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Can One Sit On A Trials Seat?


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seats in trials (if you have one!) are just to sit on if your watching someone of rolling down a hill etc. most specific trials frames that have seats are too low (seat to bottom bracket) for you to sit down and pedal because the crank often comes to high for your leg to go around. It is a bit of a silly question but the others could have helped you rather than just write a bit of a silly reply. (Y)

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when i had my t-raptor (god bless its soul) i could sit down, pedal and wheelie, and it's not like im small either, 5"10 i think, but now i have an old school monty, with this stupid seat, well uncomfy, t-raptor seat = best trials seats ever!

when i had my t-raptor (god bless its soul) i could sit down, pedal and wheelie, and it's not like im small either, 5"10 i think, but now i have an old school monty, with this stupid seat, well uncomfy, t-raptor seat = best trials seats ever!

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I suspect what the man's after is whether he might be able to use it as a general purpose MTB as well...

You can't. Some people have asked for Raptors with long seatposts so they can do that. We have a couple of objections:

1. The seatclamp ain't strong enough (probably) for sitting on the seat while it's stuck out on a post.

2. If you do, it will bend and if you persist it can break and...

3. You'll end up with 23.4mm (I think) of goodness where you definitely weren't expecting it. It might be sharp, too.

The Woodstock can take a normal post and seat if you want, but it's a bit twitchy as a mountainbike.

On the other hand, if you only meant, can you sit on it as it is, yes you can, it's fine for that but just won't be comfy for long periods at a time.

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I suspect what the man's after is whether he might be able to use it as a general purpose MTB as well...

I'm just after a bike that if, on the way back from somewhere, I get tired, I can sit down on and freewheel for a bit. I don't want a mountain bike because there are no mountains here (Y)

Next question: will a normal railed seat fit on the bike?

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Next question: will a normal railed seat fit on the bike?

If you can find the right sized seatpost either with the clamp on it, or a seperate clamp, then I can't see why not.

But Onza mini seats are usually glued onto a seatpost.

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