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London Riots


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I don't know where they're coming from, but if you're saying these places are nice, then they're obviously coming from nearby that isn't quite so nice.

I agree with pretty much everything you're saying, I'm just giving you the theories behind why they are doing this. I'm not giving them excuses. A reason behind a certain type of behaviour isn't necessarily an excuse for it. I'm not saying they have a condition, it's more the conditions that create what they are.

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NO they're not paradise these areas - but i see them everyday and they're not ghettos like the people from them are making out.

I wouldn't want to live there, but unfortunately i have to live very near by, but i cycle through them every single day and it pisses me off for people to make out like they're living in a third world.

There is water, electricty, heating, street lighting and so on with shops and food all around. They're not beautiful, tbu there's everything you need. There's free libraries everywhere - 100's of museums and art galleries which are all free. If these people wanted education they'd go out and get it.

London is one of the best places to be with no money as there is so much on your doorstep which you can do at no cost. If you can't make use of these places which are given to you on a plate, then what hope is there really?

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But a lot of these feelings are relative, I've walked through London and seen more £100k+ cars in a day than I've ever seen in my home town, probably more than I've ever seen in Liverpool since I've lived there too. Again, not an excuse, I'm just saying, if you have a car that cost £1000, and you see some smug b*****d in a car worth more than you'd earn in 10 years, you could see how you might feel pretty gutted.

I know that they should be happy they have a car, but these people think they are owed something, because their entire life the government has supplied everything for them.

And they don't want an education, to want an education you need to be educated in the first place. And they had this chance taken away during their period of low control when they were easily led astray into the world of criminality.

Edited by MonsieurMonkey
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Yeah i see those cars everyday also, and my car isn't very good but i don't feel i'm entitled to anything. Just like at the moment i'm saving for a new bike frame, why bother when i could just grab it? Seeing people that have nicer, newer, better and more shiny stuff than you shouldn't spark feelings of agressions - a pang of jealousy is normal, but to destroy your own neighbour as a reaction to it.....it's just retarded.

Whenever i see exceptionally well off people (which i do everyday) i don't envy them, i just think they've made different decisions to me, and i'm very happy to be me, so i don't feel i should take their stuff away, and anyway that's no happening. This wasn't a robin hood moment. These people weren't robbing from the rich - they were f**king up cheap chicken shops - the sort of place the eat every night. What's the sense in that?

These people moan about having nothing, so there reaction to that is to destroy the very little they have......you don't need much of an education to know that shit ain't smart.

Plus a load of these dudes look up to Gansta superstars who follow the same path. Drug dealer in ghtetto....realease a song...rich ass mother f**ker in Beverly Hill's with nice cars. They don't go and attack them, they look up to these poeple. Why aren't they jealous of 50 pence? He's a rich ass mother f**ker. Why not burn his house down, cus he sure as eggs t'aint street.

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I agree, but we've lived completely different lives, in the same way you say that you have made different choices to those who are very rich. And again, I'm not saying that it is the direct cause, I'm saying it would have built up a level of resentment for everything around you. If you're on the bottom rung of the ladder and you see those on the top rung on a daily basis it must rub salt in the wound. Especially when, like you said, they look up to these gangsta superstars, they preach different values to the normal person who has earned. These people talk about shooting their rivals, not respecting them for achieving a similar level.

They resent the rich because they have what they want, but they have values of the street as it were. They are idiots as well, completely, but they chose not to have an education, there's not a lot we can do about it. There's gonna be flash points now and then when you have any society, for different reasons, it's a shame that in our current society that our flash points are over nothing.

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a woman's dropped frame bike

Just around the corner from me this. These scum bags will ride around on anything. We regularly see scrotes rinding around on £3000+ full susser bikes, looking in car windows to see if there is anything worth robbing. I've just finished boarding up my shop. :angry:

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Lewisham that got hit has plenty of good people in (i live on the border myself)...

I only went through Lewisham a couple of times but it always felt a bit sketchy to me. I was riding pretty much right outside the police station and the surrounding area and it felt pretty dicey even there, plus I've heard a few stories from BMXers I know about getting in shit there. Am I just being a pussy or is it actually alright?

EDIT: Be interesting to know how many of the people who are complaining that the police are being too lenient are also the ones complaining about kettling, and 'rough' treatment of protestors/marchers...

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The first official charge was given today to a guy who stole 2 t-shirts, he got 1 day sentence which he had already served in custody so got released. However rubbish it sounds it is actually great, it means charges are being given for the smallest of items, something perhaps that wouldnt even get taken to court if there was no riot involved. It is still yet to be shown what the larger sentences are to be but still. Also, Crown Courts opposed to Magistrates Courts are being used which is also promising as magistrates can only give a maximum of 6 months, and apparently this is the reason.

I fear we may have a problem if it comes to fighting the rioters however, I saw a video where people were "protecting their community" by attacking black people on a bus. Obviously I dont know the background, but yeah, thats where I see a problem arising.

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Also, Crown Courts opposed to Magistrates Courts are being used which is also promising as magistrates can only give a maximum of 6 months, and apparently this is the reason.

