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Black Holes


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Is there any stories about black holes? What (maybe) on the other side of them, what happens if we go in one where do we go?

Any explanations to anything about them?


EDIT: This aint to boost up my knowledge, its a topic for peoples views and thoughts and maybe facts.

Edited by Corish
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i thought it was just 'black matter' so its basically invisible.

Once you get to the other side (which you can't) i would guess you would come back out in space somewhere.

But if you get sucked in, it won't let you get back out the other side, the gravity will just 'hold' you in the middle (probably in tiny little peices).

Black holes are created when a start explodes aren't they?

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Black holes are created when a start explodes aren't they?

Close, but it's when they IMplode. They collapse in on themselves due to their own gravity. This creates (as someone said above) some type of anit-matter that schlurps everything in even light (Y)

If you got sucked into one I think the anti-matter destroys your own. So yeah you do vanish, kind of.

All of what I've just said is theory btw, nothing about black holes has been proved yet despite claims of astrologists "spotting" them.

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Normal black holes would IMO be impossible to go through no matter what, these are formed when a start collapses in on itself, the black hole creates a singularity(the collapsed core) this core because it has collapsed in on itself is believed because of the such great gravitation pull to just fall through the space fabric of time, creating a hole in space itself, this is why they beleive it can be a way of travelling to other places, because the hole has sunk through space itself and could lead to anywhere or just death, the event horizon of a black hole (if you pass the even horizon of the black hole it is the point of no turning back and your screwed)

There are apparent holes called 'kerr holes' these are rotating black holes, these are caused when the the star collapses on itself whilst the star is rotating. In theory it is beleived that these holes do not have a singularity like other holes, a singularity is the collapsed core of a black hole, and it is beleived that it would be possible to go into it without being crushed by the gravitational pull. They think that if this is possible that as you enter the black hole it may be possible to exit out of a white hole into other places in the universe, or different universes themselves.

Black holes are called black holes because they are basically invisible in space

they find black holes as they get matter fly into them from other stars, then it gets heated to a ridicolous temeprature this material then gives off x-rays so the black holes emit the x-rays which can be found by things which spost x-rays in space i guess (Y) , also spotting things moving oddly in space are known to be caused by near by black holes because of there gravitational pull.

i wasnt finished posting this but i have to go get stuff ready for school (Y)

so the post isnt really finished but meh, ill edit later (Y)

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I don't know much, but it's quite interesting. They are thought to be so dense that everything is sucked into them, even light. No light is reflected back, therefore they are black. Because they distort the space time around them, it is impossible to know how big they actually are. They could be the size of a pin head, or bigger than the biggest stars. Pretty crazy when you think about it.

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I don't know much, but it's quite interesting.  They are thought to be so dense that everything is sucked into them, even light.  No light is reflected back, therefore they are black.  Because they distort the space time around them, it is impossible to know how big they actually are.  They could be the size of a pin head, or bigger than the biggest stars.  Pretty crazy when you think about it.

Madder than the thort of space never stopping.....

thats confusing :ermm:

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First its starts by a death of a hudge star....

Which with the impact of the explosion cause a rip in the Solar system which causes a hudge SUCTION of gravity that can even suk in light its self!!

But befor it explodes it cause a red giants and expands!

The death of a star is caused when its used up all its nuclear power and its durns and exploeds!

A star exploding can cause 3 things..

1. White Dwarf

2. Neutron Star

3. Black hole

The black hole is an amazing thing but i dought o one will eva now..Personally i think the gravity will be to intence and just cruch you into nothing!!


Edited by scotty-trials
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hmmm i think that there isnt anything after death personally, why should or would there be?

For something to have a beginning it must have an end, such as they beleive time is infinite but at one point there must have been a beginning to time, therefore also making it possible for there just to simply be an end of it all (Y)

so its just more than likely we are basically an accident that we happened to have evolved and adapted to what we are today and that we have no meaning of existence, just to live each day however you want to, until eventually you will die and just be forgotten over a period of time, no matter how harsh it may seem it may more than likely be the truth, things such are reincarnation are too surreal to be believeable.

also black holes are just basically a vacuum in space (Y) , i think one day some crazy person will probably test the theory of attempting to travel through one and through the space time continuim (sp?) to see if theres anything on the other side such as other dimensions or other universes or just a transportation to other parts of this universe.

it will be impossible to even tell how big our universe really is or whether the universe is in such a thing like our solar system is in a galaxy our universe could be just one or millions/billions of other universes inside such things.

To travel anywhere near the edge of the universe even if you were travelling at or faster than the speed of light then it would still take millions of years just to get there.

I guess we will just be left to speculate and discover new theories of why we are here, how it was created and how it will end, only time will tell (Y)

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Imagine squashing the contents of your house into one room. Pretty tight huh?

How about crushing your street into a shoebox?

Now consider what a black hole is, a star, probably larger than this planet, squashed onto a pinhead. This single point has a huge mass, and therefore has a very strong gravitational field. Even light gets sucked in, hence the term 'black hole.'

Of course, I don't know what happens when you go in there. You might get miniaturised and live in a mini universe happily. Until you die. Or something. Maybe.

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hmmm i think that there isnt anything after death personally, why should or would there be?

Ooooo to add a little sub topic, if all cells divide and multiply etc. Why wouldn't there be anything after death, I do realise cells die. But if everything carries on getting bigger etc. So really things should carry on after death making bigger and better things. But in an alternated universe or something gay and weird like that, that nerds know alot about. (MonsterJ's joke will be something along the lines or me knowing alot about it or something.)

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