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Is Trials Coming To An End For Me?


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hiya there,

im 16 and just doing my GCSE's now and im feeling pretty crap to be honest. im going to be driving pretty soon and im starting to feel that trials might be coming to an end for me.

i have been riding since december of 2003, broken countless frames, wheels and other parts like the usual but also had a few severe indurys. i have a shattered knee cap in my left knee and torn ligaments all round the knee joint which makes me unstable sometimes, i smashed my hand through my handlebar a year back and broke nearly every bone in the palm of my right hand which now leads to great discomfort but i ave still kept up the riding.

im now looking at sixth form etc and im having to sell my pride and joy trials bike, my KOT. its a perfect match for anybody and i hate to see it go but i have to sell it to pay off my car as im now unemployed untill i get my lifeguard job.

im just feeling like maybe its the end of the road for me, ive had a brilliant 2 years and just wnted to know what other people are thinking and has anybody else had the same experience, ive been out riding tonight and just feel like im not sure if i still want to be doing it.

thanks people and am waiting for some replies.



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Ha i was hook when I was doing GCSE's hardly revised !!! i blame trials for my turddy grades of C's :( oh well lol, am in 6th form still find time to ride plus learning to drive aswell. And heading to uni end of this year....

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does everyone find that recently riding hasn't been as fun as it used to be? everyone whining that your gapping technique is wrong, they can't get up 669732" and everyone is really competative. even on street rides, no one really talks to each other unless they are making fun of some one or cursing because they havn't made something

its all gotten too competative, no one wants to socialise, they just want to out do the others and make themselves look better.

its no fun. on rides, im always riding, but i make sure that i stop and chat to nearly everyone as it seems the friendly thing to do.

Edited by ash-kennard
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Im feeling like this to at the moment.

But feel better once i have rode somwhere different, need to travel more.

Mansfield (where i live) is good. but its rough with smackheads and that so it limits where we can ride on weeknight wih it being dark. just dont feel like riding, but i think its just mansfield.

cheers andy

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I'm also 16 and i have found with all my coursework and gcse's i haven't had much time to go and ride but when i do it feels good, but not as good as usual i think its cause you always have something in your head telling you about your exams and it pressurizes you so you don't ride aswell as usual. recently i have been riding my bmx a bit more whilst doing exams makes me feel better (Y)

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i feel the same as all of you guys. pressure is killing me and im not sure if i will be able to ride much longer. ash is right, every ride has got so competative now and its not like it used to be 2 years ago, even at comps, people dont socialise, people always used to be cheering each other on, now to get the same effect you have to do something stupid. im not enjoying myself any more riding trials, i have ridden DH and that literally nearly killed me. trials just needs alot of time to try new things and develop balance and technique and time is something that we are alll short of at the moment.

what do we all think??

cheers people,


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You think you dont have any time to ride??? Wait until you've entered the "real world" of a full time job and you'll come to realise how much spare time you really had back in the days of being a student. At the moment I go to work when its dark, come home when it's dark ten hours later and all I want to do when i get home is sleep. I wake up, go to work when its dark...etc etc... 5 days a week. Weekends I'm busy doing all those things that I've just not had time to do and I have to make time for Charlotte too. I'm lucky if I've actually got the time to ride.

If you want to ride, you will - no matter how busy your life is.

Andy P

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im 21, doing my placement in third year of uni, and having the best time. work 9-5 ride 7-9/10, the sleep, work, ride, work ride, on the w/e i ride all w/e.

thats all i do. dont sell your bike, ull regret it and want to come back to it when you find more time.

Its your decision, if you want to quit, QUIT. Simple as that.

ill carry on riding until i cant, i love it, thankfully my missus understands and we have a great relationship also (she stays in south of france at the moment(until june))

its great :)


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does everyone find that recently riding hasn't been as fun as it used to be? everyone whining that your gapping technique is wrong, they can't get up 669732" and everyone is really competative. even on street rides, no one really talks to each other unless they are making fun of some one or cursing because they havn't made something

its all gotten too competative, no one wants to socialise, they just want to out do the others and make themselves look better.

its no fun. on rides, im always riding, but i make sure that i stop and chat to nearly everyone as it seems the friendly thing to do.

your riding with faggots mate i always have a laugh when i ride if i dont then its a bad ride even if i did do my biggest tap etc the best bit about riding like most sports is the socialising get some better people to ride with is your answer if there all like that!

