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Is Trials Good Cardio?


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This may be an odd question, but as i'm getting my new bike very soon I would like to know if trials riding would actually be a decent enough trade for running/cycling at the gym.

Treadmills make my ankles and knees extremely painful after about half an hour, and the static bikes just don't really do it for me.

So if i instead went trials biking for around 5/6 hours a week, would it be a good replacement for aerobic training inside the gym?


Edited by Maladie
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Probably not so much street but natural definitely has some cardio built in!

When I did a competition last year I was struggling with my fitness so bad, 'cos you have to connect all the lines together none stop under a time limit whereas street basically you do a sidehop and rest for a few minutes.

Or you could just go normal bike riding? haha

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I suppose it is better than nothing but I find when I go out riding you are not constantly doing lines and pedaling.

Running/cycling machines keep your heart rate up whereas with trials, I feel, your heart rate rises and drops a fair bit in-between lines.

Have you thought about track or road cycling as a replacement for cycling at the gym?

Although you might find cycling machines boring they would be a much better replacement for treadmills as is it a 'closed loop' machine where you keep your feet planted. Also try a cross-trainer as you don't lift your feet which will reduce stress on knees/ankles, maybe rowing machine as well.

Edited by AndrewEH1
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Cheers for the replies guys,

road biking doesn't actually sound like a bad idea.. would have to buy a decent bike first though. :P

Yeah i see what you're saying about the heart rate, but that means it's kind'a like interval training, which is shit hot.

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you can make it a decent workout if you like, even with street?!

generally im out for 1-2 hours for most rides and will just beast it, can often be a better workout than the other stuff i do! (for reference, i am actually very fit, but still come back looking like ive just showered)

mainly because the adrenaline/enjoyment kicks in, and i often find that i pass the point i really should go home with being physically drained

Edited by chris4stars
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why do you have to buy a decent bike!?

a cheap and cheerful will also do the job. I got an ol' Peugeot road bike for a bottle of whisky, and its doing me the world of good.

I took the drop bars off it, singlespeeded it, and use it for riding to work. Its a blast and keeps me fit at the same time!

also like the odd stint into the countryside for a couple of hours on it!

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that means it's kind'a like interval training, which is shit hot.

interval training is one of the fastest ways I know of getting good cardio, its not about whether you do road biking, trials or running even its just about how you time your intervals and push yourself. If you go out and do trials solidly you will get much better than if you stand around assessing lines and chatting to people in between. Trials also has the benefit of providing pulse training that road biking doesn't.

Its not what you do but how you do it, I guess motivation is also important, so it may be down to which type of riding will make you leave the house excited to go out....

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I think trials is a great workout. Obviously if you stop for a fag every other line then it won't be so good but if you ride constantly, don't put your feet down between moves etc then it really works you.

I find with 'normal' exercise I get bored and there's not much to focus on other than how tired I feel whereas with trials I get carried away and soon realise I'm dripping with sweat and totally knackered.

For CV I guess you just need to keep working so you maitain a high heart rate. if you specifically want your ride to be more of a workout then try doing more endurance type riding like get up and down the same wall/rock constantly till your too tired to carry on. Maybe invest in a HR monitor watch so you can set a target HR etc.

I think it's good to mix things up though eg. do some swimming so you get more CV without putting stress on the joits like trials probably does.

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I think trials is a great workout. Obviously if you stop for a fag every other line then it won't be so good but if you ride constantly, don't put your feet down between moves etc then it really works you.

I find with 'normal' exercise I get bored and there's not much to focus on other than how tired I feel whereas with trials I get carried away and soon realise I'm dripping with sweat and totally knackered.

For CV I guess you just need to keep working so you maitain a high heart rate. if you specifically want your ride to be more of a workout then try doing more endurance type riding like get up and down the same wall/rock constantly till your too tired to carry on. Maybe invest in a HR monitor watch so you can set a target HR etc.

I think it's good to mix things up though eg. do some swimming so you get more CV without putting stress on the joits like trials probably does.

This is a great help mate, thank you :)

I will be stopping for a few fags though admittedly, but if i'm out for 1/2 hours riding, and i spend like 2/3 of the time actually doing moves, then i'm sure it's gonna' be beneficial.

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might just be me but my arms and hands yet give up long before i get to a point where I'm getting a cardio workout. Our pt guy told me not need to work constantly for at least twenty minutes to have an effective workout. Think someone mentioned it but x trainers are ideal. I had the same problems with treadmills and that worked great. The resistance you apply Will give you a better workout than a treadmill to, you can just pump your legs, pull with your arms or both so it's a big win, only thing that comes close is swimming otherwise!?

