment. Normally i can't stay still, like being a sniper or rifle slow coach. But using Scavenger and Claymores i've just been laying as may Claymores as i can. Purposely avoiding possible kills for it.

As for killstreaks i just go with UAV, Precision Airstrike, Stealth Bomber. So 3,6,9. It's a nice all rounder. I can't be bothered with airdrops because it's pot luck, yeah i could get an AC130 or Chopper Gunner, but to be fair they ain't great either. AC130 is cool to begin with but it's overrated. I see so many people get only a few kills with them if any sometimes.

And one day i'll get a Nuke, but only once just to see what it's like, as are they actually worth getting? Like extra XP...

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