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Steady decline


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It's been a while, I used to buy all sorts of ghetto gear off this site and shoot the shit about riding the bikes with the dodgy looking saddles and that. Just getting back into trials again aafter dusting off the old megamo steed and thought i'd come on here find out the latest crack.

Seems trials forum is a lot quieter than it was say 5 years ago, I've done a search but can't seem to find owt. What has happened? Is trials in general less popular? have people gone to another place? I can't work it out maybe it's just a slow decline.

Much love to all by the way, keep doing your thing and I am really enjoying riding my bike again even though i am pretty rusty!

Also JT! i seem to owe you 90p

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ive paypal'd it to you and sent you a facebook message. seems i made a topic because i was 90p short on somethig and you sent it to me.

i always remember you used to be on and offline on msn messenger so often with that monkey popping up and my brother asking 'Who's pi?' because JT looked like the symbol in that font haha

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People still do this.

Not as often though, also this obsession for losing every last gram of weight. Discussing if you should cut the outer knobles off your tyres to save weight? I mean seriously, just ride your bikes, 10 grams is going to make no difference.

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Not as often though, also this obsession for losing every last gram of weight. Discussing if you should cut the outer knobles off your tyres to save weight? I mean seriously, just ride your bikes, 10 grams is going to make no difference.

Cutting tyre knobbles can give more grip and save weight if done correctly...

I bought an echo 24 cause I heard they rode nice and I thought they looked nice. Same with most of my bikes haha.

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Best way to lose weight, go for a shit before you ride. Or just get on and ride, cos its the best way

How does shitting make your bike lighter? Lighter bikes are easier to ride, if this wasn't true then world level riders would be riding Virgin Pendolinos.

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