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Time for a serious talk about cannabis!

Dave Anscombe

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I really can't be arsed to read this all, so sorry if this has already been said.

If you think that society is put off the research and use of cannabis as a prescription medicine because of it's reputation and illegal status, then why does every hospital stock Morphene?



The same applies, you say they're greedy and therefore hiding the truth from us to make a profit, when actually, if it's so brilliant, do you not thing they'd be the first to cash in on it? You said your self, it's easy to grow at home, which means its seriously easy to grow in a factory/plantation. Rebrand it, sell it for shit loads and know the average guy can't compete because it's illegal for them to grow the stuff. It's pretty much the definition of what drug companies do, but they've chosen not to in this case. If it worked sufficiently then they'd be using it to profit from it.

I don't deny that certain chemicals within cannabis could have health benefits, hell, I used some hemp based hand creme a few minutes ago, but I think if it was so brilliant, the drug manufacturers would have cashed in on it by now.

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You've missed my point. What I'm saying is that regardless of its legal status, if it works to cure life threatening diseases then they would be able to make a lot of money by selling it, especially so while it's illegal, so why aren't they cashing in and doing that? I'm with you, I think they're selfish greedy twats too, that's why I think this whole argument is it's own answer, if it worked they wouldn't be fighting it behind the scenes like you're saying they are, they'd be joining in at blink of an eye and exploiting it.

Saying 'people could cure themselves' is like saying no-one would buy pain-killers if they legalized opiates because they could grow their own poppies. It's just not that simple. If I got ill, and was told it could be cured by a drug, and I had 2 choices, 1) Buy the drug using money I've earned doing things I'm good at, or 2) buy some UV lights and spend ages trying to grow the stuff, then even longer processing it, all the while getting sicker. I'm pretty sure I'd buy the stuff, as would 99.9% of other people, who aren't gardeners or chemists. That's pretty much the whole idea of having a currency surely? Same reason we gave a nice man some money for a pick-up truck full of logs to burn this winter rather than going into the woods and chopping down a tree, it's just easier.

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All im doing is making people aware of the bennefits of cannabis!

Im not exactly saying.Oi you lot go grow weed so you can heal.....Im simply saying theres a much higher chance of full recovery using cannabis over things like chemo and prescription drugs !

All im doing is making people aware of things .

its up to you what you do with the information :)

The rason its not being used is because

They want to keep you ill-and continue to make money off you !

if they used cannabis-you wont be ill and wont need more medical treatment! think about it guys :)

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Y'know how I said about the way you go all normal for a bit then come back even crazier than before?

Erm... ;)

I'm not going to give any opinion on this, so I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing, just thought I'd chime in to say you do give me a good giggle Dave.

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So, let's say that cannabis oil DOES cure cancer.

A quick Google search provided me with about 5-6 different ways of making cannabis oil suitable to 'cure cancer' from some cannabis.

Cannabis - as I'm sure you're aware - is fairly easily obtainable for anyone.

The combination of an easy method of creating the oil from an easily obtainable substance means that, if you found yourself suffering from cancer, it wouldn't be difficult to 'cure yourself' simply by contacting your friendly neighbourhood dealer then following some instructions from the internet.

The thing I don't understand, and which therefore makes me find it hard to believe all the stuff you're posting (especially bearing in mind your past, in which you've openly admitted believing and disseminating a load of fairly groundless conspiratorial bullshit :P), is that if I was suffering from cancer and simply getting my friend's dealer to sell me a load of cannabis to 'cure myself' was all I needed to do, why wouldn't more people be doing it now? A friend of mine who smoked a shitload of weed got cancer, yet he chose to follow the conventional treatment and eventually was actually cured. Similarly, if someone had cancer and found out about that method being possible to save themselves so easily, I don't think they'd let the possible repercussions of the law stop them? Bearing in mind the desperate lengths some people go to to try and cure their cancer, I don't think the possible slap on the wrist from a policeman would stop them trying that.

Lastly, you're posting this on a forum of people who, from their posts, all seem to be fairly healthy: If you genuinely believed in the benefits of this, and the truthfulness of that 'cure your own cancer*' website, why are you wasting your time here? There are thousands of support group type messageboards out there with people actually suffering from cancer - why aren't you there, telling them about it?

*Something about that website that also undermines it's credibility from my point of view is the way that they appear to be fairly into Christianity, and repeatedly reference thanking God and God 'blessing you'. I don't have anything against people being religious, per se, but when people are offering out 'Science' and claiming that 'Chemo kills', but then dropping in references to God in and amongst it it doesn't really make sense to me...

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So, let's say that cannabis oil DOES cure cancer.

A quick Google search provided me with about 5-6 different ways of making cannabis oil suitable to 'cure cancer' from some cannabis.

Cannabis - as I'm sure you're aware - is fairly easily obtainable for anyone.

The combination of an easy method of creating the oil from an easily obtainable substance means that, if you found yourself suffering from cancer, it wouldn't be difficult to 'cure yourself' simply by contacting your friendly neighbourhood dealer then following some instructions from the internet.

The thing I don't understand, and which therefore makes me find it hard to believe all the stuff you're posting (especially bearing in mind your past, in which you've openly admitted believing and disseminating a load of fairly groundless conspiratorial bullshit :P), is that if I was suffering from cancer and simply getting my friend's dealer to sell me a load of cannabis to 'cure myself' was all I needed to do, why wouldn't more people be doing it now? A friend of mine who was smoked a shitload of weed got cancer, yet he chose to follow the conventional treatment and eventually was actually cured. Similarly, if someone had cancer and found out about that method being possible to save themselves so easily, I don't think they'd let the possible repercussions of the law stop them? Bearing in mind the desperate lengths some people go to to try and cure their cancer, I don't think the possible slap on the wrist from a policeman would stop them trying that.

