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Drugs... What Do You Think?


Would You Ever Consider Smoking Weed Or Doing Drugs??  

124 members have voted

  1. 1. Would You Ever Consider Smoking Weed Or Doing Drugs??

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    • No?
    • Never Will?
    • Tried Once But Won't Again?
    • Never Have And Never Will?

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why do you say that?^^^

i hav re-read your post, you dont do drugs,

just confusing, could you explain please?


He called me niave and told me to get fooked if I hadn't tried them, when I was saying that I don't mind other people taking them aslong as it doesn't affect me.

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Never tried 'em, I'm not into smoking stuff so weed cakes/tea whatever they put it in these days would be my first port of call if i decided i wanted some drug-fuelled fun time.

But yeh, whatever, injecting shit is BAD, but heh, your life. Comma comma.

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theres much better ways of feeling great.

i think people who rely on substances/drink to have a great time are weak.

i can't think of any reason why someone needs to smoke/inject drugs other than to get better. just....why?

and people who use needles and leave them lying around are the scum of the earth. i've heard of loads of people falling on needles or like in one case, a dustbin man who picked up a garbage bag and got a needle stuck in his arm, and got HIV. His life ruined becasue someone needed a hit.

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i think people who rely on substances/drink to have a great time are weak.

i wouldn't say they were weak...

i've had amazing times when sober, when drunk and when stoned

i've had shit times when sober, when drunk and when stoned (mostly shit ones so i gave up smoking)

just the way it happens i guess. in general i have a better time when i'm drunk (or, i have had more fun times when drunk than when sober) - in my experiences. not anything you can really do about it. wouldn't say it was a blip on my character - maybe it's just the people i'm around? when we're all pissed we have a laugh.

as long as it doesn't affect anyone else or you don't judge anyone by it, i couldn't care less what other people do..if it's their way of having fun. not everyone finds the same things/situations/states of mind fun. that's why we're all individuals.

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i wouldn't say they were weak...

i've had amazing times when sober, when drunk and when stoned

i've had shit times when sober, when drunk and when stoned (mostly shit ones so i gave up smoking)

just the way it happens i guess. in general i have a better time when i'm drunk (or, i have had more fun times when drunk than when sober) - in my experiences. not anything you can really do about it. wouldn't say it was a blip on my character - maybe it's just the people i'm around? when we're all pissed we have a laugh.

as long as it doesn't affect anyone else or you don't judge anyone by it, i couldn't care less what other people do..if it's their way of having fun. not everyone finds the same things/situations/states of mind fun. that's why we're all individuals.

fair enough, but i said 'people that rely on...'

Meaning people who go out and use drugs/drink to change their character from (imo) a weak one, into someone else.

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To all the people that say they don't need to drink/do drugs in order to have a good time: people have a good time by doing things that they want to do without worrying what people think of them or what they think they should be doing.

That's the difference; the people that don't do what they want are the weak ones.

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To all the people that say they don't need to drink/do drugs in order to have a good time: people have a good time by doing things that they want to do without worrying what people think of them or what they think they should be doing.

That's the difference; the people that don't do what they want are the weak ones.

no they're not, most peoplke drink becasue it's what the majority do.

if you went out with your mates and none of them were drinking, neither would you. You wouldn't wanna get smashed outta your face unless other people are too.

If you say you would you are lying, noone like to look like an idiot all by themself.

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no they're not, most peoplke drink becasue it's what the majority do.

if you went out with your mates and none of them were drinking, neither would you. You wouldn't wanna get smashed outta your face unless other people are too.

If you say you would you are lying, noone like to look like an idiot all by themself.

Not entirely true, alot of my friends do not drink but we still all go out, and I drink. Not to get of my face, just 'cos I like the taste, like most people. I'm talking pubs/bars not clubs so perhaps I'm with a different crowd.

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Can someone help me out here..

The way i see it there are only two things that can come out of any drug. Good times and bad times..

Now.. in everyday life we have good times and bad times...

We can drink LEGALY alcohol to enhance the good times and take away the bad times...

Whats the point in taking illegal stuff? Like i dont see where getting stoned and being all f**ked out your face just laying in a room (if you were to take it that far) comes in the two senses of good and bad. I dont understand the feeling it gives you. Ive been told it relaxes you and makes things seem better.. but why dont you just take alcohol? which is legal. Is it because of the hangover draw backs and feeling sick? because everyone seems to talk about drug come downs and going all white etc...I know alcohol is a drug before some tard starts going on about it.

Also finally..

I have heard that most avid dope smokers dont drink alcohol and infact see people under the influence as being more of a danger than weed smokers. Due to the violence etc.. Do any of you actually beleive this to be true?

