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Helmets All The Time Or Not?


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i hate riding without it! saved me so many times( even from air rifle pellet) :shifty: i feel unsafe without it had some huge falls ( loads today) so try wear it all the time as people said things WILL ALWAYS go wrong no matter how small or easy something is!

(my sig will tell you a helmet can be replaced you cant!)


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the short answer: yes

the long answer: yes

mine have saved my life or some severe injuries a couple of times so i never ride trials without one.

i find that wearing one sets you apart fom the chavs just being twats and actually stops you getting as much hassle. You look like you are doing something purposeful and not just loitering on a silly looking bike.

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Well DERRRRRRRRR yes they are a good idea but do make you look like a bit of a goof i wear mine on rides round the corner but have never bothered taking them a long way just because its another thing 2 look after and i 4get my gloves let alone a £60 helmet

Think i also forgot my brake pads 1ce and had to go back find them

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Well DERRRRRRRRR yes they are a good idea but do make you look like a bit of a goof i wear mine on rides round the corner but have never bothered taking them a long way just because its another thing 2 look after and i 4get my gloves let alone a £60 helmet

Think i also forgot my brake pads 1ce and had to go back find them

but it can and will save your life and surely the further away from home you are the worse a serious injury becomes? as getting back is then an issue


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You'd have to be stupid not too. Haven't read other posts, but if anyone has said you don't need to wear your helmet becuase...or i wear my helmet at this and that time, but not when i'm doing small stuff, is stupid.

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Well DERRRRRRRRR yes they are a good idea but do make you look like a bit of a goof i wear mine on rides round the corner but have never bothered taking them a long way just because its another thing 2 look after and i 4get my gloves let alone a £60 helmet

Think i also forgot my brake pads 1ce and had to go back find them

How can you forget something that's physically attached to your head?

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My head has been saved by a helmet three times now, i never go out riding anymore without it, unless i'm riding to the shop or something like that.

At least if you wear a helmet and hit your head you'll still be able to look back and think about how silly you looked in it, if you don't wear one and hit you head you won't be able to think about anything again EVER!

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Anyone who says 'i don't wear one 'cos i look like a dick' neds a slap.

Look at yourself - Helmet or no helmet, you're on a bike with no seat, hopping on a wall/rock.

Cool :lol:

I wear mine whenever i ride.

I'll confess to not wearing a lid if i'm just popping down the shop for some fags but - like he says - you look like a twat bouncing around on your back wheel helmet or not - epecially on a mod.

better a twat than a cripple i say.

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I can't believe how stupid some people are "dont wear it much because i look like a mushroom" , oh no the helmet doesnt suit me, oooo shame that but im sure a helmet suits you more than brain damage when you bail and smash your head in the ground or when your brake slips and land on your head and have to live with the constant bathing by someone else or not being able to feed your self!!!

ok so that is harsh, but in reality its true :lol: so get your lids on NOW :lol:

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Weird how in the BMX world, it seems a vast, overwhelming majority don't wear helmets? Before anyone says they're too fashion conscious/stupid, a large proportion of the BMX contingent are actually pretty clued up about shit in general. The "Pro" rider interviews always seem to show that they're not brainless 'tards anyway, but yeah - no helmets.


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Weird how in the BMX world, it seems a vast, overwhelming majority don't wear helmets? Before anyone says they're too fashion conscious/stupid, a large proportion of the BMX contingent are actually pretty clued up about shit in general. The "Pro" rider interviews always seem to show that they're not brainless 'tards anyway, but yeah - no helmets.


yeah i have always thought that was weird too

maybe its too do with bmxers took on the skate culture, which is helmet-less and trials kinda came more from the mtb side, which is more pro helmet.

i have been out with mates and got hassled by bmxers for wearing a helmet (not that i was bothered, they were probs twats) but i think they are definately some bmxers that like the cool hardcore look.

but i have also noticed that alot of bmxers go for knee, shin, elbow, gloves, but no helmet! - i suppose i just don't understand.


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I know the pro's seem clued up, but have you ever considered that they are forced into it, because when little johny turns on the tv and see's dave mira (i know this is a trials forum but theres nt much trials on tv is there grrr) and he's got a lid on they think it's ok to wear one because he does? i understand when people go as big as he does but you think he wears on when he's pratin about?

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I agree with everyone, i always wear my helmet even if i'm just messing around in front of my house, tonight i used my helmet twice :D .Firstly i did a gap and slipped off the back and my helmet hit a pointy rocky wall, and secondly i was riding some crates and the one i was on slipped backwards and i fell forwards and smacked my head on the crates when i was gapping. The lesson to be learnt is.........

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my friend died on friday of last week because he sliped off of a car bumper and suffered a brain hemeraige its not exacly that difficult to end ur life because of a simple slip i always bear this in mined every time i go ride my bike this thought scares me still and for this reason i would reccomend that you always wear a helmet remember u ll never replace ur head but u could replace a helmet. i would nt want anyone elses life to end the way that this seventeen year olds life was cruelly ended. dont let this stop u ridin ur bike but take precations which could save lifes.

Gavyn :blink:

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