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first of all

sorry if this has already been posted.

if it has then it will only take one person to say it and i dont want people to start bitching about 'use the search'

has anyone noticed that on the select bikes advert that they have spelt clearance wrong?


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Did you ever notice that if you squint like a retard and slap your head four times, you can see 8 different types of blue on the TF home page?

Nor did I, no-one gives a toss.

Im sure you would when everyone starts kicking off about how bad eachother spell in an argument. Then you want to point out a mistake in their post? or have you never done that? http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....211&hl=spelling

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that's not american stylie, it's just plain wrong.

Aren't those the same things? bur hur hur...

But yeah, it is actually the American way of spelling it, although I'm guessing it was more the Phil not checking it way of spelling it.

I noticed it before, but didn't give enough of a shit to post a thread...

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I am American, I've been living in England for 14 months.


I am trying to appeal to the American Market.

Urm, not going to work

I blame my head being so full I can't read what I'm saying now, I went and write it down when I read this and spelt it with an 'A' then looked at my banner and pissed myself, o well, I'm not too bothered, it should be changed soon, but thanks for making the topic it stopped me from looking like an idiot :turned: darn, too late :lol:


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