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Business people please help


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Sorry but you have asked for help from 'business people' and when given you are either, in my case ignoring it, or just trying to back up that what you have done is correct. You need to learn to listen and then educate yourself; until you do this you will not get very far.

I haven't ignored anything?

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Reply to my questions then.

You edited your post, how was I supposed to see the edited version?

1 - We just checked it, thanks for the shout

2 - We are still working on the dd, a long process.

3 - Yes, my friend has very good experience in this field of work.

4 - Yes we do

Edited by dannytrialskid
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You edited your post, how was I supposed to see the edited version? 1 - We just checked it, thanks for the shout 2 - We are still working on the dd, a long process. 3 - Yes, my friend has very good experience in this field of work. 4 - Yes we do
Read the topic.. And are they on ch as a registered company? I don't think it is illegal but it would be very naive to use the same name as a competitor, so go back to the drawing board for a new name. What is the companies trade? Do you know what you are going to do too impact the market and have a chance against competition?
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Read the topic.. And are they on ch as a registered company? I don't think it is illegal but it would be very naive to use the same name as a competitor, so go back to the drawing board for a new name. What is the companies trade? Do you know what you are going to do too impact the market and have a chance against competition?

We are at VERY early stages at the moment, so still brainstorming a lot of things.

Although we have been working on it for a few months, we both have full time jobs at the moment so things are going slow.

We are starting our own clothing brand.

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We are at VERY early stages at the moment, so still brainstorming a lot of things.

Although we have been working on it for a few months, we both have full time jobs at the moment so things are going slow.

We are starting our own clothing brand.

What type of clothing?

This is irritating, please don't say street/indie

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The only benefit of having the same company name is if you buy a company name and leave it. Then someone innovative comes into the market and then your start trading under your name so that you get higher website traffic mis-takingly directed to your website or so you can sell the name to them at a cost.

Other than that its just an unoriginal name which especially as a clothing brand is a no no.

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I presume you haven't registered the business at companied house yet - your original post isn't clear. They actually won't let you register a business if it's name is too similar to one already on the register. Not sure how that affects trading names.

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You could keep the name just make sure everything else is different. It's not always a bad thing having a similar name to an already recognised brand especially while your just starting but if your business is online based I don't think there would be any advantage.

As far as registering your name get it done asap that way if you are forced to change you won't have invested to heavily in advertising etc.

When I started up about a year ago now I went to a few business gateway seminars. The people there were really helpful and the courses are free so might be worth considering giving them a try.

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Change the name.

Legal system means you might get away with having the same name if your business operated in a different sector/whatever, but given the similarity they can sue you. I could open a plumbing shop called starbucks, but not a chain of coffee stores. Of course they would need money to be able to pursue you, but given that I personally believe a business name is largely irrelevant I would find something else. Generally names/words without meaning work best as brands as you can completely shape the meaning of the word/phrase to your own branding. ie cadbury means nothing in the english language, but I know its a chocolate brand, because cadbury told me thats what it means.

Secondly, a clothing company, are you high? that has to be one of the most competitive markets I can think of. Given the ease with which a person can have their own custom clothes designed to their arty whims I would expect tonnes of competition even in the bizare/indie style category. I could rant for a while about why its a bad idea, but it probably won't help anything.

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