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might just be me but my arms and hands yet give up long before i get to a point where I'm getting a cardio workout. Our pt guy told me not need to work constantly for at least twenty minutes to have an effective workout. Think someone mentioned it but x trainers are ideal. I had the same problems with treadmills and that worked great. The resistance you apply Will give you a better workout than a treadmill to, you can just pump your legs, pull with your arms or both so it's a big win, only thing that comes close is swimming otherwise!?

Well i don't mind cross-trainers to be honest, i would just prefer to spend as little time as possible doing cardio in the gym, and focusing more on my core and upper body strength.

IMO, trials riding focuses on every part of the body, and will (possibly very slowly) get you in decent shape.

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Well i don't mind cross-trainers to be honest, i would just prefer to spend as little time as possible doing cardio in the gym, and focusing more on my core and upper body strength.

IMO, trials riding focuses on every part of the body, and will (possibly very slowly) get you in decent shape.

apologies for shocking punctuation, odd words and spelling. I'm using my phone and starting to think i need glasses!?

It's a pain but if you want to improve you have to put it in to take it out. I get bored on the x trainer but stick some tunes on and blow through half hour. Think someone else mentioned circuit training. I'm trying to get fit to get back on the run at work and made a circuit today of chest row, bicep curl, shoulder press, knee drag, shoulder raise, squat with weight bag, press up off a step trainer and an ab stretch to help my scars. Do that circuit three times with 15 reps on weights were the last rep is near to fatigue and it Will work.add a skipping station to keep cardio rate up but i designed this to strengthen the core as all movements should le carried out controlled, don't hurl weights, do everything slower and controlled whilst tensing your core in a strong stance and you Wont go wrong, I'm using this to recover from abdo surgery. Lots of low of low impact core work whilst you target key areas! Let me know if you want to know more in a Pm!

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IMO, trials riding focuses on every part of the body, and will (possibly very slowly) get you in decent shape.

youre near enough right there! youre arms are pushing/pulling forwards/backwards AND up/down....and will pretty much work your whole upper half....balance usually always works the core, and the leg workouts speak for themselves

part of the reason it can be a great workout is that youre doing short explosive bursts repeatedly, often in a plyometric way (where the muscle is working as it lengthens rather than shortens) and this is fantastic for your strength

you dont need to be riding the full time...if anything, studies show that the benefits of steady state cardio (just jogging/cycling at a steady pace for ages) are not nearly as effective as interval or intense short stop/start exercises (that work both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems)

done right,the results wont be all that slow either...especially when combined with a decent diet ;)

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youre near enough right there! youre arms are pushing/pulling forwards/backwards AND up/down....and will pretty much work your whole upper half....balance usually always works the core, and the leg workouts speak for themselves

part of the reason it can be a great workout is that youre doing short explosive bursts repeatedly, often in a plyometric way (where the muscle is working as it lengthens rather than shortens) and this is fantastic for your strength

you dont need to be riding the full time...if anything, studies show that the benefits of steady state cardio (just jogging/cycling at a steady pace for ages) are not nearly as effective as interval or intense short stop/start exercises (that work both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems)

done right,the results wont be all that slow either...especially when combined with a decent diet ;)

Some very good information there mate, cheers :)

I already knew about interval training being the best way to go, so doing trials to lose weight is sounding great!

My diet is good now ..but it wasn't 2 weeks ago :giggle:

apologies for shocking punctuation, odd words and spelling. I'm using my phone and starting to think i need glasses!?

It's a pain but if you want to improve you have to put it in to take it out. I get bored on the x trainer but stick some tunes on and blow through half hour. Think someone else mentioned circuit training. I'm trying to get fit to get back on the run at work and made a circuit today of chest row, bicep curl, shoulder press, knee drag, shoulder raise, squat with weight bag, press up off a step trainer and an ab stretch to help my scars. Do that circuit three times with 15 reps on weights were the last rep is near to fatigue and it Will work.add a skipping station to keep cardio rate up but i designed this to strengthen the core as all movements should le carried out controlled, don't hurl weights, do everything slower and controlled whilst tensing your core in a strong stance and you Wont go wrong, I'm using this to recover from abdo surgery. Lots of low of low impact core work whilst you target key areas! Let me know if you want to know more in a Pm!

This is great buddy, but i have a workout plan at my gym and it's working well for me right now. But if in a few months i'm not making any progress then i think i'll give this one a go! Thanks :)

Edited by Maladie
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