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I Hate Chav's

stunt man t

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A lot of small spar type shops have CCTV that covers the area just outside the shop. That way when I'm buying a milkshake after a ride I can stand in the queue staring at my bike.

Will definitely do the front chainring trick though from now on...

Edited by konstant
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That happened to us here in France. We were riding with one of the french Elite Morgan Lavaux, the president of the trials association I am in and Thomas Francisco, BIU European champion sponsored by Koxx . We were riding on the Isle of Versailles in the town center of Nantes where there are awesome rocks and where you don't feel in town center because it is a protected area.

We left our bike down a section to check it out, butfrom the top of it, we could see three young people (15 16 years old) starting to take our bikes!

Morgan Lavaux is what you could call a truck driver (physically and psychologically, you don't want to make him angry). So he started running down the section, and so did we! We had to run after them for like 50 meters, and Morgan just jumped on the first one who had Thomas' bike (Koxx Black Sky). SO the dude fell off with Morgan shouting at him and ready to punch him in the face. I got Morgan's bike and My bike next because they started to slow down after what happened (Morgan was threatening them "If you keep going I'll make his jaws drop off!"

Morgan started to argue with the stupids cunst, and that day finished at hospital because we had to explain why one of the dude had his jaws broken and why the other had head-ache (his head hit the pavement!). Doctors and Police let us go (because they start knowing us with all the brake-noise)!!

Lucky us we still have our bikes but Thomas broke his on a comp exactly where Morgan jumped on the bike to make the dude fall off!

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Had my bike stolen 3 times, got it back everytime! Kicked one off, punched on in the chubby chase and shouted the others away, you really have to have your wits about you guys, never leave you bike anywhere, just take it into the shop with you!

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Or another way to stop people stealing it, or making them fall and hurt them selves is loosen your quick release (if you have one), loosen it all the way, so if somebody tries to steal it, your wheel falls off and well, so do they :P

Your probably thinking "my forks will get damaged if they fall, they will probably crack" - its better to have a broken bike than no bike at all, right? just save up/earn some money and buy cheap new forks untill you get money for some proper good ones, or get it welded. :)

Listen to him, he is a gansta and knows the ways of a chav.

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To save time if your TPA is working or if you have one, put it on full so the brake pads stick to rim and don't move.

hardly any chavs know what the little TPA does. So when they get on and try to ride bam they can't move LOL

Also stick ur bike upside down too saves loads of time. If you see them running with it then you obv can catch them =]

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I thought chavs died out :S anyways my trials bikes have never been robed when out side a shop, but its a diffrent story when the bike gets taken off you :( found the clown on it when I was walkin to college the next day and just said "if you dont want to get any trouble give the bike back, because alot of people know you robed it off me" and he gave it back and we got on with our lives :D. So glad you got your bike back Toby :D

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Or another way to stop people stealing it, or making them fall and hurt them selves is loosen your quick release (if you have one), loosen it all the way, so if somebody tries to steal it, your wheel falls off and well, so do they :P

Your probably thinking "my forks will get damaged if they fall, they will probably crack" - its better to have a broken bike than no bike at all, right? just save up/earn some money and buy cheap new forks untill you get money for some proper good ones, or get it welded. :)


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I always take my bike into shops where i go , must be wrong in head to leave them outside especially when you put so much time and money into them.

So do i.... i always take my bike with me and i have stock...so its big but 10kg aint that much to carry the....but usually to small shops they dont let you take it so i just ask for wat i want and i they could bringit to me outside ....i never lock my bike.... dont trust the lock and its not sohard to take off all the parts on my bike with 3 tools only :D

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If you are unlucky enough to see some chav riding off on your bike, forcing you to give chase, when you catch up with him, firmly grab the back wheel around the tyre and rim, the bike will instantly stop making the chav fall off in a really spazzy way as he is not expecting it. Its suprisingly easy to do as long as your fast and firm with the wheel (practice on yer mates :giggle: ) lifting the wheel a little as you grab. With the chav decked you can then proceed with jumping on his neck (Y)

Edited by casualjoe
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One guy I used to know put a small padlock on his chain so if it stolen when it was pedaled the chain would hit into the front or rear sprocket and hopfully they would flip over the bars lol.

Edited by Jake Beach
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Rather than sabotaging your own bikes, why don't you either get a lock, or get a mate?

Its not complicated really, don't leave your £600 bike outside a shop, while you are not...

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Why dont you just take your qr off, lol oh yer that wouldnt work beacuse cracked forks. 

MR2k9 you clearly have everything planned out. 

I wish i could be as bad as you. :bow:

Can i change my name to 'xixixi M0difiedquikxskopaxixix2k10 xixix'?

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Listen to him, he is a gansta and knows the ways of a chav.

Yeah, more people listen to me than you, because most of your post slag people off, you know if you dont have something good to say, don't say it. Maybe not all of my post are right, but at least i try rather than put people down and slag 'em off.

I think the TPA idea is a good one, but they might just carry the bike away.


Oh and by the way TROYston, most chavs are english, so theres more chance of you being one than me :P . Now please, leave me alone.

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