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Dani Comas - 9 Times BikeTrial World Champion - Promotional Video


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I wonder how many back hops he can do! Enjoyd the riding, kind of old school style.

Mashaallah. It's always good to see the older riders still riding.

3.26 - is that a smile? The size of that matters more than the size of his sidehops!

All good. Alhamdulillah.

PeAce and good grease (Y)

Edited by sharn
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This made competition trials seem even more boring than what it really is.. Didn't like the edit either, looks proffesional yes, but you couldn't even see the full lines he did, just alot of different angles and skipping half of the lines.

Meeeeh, not impressed since I know he can do better :)

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I feel that this type of attitude from riders of this sport is only going to contribute to the trials community turning to just what you describe this video as. And it's not because of the lack of Extra Extra centimetres on someones gaps or the (slightly strange) editing of a video! At least he hasn't sold his bikes and given up! Maybe your'e bored cos your losing the respect for the sport yourself? I thought there was quite abit of energy in the video and it was quite refreshing to see one of the best riders in the world do some of the most basic core moves of what makes up the trials discipline! Kind of took me back a little. This video is potentially for non pro's to watch too and people new to the sport so in that sense its encouraging too!

Anyway, i'm not here to disagree with anyones opinion, just to contribute with mine as the forum is for.

Cheer up Trials Forum!

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didn't like it either

to be fair though, most elite comp riders make pretty poor street vids

dani has already a super easy smooth style

then here he rides stuffs way too easy for him

not a good combo imo

easy stuff are ok, but needs to be combine with bigger obstacles/tech lines IMO

I get what they have tried to achieve here

wasn't for me though :(

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How old Is danni now? He was at the top of his game back when i started riding 16/17 years ago? I have massive respect for him . The video however i found a little boring, it cut a lot of the lines short and half the time u couldnt tell how high he was hopping cos the floor had been cut out of shot. I think this is a video for begginers and none trials riders to be honest and in that sense it was a great advert for trials. A bit like Hans reys riding..... Peace out homies :)

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I can't be the only one who found something enjoyable in this :ermm:

I thought it was quite nice to see some basic trials in a way and felt a sort of nostalgia for the days when those kind of little lines would have put a grin on my face for days!

I'll agree i doubt this is his 'ultimate' riding but it's quite obvious due to sheer amount of 'having fun' clips that it's more of an expression about the simple excitement of riding trials and the adventure out on your bike than a reem of big lines that took 6 months to film. It looks like it was literally filmed in a single day out! There were some pretty nice swidhops in there! But i have to say.. that pivot3 off the rail at the end seemed a bit half arsed but that makes me think it really was just a 'day out' kind of job.

I found something enjoyable in the riding itself. Maybe it was just a nostalgia kick from when the little lines were what we lived for! Maybe cos iv'e had a big break from trials i'm enjoying watching it more.

And i started on a mod too :D only had one though.. Monty X-Alp! Oh yeeah.


Ride on.


Edited by sharn
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Sick Aldi trainers.

Had to stop half way through, booooring.

I couldn't even continue watching after 1min, because the edit was literally hurting my eyes where the action sequences cut from on vantage point to the next so damn fast.

If any there representatives from Monty reading these comments, then they seriously need to hire the services of Mark Westlake, and dump this promo video.

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This video is potentially for non pro's to watch too and people new to the sport so in that sense its encouraging too!

If you had never seen trials (unlikely post DM) and you saw a vid of 9th time world champ, you would expect that it is the best that is available. It's not even close. Why should a vid that's boring to riders be interesting to anyone else ? If anything, given his position, this could actually harm people's perceptions of trials?

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It wasn't Thaaaat bad! :blink: Just not an 'emptying the tool bag' kind of stitch. Still, I thought it was quite nice for a one dayer. In a strange way i just enjoyed watchin the simple moves of trials filmed with such a nice camera. The back wheel down the steps was a particularly nice shot i thought.