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I think this might answer your last question, sorta. From the song 'The Irony of it All' by the Streets. It's two personas, Terry, the pub-going drinker, and Tim the stoner - I'm sure you'll be able to guess which one is talking in each verse (Y)

Hello, Hello. My names Terry and I'm a law abider

There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer

And when the weekends here I to exercise my right to get

paralytic and fight

Good bloke fairly

But I get well leery when geezers look at me funny

Bounce 'em round like bunnies

I'm likely to cause mischief

Good clean grief you must believe and I ain't no thief.

Law abiding and all, all legal.

And who cares about my liver when it feels good

Wwhat you need is some real manhood.

Rasher Rasher Barney and Kasha putting peoples backs up.

Public disorder, I'll give you public disorder.

I down eight pints and run all over the place

Spit in the face of an officer

See if that bothers you cause I never broke a law in my life

Someday I'm gonna settle down with a wife

Come on lads lets have another fight

Eh hello. My names Tim and I'm a criminal,

In the eyes of society I need to be in jail

For the choice of herbs I inhale.

This ain't no wholesale operation

Just a few eighths and some Playstations my's vocation

I pose a threat to the nation

And down the station the police hold no patients

Let's talk space and time

I like to get deep sometimes and think about Einstein

And Carl Young And old Kung Fu movies I like to see

Pass the hydrator please

Yeah I'm floating on thin air.

Going to Amsterdam in the New Year - top gear there

Cause I taker pride in my hobby

Home made bongs using my engineering degree

Dear Leaders, please legalise weed for these reasons.

Like I was saying to him.

I told him: "Top with me and you won't leave."

So I smacked him in the head and downed another Carling

Bada Bada Bing for the lad's night.

Mad fight, his face's a sad sight.

Vodka and Snake Bite.

Going on like a right geez, he's a twat,

Shouldn't have looked at me like that.

Anyway I'm an upstanding citizen

If a war came along I'd be on the front line with em.

Can't stand crime either them hooligans on heroin.

Drugs and criminals those thugs on the penny coloured will be

the downfall of society

I've got all the anger pent up inside of me.

You know I don't see why I should be the criminal

How can something with no recorded fatalities be illegal

And how many deaths are there per year from alcohol

I just completed Gran Tourismo on the hardest setting

We pose no threat on my settee

Ooh the pizza's here will someone let him in please

"We didn't order chicken, Not a problem we'll pick it out

I doubt they meant to mess us about

After all we're all adults not louts."

As I was saying, we're friendly peaceful people

We're not the ones out there causing trouble.

We just sit in this hazy bubble with our quarters

Discussing how beautiful Gail Porter is.

MTV, BBC 2, Channel 4 is on until six in the morning.

Then at six in the morning the sun dawns and it's my bedtime.

Causing trouble, your stinking rabble

Boys saying I'm the lad who's spoiling it

You're on drugs it really bugs me when people try and tell me

I'm a thug

Just for getting drunk

I like getting drunk

Cause I'm an upstanding citizen

If a war came along I'd be on the front line with em.

Now Terry you're repeating yourself

But that's okay drunk people can't help that.

A chemical reaction inside your brain causes you to forget what

you're saying.

What. I know exactly what I'm saying

I'm perfectly sane

You stinking student lameo

Go get a job and stop robbing us of our taxes.

Err, well actually according to research

Government funding for further education pales in insignificance

When compared to how much they spend on repairing

Leery drunk people at the weekend

In casualty wards all over the land.

Why you cheeky little swine come here

I'm gonna batter you. Come here.

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absolutly damn true^^^^^^^

love that song,

to spacemunkee, it is true that smokers dont tend to drink as much, and the majority of smokers do see alcoholics as more of a danger than smokers

dont get me wrong, i love drinking, i have a great laugh drinking with mates, we dont start fights, we are not that kind of poeple, stoners dont really do fights,

what stoners are getting out of smoking dope is being relaxed, they cause no treat to anyone. thats why i enjoy smoking dope, being relaxed, its not about going out on a massive smoking session and getting absolutly f**ked

its more like, beach/surfing/chilling/smoking/riding. cannabis is a relaxing drug, the affects make you happy, relaxed, not 'lets go kick the shit out of him'

i'm rambleing, better stop now


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well at a lot of people seem to have some very misunderstood views on drugs. I know hundreds of people who take them and not just smoking weed, cocaine and pills as well its totally acceptable because its what they want to do.

Why? because it feels good to them, yeah you can be normal and go out and enjoy a night out in a good nightclub or something, but you take a bit of drugs to go with it and it enhances the music and makes you feel the music, its basically all to do with the music and the people you are with, the socialising, the comfort of being with people that you can relate to and care about and all having a passion for the same style of music.

