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British, Biketrial Team Selection


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bunch of women the lot of you, bitch...bitch...bitch..

ive no idea why they were both left out.

perhaps whoever had something to do with the decision could shed some light as this is 3 pages long an still no one knows anything..

its stupid people argueing, but its even more stupid no one knowing anything. people are second guessing each other, "i heard this.." "no its this." "your wrong its this"

perhaps if we had some facts it would be usefull.

facts from the people who made the decision, not people who know people who know people...

i cant believe such a small sport is causing such an arguement, imagine if it was a massive sport...we would have riots!!!!!

People pretty much do know, but certain people don't want to put exactly why it's happened, it's just "political".

Round 2 of the nationals explained.

Danny was doing a section, I was second observer while I was waiting, danny was riding, the observer gave a 5 to him because he thought his front wheel went over a tape, but it was in the air (over tape not a flag) so it was not a five, I saw this and so did other people, the problem was the observer did not know the rules so danny had to suffer.

Basically he put a request in to barbara to talk about the decision and take further action because it could have lost him the 1st place, danny said, if he still won he would not need to take it any further, and he did still win, all was well.

Danny got letters through the post saying he has been docked 10 points from the trial for SPITTING, which is rather pathetic, so now danny has only got the points for 2nd place which is not fair, now if danny would have got that 5 taken off he would still have won with the 10 docked points, basically, the people in charge must have gathered this.

It's quite obvious somebody up there has it in for the family, and it's so political now, it's a war of who has the most power, and danny can't do anything about it, a lot of people may not believe any of this because the people in charge are very nice people, which I agree they are, but I think something is wrong here and it;snot good, and no good for competitions, competitions are going down the pan anyway, and especially the nationals, and this doesn;t make it any better knowing the level of hierachy between certain people is affecting the sport and the fairness of how it is run.

Get them in the team, and stop the bitterness whoever is resonsible.


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Thing is, if Danny's the Uber Comp Rider that he's being made out to be, surely he'd act in a more professional way? So he wouldn't do something as stupid as spitting if he knew he'd lose points?

Ah well, lesson for the future I guess...

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Thing is, if Danny's the Uber Comp Rider that he's being made out to be, surely he'd act in a more professional way?  So he wouldn't do something as stupid as spitting if he knew he'd lose points? 

Ah well, lesson for the future I guess...

YOU WHAT???? :-

I know, if i spit on the ground over here, then that lady way over there will have a go at me, so i think il do it anyway! Load of crap. How was Dan to know that Barbara would over react an go mad at him for spitting on the ground (and well away from her). Dan is a good rider, he isnt a a mind reader an he cant see the future.

Everyone has to spit mud out of their mouths, I have done it, an I'm sure most if not all on here have at some point. Its petty that Dan has been singled out for punishment for such a silly thing.

But what is even more astonishing is that after the trial Dan went an apologised to Barbara an the matter was 'left at the gate' (meaning no further action was going to be taken) But it seems that they are still trying to punish Dan for an incident that has already been dealt with!!!

What is also petty is that Ash has been tarred with the same brush because of his surname. A little while ago they were crying out for the kids, saturday riders, to enter the comp. Now it shows up that they have refused Ash's entry, he would ride on the sat. How petty is that?

Rant over. Now back to the point. What is needed here is to show the powers that be that they have made a mistake by leaving Dan an Ash out of the team. Now either people are afraid to show their support for these two in fear of losing their own ride or something else. The Butlers were praised for their behaviour in Sweden, so why are they being singled out in this country?

Please can all UK riders that have a place on the team, show their support

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Well I don't have a place on the team, but this sounds ridiculous.

Biketrial UK does have an account on this forum, and most people would appreciate if they gave an explanation. If this happened in other sports, or other areas of polotics, imagine where our country would be today.

Imagine the army going to war, and all of a sudden the Captain or whatever is the highest in the hierachy says to the best and fittest soldier, "You're not included in the army as I don't like you". Not a very good example and only going on what I've heard on here.

People are welcome to correct it thought *cough*Biketrial UK*cough*..........

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danny is a willy.

bloody good rider though...the top lot should go...the crapper ones stay behind...

so assuming you get a fly in your mouth at a trial...are you supposed to eat it or spit it out....?

id use that excuse :-

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The "mud in mouth" thing seems a bit hard to swallow ( :- ) - Sounds to me like that's a rubbish excuse. But anyway, regardless of that, I still think that the British team should probably have invited the Butlers (especially Ashley).

However, like Mark, I won't be losing any sleep over this...

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im sure savage is better on a 26? or is he riding his 20in for the worlds?

I wouldn't be so sure of that.

Thing is, if Danny's the Uber Comp Rider that he's being made out to be, surely he'd act in a more professional way?  So he wouldn't do something as stupid as spitting if he knew he'd lose points? 

Ah well, lesson for the future I guess...

My opinion of the Butlers was pretty much the same as most peoples on here untill i actually spoke to Dan. When you speak to Dave or Danny you can see that they just put 110% in all the time. Everything seems to get blown out of proportion in trials comps.

It seems to me the "Trials Mafia" are just looking for reasons not to include these top riders. If the decisions are made on last years results then i spose its fair enough but i think Danny and Ashley should be included in the event.

There so much politics which goes on in trials and it seems if your not in the click or on the team you get pushed out....

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we need explanations.... dans got my support in this matter as always.. and im sure alot of you on here will support us too :-.. so what you think ladies and gentlemen.. shall we put together a petition ?

Edited by aust
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WHAT!! how is that possible?

he must be doing somthing wrong.

I've seen a rider throw up at the world round at fort bill, he gave it his all and when he got down he ripped off his helmet left the end zone and I went to talk to him, he goes "I'm really sorry, I need to go puke".