Lastly, you're posting this on a forum of people who, from their posts, all seem to be fairly healthy: If you genuinely believed in the benefits of this, and the truthfulness of that 'cure your own cancer*' website, why are you wasting your time here? There are thousands of support group type messageboards out there with people actually suffering from cancer - why aren't you there, telling them about it?

*Something about that website that also undermines it's credibility from my point of view is the way that they appear to be fairly into Christianity, and repeatedly reference thanking God and God 'blessing you'. I don't have anything against people being religious, per se, but when people are offering out 'Science' and claiming that 'Chemo kills', but then dropping in references to God in and amongst it it doesn't really make sense to me...

Thousands and thousands of people are infact making their own meds mark!

If you smoke weed -you can get cancer because of smoke....you need to produce oil.....or eat good quality bud

The reason why im posting here....Is because this is important information that could save the lives of people you know and love....As well as pets !

Im out to help people and i have been this way for around 2 years! Not that i come across that way but im a selfless human being

and if i can save a life -then im a happy chappy

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Not even bothered reading any of those spurious links, the fact you're here literally saying "weed cures cancer!!!" and that you're unveiling this to the world via a bike forum amuses me endlessly :D

By the sounds of things, plenty of us on here do/have smoked our fair share, but remained grounded enough to weigh up conspiricy claims against common sense :lol:

Edited by Jolfa
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Do you remember a post you made in the angry or happy thread saying how you've come to realise how you've wasted so much of your time on shit like this? Reading up and believing the stuff you see on the internet.

Well this is the same.

No -ive witness it work!

In time people will realise that what ive spoken here in this topic is true to the highest levels......

Some people are going to poo poo me with out doing their own independent research !

and il battle through all that happly :D

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Lastly, you're posting this on a forum of people who, from their posts, all seem to be fairly healthy: If you genuinely believed in the benefits of this, and the truthfulness of that 'cure your own cancer*' website, why are you wasting your time here? There are thousands of support group type messageboards out there with people actually suffering from cancer - why aren't you there, telling them about it?

So yeah, have you posted this info on any support group messageboards? Just out of curiosity...

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Not even bothered reading any of those spurious links, the fact you're here literally saying "weed cures cancer!!!" and that you're unveiling this to the world via a bike forum amuses me endlessly :D

By the sounds of things, plenty of us on here do/have smoked our fair share, but remained grounded enough to weigh up conspiricy claims against common sense :lol:

You wont bother reading-yet your willing to slate-Ignorance! im not unveiling this to the world......that has already been done by many other before me......Im talking about it on the forum because i know many of you dont know much about it....and in the case where god forbid.it happens to a friend or somthing-you then have this information,....Im not overly botherd if you dont believe -at least i told it!

So yeah, have you posted this info on any support group messageboards? Just out of curiosity...

Several forums-facebook pages-

The fact is mark.......Ive seen it work ! it brings people back from their death beds!

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..... using cannabis over things like chemo .....

Ok, now you've lost me completely. Saying it may aid healing's one thing, saying you should use it instead of proven treatment is just lunacy. Speaking of educating ourselves do you know how chemo works or what cancer is? I know chemo's some nasty shit, I've watched my step-mum go through a serious treatment of it, but it's used for a reason, it works. Ok it's not 100% effective, but then even if what you say's right cannabis can't be 100% effective or you'd be claiming that no pot-heads have ever died of cancer. I'd be pretty open to giving cannabis a try alongside existing cures, it's not going to hurt, but there's no way in hell I'd consider using it instead.

The idea of keeping us ill to make money from us is retarded when it comes to terminal cases. Think what rich guys would pay to get cured, enough to definitely make it worth their while wheeling out all the shit they're supposedly hiding. Plus they make a lot more money out of living people than they do dead people, surely if they were exploiting us like you say they'd be keeping us alive but with ongoing treatment.

It's like you must have heard (and judging by your posts probably believe) the theory about light bulb manufacturers being able to make an everlasting bulb, but if they did their profits would plummet after everyone had bought them and didn't ever need to replace them. That would be the equivalent of them keeping a cure for the common cold away from us, I can kind of see why you'd think they'd do that. The trouble is what you're suggesting here, is the equivalent of rather than making the light-bulb break and need replacing, they'd make the light bulb short circuit and fry the socket it's in, along with the whole building's power supply, meaning you can never replace it again. It's retarded because it means no profits for them, they'd be better off making the everlasting one and hoping it accidentally gets smashed.

My point is, if a drugs company lets a patient die, they can't make anything from them. Ignoring the option of keeping them alive but ill, the other choice is to cure them completely, they'll run around, get on their bike, hurt themselves and run to the drug company for some pain killers, which is profit for them, much better than a dead patient.

I don't believe the lightbulb thing, or that drug companies are keeping us ill, because even if you did invent a miracle drug, or an everlasting lightbulb, selling only the one to everyone is still more than enough to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, and as such, some clever outside competitor/entrepreneur would do it, roll around in a giant pile of money and retire not really giving a damn that the market's now gone.

Basically your argument is flawed, because deep down, people are greedy bastereds.

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To be fair I did find this, which I'd consider a reliable source, which does suggest it has some use against cancer.

It would be perfectly possible for the drug industry to produce cannabis oils and sell it as cancer medicine with significant profit, owing to the fact that they've gone to the extents to extract the oil, but I can only assume that the reason it hasn't been done is because there's better alternatives, for whatever reason.

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Ive seen it work ! it brings people back from their death beds!

<Family Guy style cut scene of an American preacher removing the devil from a cancer patient using a bong>

<Possible similar scene with more of a Ghostbusters reference>

If it were as straight forward as it is in your mind, there would be no cancer.

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