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I felt the same i broke my wrist riding in september. Decided to sell some of my bike, but when my wrist was ok i found i missed trials riding and regretted selling stuff. 5months later i've just got my bike working again, and i'm loving riding again. You will really regret selling your bike. Went down to portsmouth on saturday, could pretty much do all the same stuff but was a lot more sketchy had a laugh with my mate who's getting back into it to. This last week i've ridden every day and getting back into like 40" taps not highest but it's still fun.

I'm 17 at college and all that, and i still have loads of time to ride. At GCSE rode a lot to, helped me clear my head a lot of like all the pressures of getting good grades and getting into college and all that stuff. Still managed to get straight B's with fitting riding in.

Haven't been on a big group ride yet so i can't say i know about all this competiveness. I know riding with one or two people is still a great laugh though

seriously don't sell you'll miss it, i went to BMX and yea was alright at it but got bored after a while wanted trials bike back

Hmmmm i've seemed to have rambled....


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Same ere, when i first started (sept 2003) there were 5 of us and later my little bro joined in, but only me and my mate carl ever got into it properly. They all dropped out pretty quick and i just couldn't understand why. We carried on up until last November, when carl hurt his wrist again, and i was never motivated to go out on my own, because there was just no fun in it. We got to about average level riding, barheight ups and small rail gaps, and i just lost interest completely. Riding felt like a chore rather than a laugh and one shit ride finished it off for me.

I left school back in july and am now working 5 days a week part time so i have more time than ever to ride, but when i last went out on my bike, i just felt stupid. Like i shouldn't be doing it.

Anyway, i just bought a bmx this week, and had a quick blast on it yesterday, and wow, it was so sweet. It was like being a kid again and just going out and messing about. Learning something new. I'm hoping i'll have the motivation to go out more on my own because all my mates have gone to uni and my only other riding mate still has a sore wrist and seems to prefer drumming to riding anyway.

But yeh, i guess my point is try something new, maybe you'll leave school and get back into trials like a lot of other people seem to do.

Oh, and as for the driving, (i take it you aren't already driving as you said you're 16)...don't act like it will become your new hobby as chances are you'll pass, and the novelty will instantly wear off. I thought as soon as i pass driving would become a massive part of my life (i love cars to bits) but instead it was the opposite, i still love driving but for me its just a tool, not a hobby (i'm sure that'll change as soon as a get a decent car)...

Anyway, just do what you feel is right for you, you an always come back, and remember nothing last forever.

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I'm 16 and I have been riding under a year and it is as fun as its ever been.

I know that I am going to fail in my GCSE's so don't realy feel too much presure. I have also got an aprentaship in carpentary lined up so im happy :) .

I'd really not try and sell it. Yes, you're going to be driving soon, but thats only lessons and they piss you off enough as it is so the bike comes in handy as a bit of stress relief.

Stick with it as long as you can, don't buy a car until you need to. If you said you haven't got a job, fair enough you can sell your bike and it will cover for the lessons, but what about buying a car after that, MOT, tax, insurance, fuel? Put the car off until you have a job, I work full time and if I didn't get the money I get I'd have lots of trouble in owning a bike, taking tests/lessons, saving for a car and insurance and having a social life all at the same time, most people have to sacrifice about two of those things.

Thing is with trials is that it can be your hobby and your social life, making it harder to give it up. 08457 90 90 90...ring Samaritans! lol

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if you really want to ride and enjoy it, you will always find time for it. for example I work full time, study at the university at the same time and have a gf, but still manage to ride as almost as much as i want. most evenings you can find hour or two to ride, and then there are weekends. but it's a different thing to get bored with trials itself.. I have found myself riding my street bike much more these which is one reason why I'm thinking of switching from UCI bike back to street trials bike...

Edited by mehukatti
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