It's common.

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So let me get this right, its not ok to spit BUT its ok to go to the worlds and damage someones car and not pay for repairs and then carry on to japan and damage a shop and getaway with it. just cause you have friends in low places.


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So let me get this right, its not ok to spit BUT its ok to go to the worlds and damage someones car and not pay for repairs and then carry on to japan and damage a shop and getaway with it. just cause you have friends in low places.


Very true! Well said that man.

Now, a few years back, there was an incident in spain between Brian Matthews an Dave Butler the end result was that Dan an Ash were banned from having a BIU licence for a year. So they served the sentence an took their punishment. Dan rode more UCI comps

Now when this other person (mentioned in the above quote) was punished the following year, certain people wrote letters, made phone calls, an complanied so the punishment was over turned. The punishment was very similar, years ban from international events/no BIU licence.

Has anyone read George Orwell's "Animal Farm"? Well there is a great quote in there:

Everyone is created equal, but some are more equal than others

This seems very true of the 'people in power' within our sport. Now I am sure we live in the 21st century an we live in a democratic country, where things are done by a vote. But it seems that these people want to run our sport as a dictatorship. Whether it be for financial gains or otherwise, who knows.

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Can someone from Biketrial UK please explain why Danny and Ash aren't in the team?

Seems very stupid not to include 2 riders who would probably take 1st place in their catorgorys.


Stan, because you ask so nicely, riders were finally selected:-

1) On their qualified status from the 2004 British Championships

2) On their results from the 2004 British Championships

3) On actually sending their entry in on time

4) On sending the necessary documentation and fee with the entry

You state only two names whose entries were declined, there seems to be no concern for other riders who did not meet the criteria who must have also been disappointed not to have been accepted.

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Stan, because you ask so nicely, riders were finally selected:-

1) On their qualified status from the 2004 British Championships

2) On their results from the 2004 British Championships

3) On actually sending their entry in on time

4) On sending the necessary documentation and fee with the entry

You state only two names whose entries were declined, there seems to be no concern for other riders who did not meet the criteria who must have also been disappointed not to have been accepted.

So in actual fact, everyone has been jumping the gun and assuming its been some "power-mad" comitee member, when it was in actual fact just down to rules and not meeting the criteria.

Now Trials-Forum members, what have we learn't here?

Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups.

Yes, they are both awesome riders, and i'm sure the comitee (what being older then 19 years of age and having some maturity) would of put aside any differents (if there was any) and let them on anyway if the criteria was met, because they clearly will bring the medals in.

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Someone who'll remain nameless because they don't wanna jeopardise the debate/their position/relationships with whoever for whatever reason has raised the following points that others also feel should be raised:

1. Exactly how and why the Butlers didn't meet the criteria?

2. Who else didn't meet the criteria and why?

3. Do Elite/Master riders automatically get given Worlds places?

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You state only two names whose entries were declined, there seems to be no concern for other riders who did not meet the criteria who must have also been disappointed not to have been accepted.

I think the main concern people have here is that two of this countries best riders have been left out of the squad. Clearly certain criteria have not been met by these riders which means an exception would have to be made to allow them to compete...So why can't this exception be considered? If Martyn Ashton had entered late a couple of years ago (when he still competed regularly) I doubt there would have been any hesitation with allowing him to compete for his country.

Maybe they should be officially adopted by the Coustellier family and ride for the French team... (Y)

Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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I think the main concern people have here is that two of this countries best riders have been left out of the squad. Clearly certain criteria have not been met by these riders which means an exception would have to be made to allow them to compete...So why can't this exception be considered? If Martyn Ashton had entered late a couple of years ago (when he still competed regularly) I doubt there would have been any hesitation with allowing him to compete for his country.

Maybe they should be officially adopted by the Coustellier family and ride for the French team...  (Y)

if they get the exception and are aloud toi ride in the british team how do you think the riders who were also regected would feel ??

and also the people who would be removed from the team to make space for these too disrespectfull monkeys!

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I think the main concern people have here is that two of this countries best riders have been left out of the squad. Clearly certain criteria have not been met by these riders which means an exception would have to be made to allow them to compete...So why can't this exception be considered? If Martyn Ashton had entered late a couple of years ago (when he still competed regularly) I doubt there would have been any hesitation with allowing him to compete for his country.

Maybe they should be officially adopted by the Coustellier family and ride for the French team...  (Y)

I don't really give much of a shit what people who "orbit the Butlers" say, they DO piss people off. At rides/comps/on the internet, there are many stories of them pissing people off, and people just generally disliking them. This is typically because of their outspoken nature and general attitude.

If you are going to act like that and make people dislike you, and then don't play EVERYTHING by the book, you cannot expect people to give you any favours.

Martyn Ashton is a thoroughly likeable guy. No-one seems to have a bad word to say about him. Therefore, he'd probably have been given lee-way if his entry was, say, a few days late. However, if he was a tit (which he isn't before someone reads just that line and decides to hunt me down for it :S), then I doubt he would've been given the time of day.

Again, pro-Butler people, you can tell me I should 'get to know them' or whatever, but the majority of people won't, and therefore the impression they give at trials comps is what people are going to remember them for. This isn't a positive view that people are going to have of them, so if they can't abide by the rules then they got what was deserved, basically.

(These are my views, btw, not the ones of the person I wa sposting for before)

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Are Master riders not automaically selected anyway, Martyn Ashton has been selected although I gather it says "DNE" by his name.

And even his results this year are by far good enough.

I'm also slightly confused over the 10 Penalty points given to dan butler at addingham to prevent him from taking 1st spot, what is the exact reason for this so, as I'm sure a lot of people would like to know as you can't give penalty point out wherever.

So can sombody explain?


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