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Anyone Else Gettin Bored?


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I got bored recently dave. Just lost the motivation. And I remeber you saying this before and myself posting something about if you get bored then your doing something wrong or something like that. Im the same, been riding for 5 years and I was bored.

I just gave it a rest for a while. Only rode on sundays through sheer bordom. Then I saw myself getting really crap, and then that frustrated me. Then I said to myself lets start again. And I started learning stuff again sort of as if I never knew it in the first place if you get me. Then I really started to enjoy things again.

I also found that if my bike was crap and felt crap, then I would really loose interest in what I was trying to do.

Absense makes the heart grow fonder :rolleyes:

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I got bored recently dave. Just lost the motivation. And I remeber you saying this before and myself posting something about if you get bored then your doing something wrong or something like that. Im the same, been riding for 5 years and I was bored.

I just gave it a rest for a while. Only rode on sundays through sheer bordom. Then I saw myself getting really crap, and then that frustrated me. Then I said to myself lets start again. And I started learning stuff again sort of as if I never knew it in the first place if you get me. Then I really started to enjoy things again.

I also found that if my bike was crap and felt crap, then I would really loose interest in what I was trying to do.

Absense makes the heart grow fonder :rolleyes:

everything made sense untill the last bit, maybe its the weather.

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im thinking of giveing up to.i got a bike thats worth loads just siting there when i could really use some cash for x mas and stuff.im thinking if i give up now and try it again in a year or so

Absense makes the heart grow fonder

As in, give it a rest for a while and come back revived and motivated.

I disagree with the comments above. I quit around a year and half ago, started again just recently, well August to be exact, and it just isnt the same. When you quit and re start the motiviation just isnt there whatsoever, you can hardly do anything compared to before, which beleive me, is a pain in the a55. If you quit, chances are thats it and you wont get back into in the same way.

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Boy do I know how you feel.

Riding is loosing its fun.

I havent riden in ages, it annoys me, but at the same time I dont care any more.

I remember back in the day, when I would ride everyday, and night, and everyone would be out.

We would normaly ride in a group of about 10 of us at least.

Now we are luck if 2 people will come out,

Its boring riding alone, and you have no one to push you.

Riding the same old crap is boring because youve done it all before.

Its anoying watching little kids pick up a bike and ride amazingly after about 6 months, when you try for all those years and cant catch up at all.

Thats how I feel.

Now Im only going to ride when I feel its going to be fun, and there is going to e a good crowd, who all enjoy a good laugh.

And they dont come along often, my bike hasnt been touche din about 1 month, and I havent spent any money on it in about 6 months

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It just doesnt seem to be as fun these days. There used to be about 10+ riders around here, and now there is 2 or 3...

I'm trying to build up a new bike to get some enthusiasm back into riding, but at the moment i'm riding with a bike thats 1/2 new and 1/2 for sale, none of it is working that great, and it just doesnt give me loads of confidence to try stuff. (N)

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i'm thinkin o buildin ma little giant bike up again. was ace for loads o street type riding, but still good trials geometry. hopefully gain more in fun lines than i lose in height of touches and length of gaps (not that they're ne good neways!)

i love ridin, just fed up o not bein as good as i was bout 2 years ago. rode street on my bodged dirt/street X-ile and had a blast! even though the stuff i did wasn't amazing, it felt so good doing something original, rather than the same old lines around oxford once a week on a cold miserable thursday evening.

wudn't miss it for the world though! as has been said before, its started bein more about gettin out with a coupleo mates and see who can laugh the hardest!


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:o oh my god! Lads its not that bad! You just have to get out more, ride new places with new people, trials isnt all about beeing the best. Like in any sport there are physical, mental and social reasons for doing it.

Maybe join a local trials club and get involved in some competitions - they're great fun and you can really see yourself improve each month.

OR maybe go on some big rides organised, look in rides and locations instead of being stuck to trials chat and sites vids and pics.

OR maybe get into a demo or make your own and show off your skills with yours mates which also well fun.

Just keep having fun! Trials will always be a laugh! YOU HAVE TO TRY NEW THINGS! WE ALL DO! (Y)


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I finished work tonight at about ten past 10, made some calls to various band members to point out how ridiculously f**king wank our upcoming gig is shaping up to be, then just rode. Just played around in this carpark with some random bits 'n' pieces to ride (this is on my BMX, btw), on my own. Ended up getting so warm from riding that despite the fact by that time it was 10 to 11, I ended up riding with just a t-shirt on (upper half obviously, you dirty bastards). Had a super good time, and learnt some new stuff, but just had fun. It was just nice ragging around trying to link stuff up.

At the moment, I know I'm gonna have some skatepark trips coming up soon so I'm 'limiting' myself to my BMX, but when I get back on the Zip it just feels really good just having a different way of thinkin about stuff, plus more power from having thrown my BMX round then going to my relatively lightweight Zip. Just trying to do stuff differently and your bike feeling all new and different 'cos you've been riding an alien bike is really, really beneficial.

After nearly 5 years of riding, I've learnt all the sorta 'main moves' in trials, and now it's just like trying to apply lines to bigger objects it just loses it's fun. I try and do street stuff on my Zip when I can, but to be honest, BMX's own trials bikes for doing street stuff on. No matter how 'street' you try and be on a trials bike, it does just end up being either a wank version of BMX, or you're just doing trials in a marginally different way.

For me, the best solution is to get my street fix on my BMX, then just maximise the strengths of my trials bike by riding more 'pure' trials on it. It just works out better that way, and it feels right just 'cos it's almost like it's all sorta harmonious 'cos I'm using my long 'n' low mod to do what it's made for, which is more "pure" trials instead of trying to use a hammer to do a saw's job, if you get me.

Meh, works for me.

Diversity is the key.

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in the 10 weeks i've been at uni...with no where to keep the bike (it's under the bed...but i'm not allowed it so getting it out is a wee bit tricky..) available for easy access for a quick spin...

i've ridden 3 days (twice when i went home for a weekend) in those 10 weeks, and to be honest, i didn't realise notice how little i'd been riding i was doing so much else...

now it's all calmed down a bit, i definitely feel like something is missing and want to ride! I can't wait for the christmas hols- get ready steve. Argh..as jamie said, if you're bike feels crap, it really reflects in your general riding >_<



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