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Sidehops- Video Added Look Please And Tell Me What You Think :)


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Hey guys.

So basicaly, I have been practising sidehops and I'm getting really annoyed with something. I have been told there is a right and wrong way.

The right way being : When your foot you put forward is facing away from the object being sidehopped.

The wrong way being : when your foot forward is closest to the wall.

Now i think everybody is better on their wrong way as it feels alot better, but everybody says to me "do it the right way oh my god". They say doing it your wrong way means if you baiil you scrape your leg down the whole wall. So what is it guys, is sidehopping doing it whatever way you are better at it, or doing it your right way?

Also can somebody put some good tips on sidehopping and landing on 2 wheels, and doing it higher, i'm getting really annoyed as I can't do it well, only 2 and a half pallets on my "right side". But have only started sidehopping last week.



Edited by modifiedridah2k9
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start trying them away from your lead foot now while your actually learning this move its gunna be a lot harder to break the habbit if your so used to doing it 'the wrong way', basically the benifit behind it is that when you travel towards your lead foot when you come to suck the bike up underneath you to gain extra height its a lot more difficult to because your legs right in the way if your going away from your lead foot you have room to tuck and its miles easier and feels a lot more natural, as for extra heigh and better techniqe its just down to practice

and before evryone starts going on about nezza, hes just a mutant i'v never really seen anyone able to get over about 40" going the wrong way and thats where it starts getting harder to gain hight, iv managed to get miles higher cince i started doing them propper about a year ago

Edited by WIGAN ??
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Going away from your leading foot tends to make it easier for most people as it allows more room for your arse to sink, thus bringing the bike up higher when tucking.

It's by NO means the "right" way, though.

I used to, and just switched one day for no reason. It just suddenly made more sense to go the other way.

A great, if over-used example is Tunnicliffe. He's left foot forward, and sidehops to the left, and doesn't seem to struggle too much for height :Pa

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start trying them away from your lead foot now while your actually learning this move its gunna be a lot harder to break the habbit if your so used to doing it 'the wrong way', basically the benifit behind it is that when you travel towards your lead foot when you come to suck the bike up underneath you to gain extra height its a lot more difficult to because your legs right in the way if your going away from your lead foot you have room to tuck and its miles easier and feels a lot more natural, as for extra heigh and better techniqe its just down to practice

and before evryone starts going on about nezza, hes just a mutant i'v never really seen anyone able to get over about 40" going the wrong way and thats where it starts getting harder to gain hight, iv managed to get miles higher cince i started doing them propper about a year ago

Okay thanks mate.

I think I'll just keep doing it the right way , i will get used to it eventualy and "WIGAN ??" The "you cant get high on the wrong way" thing , thanks for that, I knew there was something that the right way made you better at ;)

What about tips on landing on 2 wheels as i seem to chicken out of that because im scared i'll bail and scratch my bike hard lol.

Thanks everybody for the replies ;)

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I learnt to go to the left, then forced myself to go to the right, and it felt wierd but once I got it, ended up being able to get a lot higher.

It's personal really, but I'd say you're better off trying to go to your uncomfortable side if possible.

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I learnt sidehops the 'wrong way' about 5-6 years ago, was never very good at them though (still no good at them now mind) and never got more than 5 blue pallets - 32.5". The reason I found it more comfortable going that way is from riding bmx, I would flick the back wheel over sideways using my back foot. Ive since been learning to go the 'right way' and Im slowly getting higher, still need to practise my technique though.

I can however sidehop both ways now to almost equal height, going the wrong way Im more comfortable putting a massive preload in so I can attain the height, Im not as comfy going the right way yet so have to rely more on technique than power.

In theory I should be able to sidehop to the moon because my bikes so light, however I stuggle to get past 36" either way, I think alot of it is in my head though :)

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i sidehop the wrong way aswell..

Makes me tuck more in the middle of the bike, and not besides the rear wheel..

I have to jump longer away from the obstacle..The right pedal hits the ledge more easly,,

if i dont make a sidehop on something slippery, its a chance of falling backwards.. Since the pedal you land on is in front of the middle , there is more weight at the rear..and you slip and fall :)

Try to learn how to do it the right way! the technique for high sidehops comes more naturally then! (because of the points above)

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Haha. I just read the rest of the thread. It's quite obvious I didn't before I posted :P

It's not impossible to go towards your good foot. Most people find it harder, so it's deffinately worth at least trying the "normal" way, but if it doesn't feel right - just stick it out.

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Haha. I just read the rest of the thread. It's quite obvious I didn't before I posted :P

It's not impossible to go towards your good foot. Most people find it harder, so it's deffinately worth at least trying the "normal" way, but if it doesn't feel right - just stick it out.

No i must of said something wrong, I sidehop my "right" way already, I just dont seem to be getting very high, and revolver that wasn't exactly helpfull :unsure: Sidehops are where its at Revolver :P

Edited by modifiedridah2k9
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I learnt sidehops the 'wrong way' about 5-6 years ago, was never very good at them though (still no good at them now mind) and never got more than 5 blue pallets - 32.5". The reason I found it more comfortable going that way is from riding bmx, I would flick the back wheel over sideways using my back foot. Ive since been learning to go the 'right way' and Im slowly getting higher, still need to practise my technique though.

I can however sidehop both ways now to almost equal height, going the wrong way Im more comfortable putting a massive preload in so I can attain the height, Im not as comfy going the right way yet so have to rely more on technique than power.

In theory I should be able to sidehop to the moon because my bikes so light, however I stuggle to get past 36" either way, I think alot of it is in my head though :)

Your bike IS the NICEST bike EVER. I could ride for days on that thing and never get bored or tired.

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you'd probably find it easier to learn the way your most comfortable with the when you get better you can start doing it the other way as you will know the technique....i'm experiencing the same problems as you accept i can't side hop :giggle:

hope this helps


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I'm glad you made this thread mate lol, I am having the exact same problem but i am determined to sidehop the "right" way though.

I think main reason i feel more comfy doing it the "wrong" way is because i can move the bike sideways that way but not so much the other way..

Anyway the threads been a great help to me too. :D

Good Luck with your sidehops. :)

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Definately start doing it the correct way while in the early stages of learning sidehops.

Try and keep your back straight and fairly upright on the setup and stay relaxed. Also try to slightly turn your body to face what your going on to( helps with the tuck!)

These are the things i concentate on and i'm up to 48" on a good day.

Edited by super
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