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What Are People Tapping?


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Im sure this has been asked before but times do change and improvements are made all the time.

Last night I was trying to tap a 47inch wall and just not getting it. I was looking at the wall and thinking this is a pretty average tap these days.

So my question is just whats the highest you have ever seen? What can you and your mates do?

What hight have you seen the pro's get (fact not speculation) like kenny, coustelliers, you understand.

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tapping big is still somewhat of a black art....

3 years ago nobody was tapping other than the pros....

then it started filtering down to us mere mortals.... there are people around who can tap perfectly well like me, and just slowly pregress getting an inch higher every few months....

then there are the monsters who can just 'do it' and are breaking the 50'' mark....

personally, my highest front tap to back wheel was 48'', and although i know i undoubtedly will go higher, right now i cant see how its possible :S but then again, in bristol rowan johns was consistently tapping a 4ft wall to backwheel, both, and into a manual :P so its obviously just a case of getting the technique perfect!

steveS has done 51'' recently, then snapped his urbans :lol:

porter has done 52'' or something really silly i think....

what ive found is, the way to get higher is to tap lower :lol: rowan was telling me in bristol, and now, if im trying a wall and not making it, i concentrate on hitting the front wheel low down, and it just shoots u up! but its scary....

tap tap tap

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I can tap about 41 inches everytime, and have done a couple of 43 inchers at a local wall :lol:

I think TRA has done about ten pallets with a slope along the vertical side of them..... I also think the pallets where slightly smaller than the ones we are used to aswell....

Jack barnes can pedal-blunt 50" with out a tap :P :S

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Yesterday i started training tap. It's all about hitting the front tire perfectly on the wall i found out. I made 35,43 inches. Iv'e been riding about 10 months. Is that normal? What can you others do?

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I've started taps about a week ago as my 05Team 1040 Wheelbase is alittle long to bunnyhop.

I've done about 41/42ish? but i cannot do them everytime. I have my good and bad days, as i'm still perfecting mt technique.


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Its amazing what people can do these days. I need to practise them alot more thats for sure.

Just out of interest, what do people think that the coustelliers have done and any of the big names in world trials.

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Its amazing what people can do these days. I need to practise them alot more thats for sure.

Just out of interest, what do people think that the coustelliers have done and any of the big names in world trials.

I recon about 60+

Its all about technique, alothough in some uci sections, its require to tap 10pallets, as most uci riders dont bunny hop everywere.

Austin cant tap 59" im sure!

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austin wright will have to back me up on this one but i'm quite sure he can tap 59"

If he can (to back wheel on a vertically faced wall/block), then that's pretty impressive, bearing in mind its just one inch of five whole feet. I'd have to see that to believe it.

My taps aren't very good. I've done over 40 but it's not something I practice much.

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phils done 59 up a slightly slanted wall hasent he.

Yes, im pretty sure there was a clip of it in his rainbow vid, you can get it off le-trial.com.

I can do around 40" but i am practising to get higher, there arent many walls where i live much higher than bar height though :S

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