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What Trick Is This?


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Hello Peeps

I have started learning this trick at the moment, but I dont know what trick it is

I thought it was either a crank hop, side hop or a bunny hop please say if it is one of these or a different trick



Edited by F.N.G
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Oh actually, I looked again and it does look like you're using your cranks, my mistake :P

To improve it though I'd suggest not doing an endo, starting from a trackstand and kicking on the pedals to make an effort at going forward, rather then going up. Also it looks like you're having to put a lot of effort into the lift, give the cranks more of a kick and use your body to allow yourself to go up instead of you doing the majority of the lifting.

And for the sidehops, again, try just hopping a bit to the side from a trackstand, I wouldn't focus on the pedal stroke at first, just get a feel for moving it sideways then add the pedal kick when you've gotten pretty good at both of them.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense, hard to describe...

Edited by bikeperson45
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It may well help you to ride with someone who can physically show you the technique of the back hop and sidehop, they can then teach you and give you pointers to help you.

From your video I would say you are trying to do a back hop. I remember this was how my mates and I learnt.

By doing the endo this gives you the momentum to pull the bars up when the wheel comes down. The problem you have is that you are not pulling your back brake. You are just doing an endo then trying to pull the bars up and kick.

Try doing what your doing, only when your back wheel is in the air pull your back brake.

When you back wheel hits the ground pull up on the bars so you are now on the back wheel.

Now try and hop on the back wheel with the back brake on. Do this by pulling up on the bars with your arms and pulling up the back wheel with your feet gripping the pedals like they would during a bunny hop.

You will find that you naturally move backwards when hopping on the back wheel from an endo.

Once your confident with this, try kicking the pedals forwards when on the back wheel.

To do this, whilst hopping on the back wheel just as your about to do another hop, try and release the back brake and kick the pedals forward and pull the back brake after to catch yourself. This will allow you to move the bike forwards with a hop whilst on the rear wheel.

Once you get better and more confident, you can then try it without the endo.

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Why have all my topics been moved?

Probably because they were more applicable to the beginners section :)

Think i met you on a Bristol ride a month or so ago, you were on a red and white onza? You're obviously new to the sport but it looks like you're keen to learn and very hungry to progress. I think you need to focus on 1 particular thing at a time, get it nailed and then move on.

Watch this video, it's a bit of a classic, but the techniques used are spot on and as you nail one move to the next. Take your time, don't expect to be able to do everything in no time. That's the thing with trials, everyone is still learning new things. Just stick at it!


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Thanks, I thought I was getting no where

I've been doing trials on and off for 12/13 years and got back into it seriously recently. I can do the basic moves and some decent drops and I love doing 360 endos off walls but try as I might I just cannot get some of the basics dialled like hopping on the back wheel for as long as I like and pedal kicking/hopping forwards on the back wheel. We all know how frustrating it is but I try and do at least one new thing every day or do 1 thing well...get some satisfaction out of that.

I got on a picnic bench for the first time yesterday...loved it...realised I didn't know how to get down! :-)

Don't let it get you down and don't judge yourself by other people's standards!

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An endo followed by a stationary bunnyhop is what I'd describe it as. You don't seem to use the cranks, or hope sideways but bunnyhops normally go forward, while you're just going up.

i think that is what i would say endo follewed by a hop on the back wheele

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I've been doing trials on and off for 12/13 years and got back into it seriously recently. I can do the basic moves and some decent drops and I love doing 360 endos off walls but try as I might I just cannot get some of the basics dialled like hopping on the back wheel for as long as I like and pedal kicking/hopping forwards on the back wheel. We all know how frustrating it is but I try and do at least one new thing every day or do 1 thing well...get some satisfaction out of that.

I got on a picnic bench for the first time yesterday...loved it...realised I didn't know how to get down! :-)

Don't let it get you down and don't judge yourself by other people's standards!

:D thanks

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