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'Danny McCleef- An Honest Mistake' (TEASER TRAILER)


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I have to be honest, I struggled to understand the point you were making in that video. Is there any chance you could explain it for me please?

Edit: I mean in the sense of being able to hear and understand what was being said. I can struggle with auditory interpretation at the best of times but the speech wasn't entirely clear and there was an accent.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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A friendly heads up Danny pick your words carefully , you start caining people , on what they ride , or how they look I think you may find your self on some back lash. Being disrespectful will not go down well . Take it or lev it but there are people that have been riding along time and a lot longer then 07.

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He's playing a character that basically takes the piss out of Damon, Tunni or maybe even his mate Ben. He's meant to be a tgs rider that quit because of a knee injury, he subsequently turned up to radfest in character and made a video that as far as I can tell is aimed at taking the piss. Perhaps he grew sick of being Ben's man servant and created this parody as a way of getting revenge.

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