Danny's riding is great (to say the least) but i don't think just because the inspired team are all thrifty young chaps throwin hammers left right and centre we should get snobby and reject anything less that a backflip to hook >_< it just doesnt make for a respectful enviroment. I understand what youre saying about him being better than that but what a shame to have distaste for seeing a 'pro' doing anything less than his best. They'll end up like 'hollywood' stars that way, pushed away by the public that they must stay as 'stars' and idolized. He's a man on a silly little bike and thats all we all are! I felt this vid was indeed a quick little promo (probably at the recomendation of his sponsors) and was quite nice at that. It's ones own loss if they found nothing to enjoy.

I don't know why but generally red-bull get's on my nerves these days. And inspired is getting abit of a monopoly for 'street' huh? Hope it doesn't get too sickly. I got respect for monty and there riders. In a different way.

Anyway, its a nice day. Hope i can get out to do some naff little back hops! Maybe even a two wheel peck up a slant or something (A)

Sorry for slight rant. Nothin but love :rolleyes:

Alhamdulillah. PeAce.

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I just watched it again, just to be sure. I think it is that bad.

ok so you have one of the worlds best trials riders, a decent camera, some great looking locations, and some decent weather (yes I did see rain so fair enough if it was a wash out). And you put all that together and you get this ?

the edit lingered over doing a wheelie and some back hops and then cut up everything that was decent so you could hardly see what was going on.

I understand what youre saying about him being better than that but what a shame to have distaste for seeing a 'pro' doing anything less than his best.

Its a promotional video - if this isn't his best then what is it promoting ?

with regards inspired riders - I can't think of any videos by inspired riders in the last few years that gave anything other than the impression of real commitment and desire to entertain. In terms of the monopoly ? Can you think of any other company or group of riders that are that committed to making bikes for street and pushing the limits in that direction? Its only a monopoly because no-one else appears to even be trying to compete - either in media or production?

I have massive respect for Danny - an incredible rider, with an incredible style. The video people want to see (read me) is one where everyone involved gives a shit, and busts a gut to make it good.

As a promo it would have been better to wander round a trial for a day and film that than this.

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Well said. >_< I still thought it was fun/entertaining and quite nice to see visually in parts - (maybe it was just the nice camera). Though the editing was abit peculiar.

Massive respect to Inspired and the crew (don't get me wrong), it's just a totally different thing. Can't compare the riders or the companys. Inspired is the young and snazzy kid. Monty is really the daddy of bike trials. And you can't expect grandpa to be totally down with the kids surely :giggle: ? In terms of monopoly, i agree no-one else is doing it. It's not a dig, I just meant that naturally (because theres no competition) it might get abit strong! And it's a shame (that theres no others in the game) Because it used to be great to see all kinds of bikes out there.

Either way the vid made me wana ride.

Maybe he's just promoting his flash kicks...

Anyway, hope your riding's going well rowan and your postie leg is good and strong (Y)

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In terms of monopoly, i agree no-one else is doing it. It's not a dig, I just meant that naturally (because theres no competition) it might get abit strong!

In fairness though, there are other brands out there making frames/parts/bikes for streetier stuff - Ozonys have been doing a few different bikes for that for a while now, and they've got some team riders who put out videos fairly regularly. In France they've pretty much got a monopoly, sort of in a similar way to the way that Inspired are seemingly more popular in the UK. There are all the other brands too, e.g. Omen, Czar, Because, etc.

For this specific vid I'd heard a few people mention elsewhere that they didn't like it, then saw the thread here. I went into it knowing what to expect, but it was still a bit of a pity seeing a rider as good as Dani having to hold back so much. He's got such a good style and there were little flashes of what he was capable of, but it was a weird video... it seemed like it was more to look pro rather than promote Dani as such, especially bearing in mind it must have been filmed quite a while ago (XXV Kamel rather than M5, no Jitsie stuff, etc.) meaning it's not really too relevant for him as a rider/"product" any more.

EDIT: Sharn - get what you mean about the basics and stuff, and I don't think any 'pro' needs to always be sidehopping houses and gapping continents to put a video out, but sometimes things can kind of cross over from being someone appearing to do something riding-wise because they think it'd be fun/look cool to the point where it kind of looks a bit "corporate" for want of a better word.

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