Every case has to start in Magistrates court, it will be because of the severity and the fact they are involved with the rioting that most will probably move onto Crown Court though.

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Every case has to start in Magistrates court, it will be because of the severity and the fact they are involved with the rioting that most will probably move onto Crown Court though.

Yeah I just re-read that my bad, they are sending most people there after because of the lengths.

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I only went through Lewisham a couple of times but it always felt a bit sketchy to me. I was riding pretty much right outside the police station and the surrounding area and it felt pretty dicey even there, plus I've heard a few stories from BMXers I know about getting in shit there. Am I just being a pussy or is it actually alright?

EDIT: Be interesting to know how many of the people who are complaining that the police are being too lenient are also the ones complaining about kettling, and 'rough' treatment of protestors/marchers...

Well Lewisham is the biggest borough in London so it's difficult to generalise. Lewisham town centre itself doesn't seem lovely and i wouldn't hang out there. Catford in Lewisham is horrid as our places close to that. I spent a night in Lewisham hospital after getting stabbed (i did it to myself - doh!) and that was a grim experience. The recption was behind chains and it felt shitty.

But there's places like Brockley, Telegraph Hill and New Cross Gate which really aren't bad. They are literally just in to Lewisham as you cross the border coming from the river. I used to live in Brockley which was fine on the hole (got my car window shot out once whilst driving) and now i live on Telegraph Hill which is closer to New Cross Gate and that's equally fine. It feels fairly safe - i mean Goldsmiths Uni is at the bottom of my road and that's full of rich white kids - i mean it was okay for Blur right... New Cross Gate itself seems okay - the nicer, working people seem to be growing in majority and it now seems perhaps it's even more white than black, which is a strak contrast to some years ago.

There is shit everywhere in London as you know, maybe i've got numb to it, as when i type this out i'm thinking, "f**k my car got shot at, and there's been a few times where i've shat it a bit" so maybe in contrast to the rest of the UK it's terrible, but on the whole i feel safe here (in this specific pocket) so i don't think it's too bad.

A lovely feeling was yesterday morning when cycling to work after the worst night of riots where i'd locked everything up and just hoped for the best..i was cycling to work through the areas where there'd been rioting and i was thinking "humanity is a disgrace, sometimes being a human sickens me etc...." being a bit down on things, then as i past a bus stop (where people we're waiting for a bus to go to work)and there was this gorgeous girl approaching and i caught her eye and she gave me the most beaming smile i'd ever seen and in that moment it reaffirmed the good and bad in everything and for a little while things didn't feel so bad.

I imagine over the years London will wear heavily on my heart until a point where i can take it no longer, but i think out of all the areas you could live, mine t'aint os bad. Look at Shoredictch and Hackney. Probably the most expensive and popular area for younger people wanting to live there as apparently it's trendy and i think that really is a shit place to live (whilst i do enjoy a lot of the events that go on there), and i certainly wouldn't want to move there.

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Yeah, I've been to Brockley and a few places like that and it seemed alright there. It was mainly the centre of Lewisham that was a bit shit-looking, but you can never really tell just from looking in London. When I first lived there I didn't really know where anything was, or the stories/myths/legends/rumours, so I'd just ride around and check it all out by 'feel'. As a result I used to just ride anywhere and not really care and it was fine, then I'd tell my friends where I'd been and they'd say "Whoa, I can't believe you went there, that place is sketchy!" I used to ride the Heygate estate before it totally closed 'cos the spots were pretty fun and I just didn't know it was that bad. It never really felt that intimidating or oppressive or anything because although there's sometimes groups of people hanging around there's so many ways in/out of it that it never really felt closed off. I've ridden estates over towards SW London near Ethelburga which were amazing to ride, but you could get totally sealed in there because they only have 1-2 ways in/out. In that sort of place I've always felt a bit edgey, but in general I feel more relaxed in some of the sketchier places near E&C and so on. From living in the E&C, near Old Kent Road, on Walworth Road, on East Street and so on I just didn't really find much of it was a problem because it was all gang orientated. Because people could see I wasn't in a gang and I was just riding I didn't get shit at any point apart from a few random opportunistic things like a group of kids trying to grab me off my bike when I was riding along talking on my phone (n00b).

It's all perspective though I guess. I sort of hit rock bottom and got used to living in a f**king shit area when I lived in East Street. Having a group of 3 8(ish) year old kids break into your kitchen and start f**king your food up was a bit of an eye opener, but yeah, just hearing conversations between kids and parents, from teenagers to teenagers and stuff like that was enlightening. They just treated me as an outsider the whole time I lived there so I never really got hassled, and the mix of spots nearby sort of made it possible to deal with. I'm not surprised that they all got amongst it with the riots though...

Every now and again I want to move back to London just because I know a lot of it really well, and I do enjoy being back there. I just hated the way that it wore me down in the end. When I first went there I always tried to be polite and courteous, but everyone being aggressive twats and generally treating each other like shit gradually made me start to do the same thing back to people after a while and I didn't really like the fact it had changed me that much.

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