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Ask A 23 Year Old American Anything


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Ever been on a weight induced diet?

Ever thrown a billiard ball from a 5 storey car park, just to see if it really will bounce?

Is www.realultimatepower.net funny?

What is the highest number you have ever counted to in 1 go?

Are you planning to count higher anytime soon?

Why not?

Do you rally have better things to do than count to really high numbers?

Are you sure?

Want to phone a friend?

Ever been on a television quizz how?

Did you win?

Did you answer all my questions?


Do you feel any better for it?

Getting a bit pointless now aren't they?

Should I stop?

What's the magic word?


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Do you have one of those crazy old women who live near the railway track and owns lots of cats ?

EDIT: what time is it there ?

No, dont' know anyone who really owns cats. They exist though, the ladies.

What time is it over there?

around 5 pm, or 17:00

Would you club a baby seal for charity?

I don't really like sea life so sure.

Have you ever had a cock shoved up your left nostril?

Do you hate having a dollar bill and no dollar coin?

Are there jocks and nerds etc in schools?

no, no, yes there are jocks and nerds in schools.


Didn't think you would actually ask him that but nevermind lol

Errr...would you let some1 kick you in the jewels for money??

uh...probably not, depends on how much money and hwo is kicking.

Ever been on a weight induced diet?

Ever thrown a billiard ball from a 5 storey car park, just to see if it really will bounce?

Is www.realultimatepower.net funny?

Want to phone a friend?

Ever been on a television quizz how?


Weight induced? I've been on a diet to gain muscle, which in turn leads to weight gain.

I've never thrown a ball down a 5 story whatever.

No it isn't funny.

Sure I'll call a friend.

Never been on a quiz show.

do black people really have massive dicks?

is gay porn bad?

should i take up the offer of being in gay porn?

should i tell my mum shes fat?

why does your willy look bigger when you cut your pubes...

Black people have larger resting dicks, limp dicks..but when erect they are relatively the same. Over the races blacks have the largest dicks, followed by whites, then asians and mexicans.

Gay porn is fine.

Do whatever you want to do in your life; gay porn can pay the bills..most male porn stars start out in gay porn.

I don't know if your mom is fat or not.

Because there are less things around it.

Is there as many wilde house parties as you see on tv are the hot yank girls all sluts and suckers towards our well spoken english accent?

Tons of wild house parties, you can probably pull some poon with an accent.

How much do you pay for fuel?

Have you ever agreed with somebody using 'Word' :D

Have you ever got pulled over for speeding?

What do you think of baseball?

If you were tall, would you play basketball because of your height?

Cheers :lol:


I pay around $2.59 a gallon for 91 octane.

Yes I say word, not really seriously though...just joking.

I have been pulled over for speeding 3 times. None of them in my car.

I hate baseball.

If I was really tall and I loved basketball I owuld play it...i think its a gay sport.

What do you think a fanny is?

an ass.

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91 octane :lol: how does anything run on that!!!!

Its the highest you can buy in colorado....most places in america use 93 octane, but colorado is at around 5000+feet high...like living in the alps.

Have you ever felt influenced to join the mass amount of freeriders in america and canada ?

Also being american do you naturally hate canadians ?

no influence from freeriders. Canadians are for the most part faggots, but I've met some ok ones. I hate how they talk, i hate their culture, alot of their beer sucks (not all of course)...

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snooker terms pink or brown???

i have no idea what that means but im going to guess its pussy color? I dont care, as long as it is tight and wet.

if a train leaves italy and a train leaves from germany at exactly the same time and say they were to go in a straight line towards your apartment...which one would arrive first?

hard to say...east or west germany/italy?? if they left at the same longitute but in different countries and both went completely straight to my apartment (which is slower than going in a curve, because of the globe that we live on) I would probably say germany first....pretty much impossible to figure out, im not sure how N or S they are from colorado.

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AndrewT Posted Today, 12:21 AM

hard to say...east or west germany/italy?? if they left at the same longitute but in different countries and both went completely straight to my apartment (which is slower than going in a curve, because of the globe that we live on) I would probably say germany first....pretty much impossible to figure out, im not sure how N or S they are from colorado.

lets say directly in the middle of rome and munich.......and what the hell there both travelling at 349mph (not that it`ll make any difference)


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A fanny is what is also known as flange or minge lol

Not a bloody ass *pfft*


Which country would you concider being better at trials on the whole ?

UCI? France

BIU?? Spain or japan...not sure, probably spain.

Unless you were talking about USA vs england. The choice is pretty easy.

He might have ment 'ass' as in dick head etc. not as in your bottom.

He might understand better if you jsut tell him iti a pussy

so fanny = fanny?

wow i wrote c*nt and it wrote it as fanny. how interesting...no I've never heard pussy be called fanny, sounds rather gay.

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