I really despise people that say "it f**ks your life up" when thats coming from people who have never taken an illegal substance in their life! smoking weed can cause accute paranoia in some people when its highly abused, along with class A drugs but then drinking alcohol that happens to be LEGAL can also screw your body and mind up if you abuse the use of it. About 90% of people seem to have TV view on things and its wrong, what the TV and newspapers show you is what happens when its abused but not what the good uses of it are. People just wouldnt take them if there was nothing good about it.

Its not too look cool, its not be 'ard its to merely have a good time, be yourself and feel free from all the trouble, war and hate thats going on in the world today.

Anybody ever noticed about all the alcohol related crimes on tv, they even make whole series of programs about people getting pissed up and causing trouble on the streets after a night out, ok not all people that like drinking but its more people that are drunk than on drugs.

Ever seen any program like that on tv about people taking drugs?! if you have then its probably been a one off occasion. I wouldnt be scared of a big bunch of stoners on the street because they would all be calm and not in the mood for any sort of hate and trouble. Its the people that get pissed up that start causing trouble and major fights with people

Dont take notice of the newspapers, dont listen to the TV, if you want the real facts ask someone who does them why they do them, what they gain from it and why they would like to keep doing them, thats the only way you would really understand the reasoning behind it all.

Stu (Y)

Edited by The enchanted broomstick
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I am not going to quote anybody and comment on any statements because I feel that Trials-Forum has developed a very argumentative approach to topics such as this one. Narrow mindedness = bad :lol:

Anyhow, here is my take on things...

There are a lot of facts and opinions flying around in this topic so let's just try to get a rough outlook of the (positive and negative) effects of cannabis. I will also chuck in a comparison of cannabis to alcohol just to cater for those people who are of the 'alcohol is way better for you than weed' mindset.

Cannabis, the good shit

A floaty feeling that resembles being in a dream.

You will feel relaxed.

If you are in a good mood and are happy, cannabis will amplify this.

The ability to see things from different angles or perspectives.

Enhances your creativity.

Cannabis has NO negative effect on sexual activity - alcohol does though (Mr Floppy!)

It heightens physical sensations and emotions. Better sex :o

Cannabis, the not so good shit

Short term memory loss.

Loss of precision/concentration, mind tends to 'wander'.

Paranoia (this is a long term one)

Lowers blood pressure resulting in your heart having to beat faster.

Appetite stimulated, munchies!

Lethargy, requires more energy to move around.

So that's some of the cannabis facts. Now let's take a look at the alcohol ones.

Alcohol, the good shit

Alcohol is a sedative resulting in a soothing relaxing feeling.

Loss of inhibitions, you can really be yourself

Alcohol, the not so good shit

Blocks/slows down messages to your brain.

Behaviour is exaggerated.

Emotionally irrational.

Slurred speech.

Blurred vision.


Now I really don't want to get too involved in this subject because I know it will encourage arguments and stuff like that. However if you look at cannabis from this angle you may reach some different conclusions.

If we took a leap from our planet to a pure super planet named planet x. On this planet all inhabitants live perfectly healthily, there is no alcohol, there is no cannabis. If we gave them a choice of drug that HAD to be introduced which would they choose? Cannabis with no recorded fatalities and a calming, creative thought inspiring effect on it's user with only rare cases of mental disease as a DIRECT cause OR alcohol, a drug which fuels violence (73 people died as a result of alcohol related attacks) and causes huge NHS costs each year.

Just think about it.

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I am not going to quote anybody and comment on any statements because I feel that Trials-Forum has developed a very argumentative approach to topics such as this one.  Narrow mindedness = bad :lol:

Anyhow, here is my take on things...

There are a lot of facts and opinions flying around in this topic so let's just try to get a rough outlook of the (positive and negative) effects of cannabis.  I will also chuck in a comparison of cannabis to alcohol just to cater for those people who are of the 'alcohol is way better for you than weed' mindset.

Cannabis, the good shit

A floaty feeling that resembles being in a dream.

You will feel relaxed.

If you are in a good mood and are happy, cannabis will amplify this.

The ability to see things from different angles or perspectives.

Enhances your creativity.

Cannabis has NO negative effect on sexual activity - alcohol does though (Mr Floppy!)

It heightens physical sensations and emotions.  Better sex :o

Cannabis, the not so good shit

Short term memory loss.

Loss of precision/concentration, mind tends to 'wander'.

Paranoia (this is a long term one)

Lowers blood pressure resulting in your heart having to beat faster.

Appetite stimulated, munchies!

Lethargy, requires more energy to move around.

So that's some of the cannabis facts.  Now let's take a look at the alcohol ones.

Alcohol, the good shit

Alcohol is a sedative resulting in a soothing relaxing feeling.

Loss of inhibitions, you can really be yourself

Alcohol, the not so good shit

Blocks/slows down messages to your brain.

Behaviour is exaggerated.

Emotionally irrational.

Slurred speech.

Blurred vision.


