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In about 2 weeks time, I'm going to want to start freelance work again. Anyone know of anything going spare? Ideally looking for quick turn around stuff, need moneys fast. :P

Edited by Muel
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In about 2 weeks time, I'm going to want to start freelance work again. Anyone know of anything going spare? Ideally looking for quick turn around stuff, need moneys fast. :P

Try People Per Hour, it's a really good site for getting quick business in, if you can write a compelling pitch to people which addresses the actual need they've put in. I've used it a few times for some decent little bits of business.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's pretty damn nice but i think the text could do with a bit of kerning.

'Media' is a bit tight and the uneven gaps on 'cranked' are a bit distracting.

If it was me, i'd ditch the dotted stroke as i'm not sure it adds anything as it juxtaposes against the main shape and with it removed i think a more harmonious overall look would be achieved.

Just some constructive criticism, but feel free to tell me to shut my goddamn mouth.

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It's pretty damn nice but i think the text could do with a bit of kerning.

'Media' is a bit tight and the uneven gaps on 'cranked' are a bit distracting.

If it was me, i'd ditch the dotted stroke as i'm not sure it adds anything as it juxtaposes against the main shape and with it removed i think a more harmonious overall look would be achieved.

Just some constructive criticism, but feel free to tell me to shut my goddamn mouth.

The stroke does add to the "biking" feeling.

Try to scale the logo down really small, the typography should be readable at small sizes since the logo might be printed on small vouchers and such. The "media" bit and top "cm" bit will be just a blur.

But I do like it :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right people...

I'm not a designer, but I recently realised how shit my current logo is and had a decent idea for a new one. My business has changed a lot since the first logo was made and I didn't think it fitted me at all. Everything I do now is based around social media so I wanted to incorporate that into the logo, while keep it just to the letters of the name. I figured that by 'subtley' using iconic letters from the social networks I work with most (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin) then I would have a good statement.

Here's the old one for comparison sake:


And here's the new one:


I'm here for constructive criticism, so here's my first thoughts:

- Should I just drop the 'marketing'? I think the fifty6 on it's own looks good, but having the marketing there just kind of dilutes the use of the branded letters...

- If I keep the marketing, shall I change that t to the twitter t as well?

- I do think it's a vast improvement though...

If you have any thoughts then bear these in mind:

- The colours are here to stay

- The name is here to stay (well, the fifty6 bit is)

Edited by JD™
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This is illegal, you can't just copy peoples' branding for your own :/

It's not that subtle when the first thing I thought was 'That looks a lot like Twitter' before even reading you'd used their logo :(

Let's assume I'm not fussed about the legalities, just for arguments sake.

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Let's assume I'm not fussed about the legalities, just for arguments sake.

I personally think anyone who wants to be taken seriously should employ a logo designer. It's definitely worth the money; I do it and I am a designer (albeit web).

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I personally think anyone who wants to be taken seriously should employ a logo designer. It's definitely worth the money; I do it and I am a designer (albeit web).

I'm willing to bet I'm taken more seriously than I'm going to take your reply, then I'm going to wait for an answer to the questions I asked.

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It's not illegal to use the letter 't' from the commercially available 'Pico' typeface which is all that's been done here...

I need to have a good think to collate my thoughts. I understand the concept but i don't know if it diminishes you're own company to an extent, whereas a strong, independent image of your own could be more powerful. I'm thinking along the ideas of having 'everything connected' being social etc...this could be shown in other ways...there's a good article about the BBC iPlayer logo that explains my thoughts which i'll forward to you shortly. I've got a meeting in a couple of minutes so will do it after.

You can always come round sometime and we can work on it at the studio as i don't think i will be able to ride this weekend as i've snapped and/or sprained my wrist...

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It's not illegal to use the letter 't' from the commercially available 'Pico' typeface which is all that's been done here...

I need to have a good think to collate my thoughts. I understand the concept but i don't know if it diminishes you're own company to an extent, whereas a strong, independent image of your own could be more powerful. I'm thinking along the ideas of having 'everything connected' being social etc...this could be shown in other ways...there's a good article about the BBC iPlayer logo that explains my thoughts which i'll forward to you shortly. I've got a meeting in a couple of minutes so will do it after.

You can always come round sometime and we can work on it at the studio as i don't think i will be able to ride this weekend as i've snapped and/or sprained my wrist...

Cheers man, a lot has been circling through my head and I did try something with the concept of showing the connection side, but it didn't work at all.

I'd definitely be up for coming over and working in the studio if you're cool with that - not sure if I can this weekend unless it's a Friday evening/Saturday morning sort of deal but we can chat after your meeting - gimme a nudge on FB?

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I'm willing to bet I'm taken more seriously than I'm going to take your reply, then I'm going to wait for an answer to the questions I asked.

It was a serious answer; homemade logos look shit, as you've demonstrated here pretty well.

It's not illegal to use the letter 't' from the commercially available 'Pico' typeface which is all that's been done here...

Twitter modified the lowercase t which is the one being used here.

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Technically it's illegal to copy and paste parts of peoples logos, but I doubt very much that Twitter would give a flying f**k. I actually like the concept, but I think in practice it might get a bit too busy/unpolished, but I like the idea.

JD, I've done a little bit of logo design and I'm looking for work for the portfolio, how's about I try to fit in some time coming up with some concepts then you owe me a suckjob?

Definitely drop the marketing. Can the colours be fettled, even if they're kept roughly the same?

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It was a serious answer; homemade logos look shit, as you've demonstrated here pretty well.

Twitter modified the lowercase t which is the one being used here.

Thankyou for your constructive criticism :rolleyes:

And no, suggesting that I get a designer in isn't constructive. I clearly want to have a go and, with the kind help of people far better at this than me, come up with something that I can look at and say 'I did that'. I've done that with basically everything about this business, and that's why it's firing on all f**king cylinders. Cheers for your help.

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Thankyou for your constructive criticism :rolleyes:

And no, suggesting that I get a designer in isn't constructive. I clearly want to have a go and, with the kind help of people far better at this than me, come up with something that I can look at and say 'I did that'. I've done that with basically everything about this business, and that's why it's firing on all f**king cylinders. Cheers for your help.

It is constructive; I think that if you value your brand, and therefore its image, you should invest in it. I could have had a go at doing logos for myself but I know I'd not have done my 'brand' justice. My brand is worth more to me than the few hundred I've spent on branding it, and that should be the same for any business.

My reply was totally sincere and genuine, but you chose to not take it seriously…

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It is constructive; I think that if you value your brand, and therefore its image, you should invest in it. I could have had a go at doing logos for myself but I know I'd not have done my 'brand' justice. My brand is worth more to me than the few hundred I've spent on branding it, and that should be the same for any business.

My reply was totally sincere and genuine, but you chose to not take it seriously…

I by no means think you're trying to joke about it, I chose to disregard it because it's not the conversation I quite clearly put out.

This question was not 'I value brand identity in the way you do, so should I get a designer?' it was 'is logo a better than logo b?'. I dunno how that's so hard to get your head around, but try again. I know how much designers are, and I also know that I can get several to do it for free in return for a good word to one of my larger clients. I, however, believe in a more homegrown approach. Luckily for me, that filters out people who are too up their own arse to concentrate on the product and service instead of whether the kerning on my lettering is slightly off or my css is a bit messy.

Seriously, if you still don't get it, I don't care. But this is my product, my brand, my logo, my decision. If you don't have anything to say on the sheer mechanics of whether the logo is better than the old one (and if not, how to help myself to improve it) then feel free to stop making us both waste space in this thread...

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