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If you gonna dis henry lloyd spell it right first and all I said was that I hate emo's but I'm a chav so people don't like me exepct other chavs and people tht no me. :S

look at ur avatar i think i spelt it right, unless its a fake logo to go with every thing else

any way back to topic emo's are funny, the girly trouser thnig is a giggle

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Do you think I'm bothered that no-one of the people I've known for 3 months don't like me and ash I never liked you and quite a few peopel I know don't like you and what you mean wardie. He called me a twat so I can call him something back

name some?

haha wardie is like the only other rider who liked you, now its only other chavs lol. prove my point for me then lol.

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ash I never liked you and quite a few peopel I know don't like you

Haha, original comeback :S

Why not shit-talk each other on MSN? Saves clicking "Add reply" then "Submit reply" once you've mashed the keyboard with your face a few times (or however the crap you type)? Just one little click of "enter"...

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Haha, original comeback :S

Why not shit-talk each other on MSN? Saves clicking "Add reply" then "Submit reply" once you've mashed the keyboard with your face a few times (or however the crap you type)? Just one little click of "enter"...

i would do mark but he has seemed to have blocked my msn.

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apparently the "everyone" who hates me are:

him(toby emery) --------------------i really couldn't care as you are just a cock

tom wilcox ---------------------------judging by our ride today i would say not

tom salone---------------------------judging by our ride today i would say not

sam ward----------------------------hes a cock too

alex in fareham, on the saracen---judging by our ride today i would say not

wow that was a long list of "everyone"

EDIT: no you being gay was always quite well known

Edited by ash-kennard
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the gay emo's in vid do though :S

EDIT:I thought I would add this convo a mate sent to me.

trance express: emery

Wilky: kimmi est capable une baise et a un popotin parfait: tom wilcox who apparently hates me lol.

trance express says:

rite do u like ash

Wilky: kimmi est capable une baise et a un popotin parfait says:

yer yu

Wilky: kimmi est capable une baise et a un popotin parfait says:


trance express says:


Wilky: kimmi est capable une baise et a un popotin parfait says:


trance express says:

kos i dunt

Edited by ash-kennard
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i got aload of emo mates and chav mates well townies not chavs and i got skater mates its all down to the attitude and clothes and music for me i listen to evrything wear hoodies and skter jeans

so what does that make me a emo that wears black sports wear all the time na

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"emo" is news to me, i gather the other term is goth and thats the name assoiated/given to sad,depressed,greasy,black haired,loud rockers in my area.

But really i get along with most of them cos Jersey is a small lil island and if you speak to them then you find they are "sound" (and the really nice ones pay for your bus :) ) haha oh yes there are fit "emo" girls! one on my bus home :S fahook umm.

I go to school with a few emos, few chavs, few riders and a few misfits but i still get along with all the groups. Sterotyping people i think is ok, aslong people/groups dont try to have advantages (bully) over different groups ( :cough: chavs ), thats not nice. At the end of the day there "kids avin fun". :thumbsup:

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Why are poeple slagging them so much!? it's only another trend it will pass in time like they all do.

I'd rather have a conversation with an Emo than a chav if i had to make a choice, although i'd talk to neither if i had that option

Edited by Xdream
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Nout wrong with EMO's, got loads of emo mates and theyre all sound as a pound.

Emo birds are damn fine, especially round this area.

Emery, you always a complete ©UNT face or what??

Edited by merlin_rider
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Oj lets get a thing straight don't ever put up on a public forum what I have been saying in a private msn convo and what does that prove and I hope the people that have contiuesly been caning have a got a warning just not me for defending myself and gin your a boner not me just leave it at that and all of you gay andf yes I'm always a c*nt so ques answred

banana boy whats your msn as you obviously want an arguement and thats the best place to do it

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