Now I really don't want to get too involved in this subject because I know it will encourage arguments and stuff like that.  However if you look at cannabis from this angle you may reach some different conclusions.

If we took a leap from our planet to a pure super planet named planet x.  On this planet all inhabitants live perfectly healthily, there is no alcohol, there is no cannabis.  If we gave them a choice of drug that HAD to be introduced which would they choose?  Cannabis with no recorded fatalities and a calming, creative thought inspiring effect on it's user with only rare cases of mental disease as a DIRECT cause OR alcohol, a drug which fuels violence (73 people died as a result of alcohol related attacks) and causes huge NHS costs each year.

Just think about it.

extremely well said man B)

but you have forgotten about the long term effects.....

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Never have, never will. My friends were smoking something today.. im not sure what, but one was stoned as hell. it really smelt horrible, so i asked them to move away, they were considerate to say yes. a close friend almost died from smoking stuff, then taking an E. So they really scare me. If anyone round me does anything it really frightens me that somethings gonna happen... :)

Kerrie. xXx

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Never have, never will. My friends were smoking something today.. im not sure what, but one was stoned as hell. it really smelt horrible, so i asked them to move away, they were considerate to say yes.  a close friend almost died from smoking stuff, then taking an E. So they really scare me. If anyone round me does anything it really frightens me that somethings gonna happen... :)

Kerrie. xXx

That must have been well freaky,were you there at the time

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For all the people who say: "Anyone who does drugs to have fun are weak..."

OK we have Bill a weed smoker, and ben a "non-druggie". Ben says Bill is weak minded because he needs his weed to have a good time.

Change circumstances, we have Bill who is a dedicated trials rider and Ben who isn't. Ben says Bill is weak minded because he needs his bike to have a good time.

OK so the comparison probably isn't obvious, what I'm trying to get at is at the end of the day everyone has their likes and dislikes, in order to have a good time I like to ride trials, go out on the piss, have a joint, play my x-box to name a few. These are things I enjoy doing in order to prevent boredom, if it's decent weather I'd prefer to go out riding than do the washing up, bad weather stay in on the x-box. If it's night time I'd prefer to go out and socialise rather than sit in and watch TV by myself. You see what I'm getting at.

Going back to the previous comparison, you could get someone saying as they pass by "He's a complete idiot jumping off that wall on a bike as he could seriously hurt or kill himself having huge consequences in the lads family."

Everything has risks, some more obvious than others.

One of my best mates started hearing voices in his head, nothing majorly serious and all sorted now. Partly caused my weed. I felt really bad for him, yet I havn't stopped smoking. Some of my best mates could get serious injury from trials, I would feel sorry yet again but I wouldn't stop trials.

Completely open to critisism, just got in from work and quite knackered so probably not the best argument.

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I only really drink or get stoned at parties, with friends, socially. But more recently I have been getting stoned more often than tipsy. It's my preference of experience, I prefere the mellowness and chilled feel of weed than the manic-shit-talking feel I get whilst drunk. I'm not addicted, I know I can have fun without it, so it's not ike anybody can say "you'll have a better time without it", because most of these people havn't tried it, that annoys me somewhat. I'm not planning on trying any harder drugs, I have never had a really bad time and untill I do I don't think that I will think twice.


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like many things, ocational use is permited. takin drugs once or twice in your lifetime isnt bad it will widen your eyes to new things.

the problem with amny drugs is that it is sometimes very hard to make it a once only ocation.

everyone that i know that does drugs said 'o il just try it this time only' not true

although some of the less harmful and less adictive drugs can be used for recreational use

all im sayin is. dont knock them till you know all the facts and know all the posible outcomes.

yes drugs are bad an we all know we souldnt do them.

but we all know we sould walk instead of usin the car

we souldnt ride in sertain places that have historical value etc

not drink as muct

but we all know that sometimes we dont go the corect way and the way that we sould go

i voted yes i have i dont hide it but i am not a drug adict once in a blue moon is fine in my opinion at the right time ie parties, camping trips etc

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That must have been well freaky,were you there at the time

I was with her at Albert park where she was smoking, then me and James had to go in, so we left them and went home.... Next day at school all i heard was that she got rushed to hospital to have her stomach pumped. It really scared me to think she could of died. :) but yeah, thats why i don't like them, just 'because they scare me! I dont have a problem with anybody who does take them/smoke them, as long as they dont try and push me into taking them or smoke them all over me.

Kerrie. x.x.x.x.x

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I was with her at Albert park where she was smoking, then me and James had to go in, so we left them and went home.... Next day at school all i heard was that she got rushed to hospital to have her stomach pumped. It really scared me to think she could of died. :)  but yeah, thats why i don't like them, just 'because they scare me! I dont have a problem with anybody who does take them/smoke them, as long as they dont try and push me into taking them or smoke them all over me.

Kerrie. x.x.x.x.x


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