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Wow Wow Wow Im So Excited.


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Wow, This is serious, I entered a competition on Invicta FM to try and get an indoor trials park built, I told them that if it was indoors it wouldn't weather and you wouldnt get people there trying to steal your bike.

I entered the competition about a week ago and they rang me back this morning, Saying that i have not been shortlisted just yet but they want some soundbites for them to play on the radio on my idea.

So here is where you come in, Can you give me more ideas on what to say as i have not even been doing trials that long, All the good ideas i will write down and tell them when they come to come house on thursday at 12.30.

Any help appreciated, Thanks in advance, Alan B)

Edited by T-MAGura
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"Blah blah blah, it'll give somewhere for kids to go. Blah blah blah, good exercise. Blah blah blah, increase your self-confidence as you learn more things. Blah blah blah, gives you something to aim for. Blah blah blah, cheap to maintain course. Blah."

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Basically, what Dave said. Try and make it sound like the work they have to do is as minimal as possible. All they need to do is supply building and either money for materials, or we give them a list, and the rest the riders will do.

Also explain there is no trials park anywhere in the UK. Also try and get in that the nearest trials park is in south france, with next closest one in northern spain.

Plug trials-forum too. :P

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Get us land and materials and well sort out the layout.

That may seen fine and dandy for you but i'm pretty sure if it was left upto you and a few others on here, They would be nothing for beginners to use.

I will mention there is no trials park in th UK and closest is south of france (Y)

Mark has probaly had the best idea so far. :)

All they need to do is supply building and either money for materials

So what do we want? Cotton reels, pallets, Wooden boxes....etc etc...More ideas?

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So ideas so far are as follows:

Keep trials bikers off the streets and will allow the police to get on with there normal job instead of having to be called out to take our names down for being on a wall.

There is no trials park in the UK, Nearest is in the south of France, Then Northern Spain.

Skate parks are designed for Bmxers and skaters, which doesn’t provide the right layout for Trials bikers.

It will be cheap to maintain, If the building is sorted out I’m sure that we could pull together at least 20 riders to help build the actual course and obstacles.

The actual objects inside the building would be quite cheap to get i.e. Cotton reels, Pallets, Concrete tubes

Thanks, Alan. But i need more......

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Yeah ask for cotton reels, good hardcore pallets, skips, old f**ked cars if possible.

Say to them that it will be alot safer for people to ride in a indoor trials park as we won't have idiots trying ti nick are bikes and belongings.

Also like Biketrialer said, if they start saying shit like " what about fun boxes and quartre pipes, tell them it will be no use to us, witch it won't really, give them a good idea of what trials is about and what stuff we would like to use etc etc.

Maybe you could copy a disk of a TRA vid riding indoors with all his shizzle, would help them really.

Ben (Y)

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Hi all

The public complain about trials riders riding the streets and also wasting Police time, so they make a skate park. They only open it to skaters, no bikes allowed. What kind of idea is that? The skate park has now been closed due too much noise, they are now putting in sound proofing in. When it opens bikes still not be allowed in, we have made a petition but we are not getting anywhere.

The local bmxers in Deal all got given ASBO's for riding and even fined, and all got banned from the skate park, we went to the park yesterday evening it had turned into a local pikey playgroup...... mayhem!

Here is a link to our petition for a skate park


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Good luck with it all mate! *envies you 'cause your petionin suff went better than mine* mention that half the time our moves don't damage things anyway (as aposed 2 grinding in skating and bmx)

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Ask for all the stuff mentioned above, IN A VARIETY OF SIZES, otherwise you'll only get one level of rider going there, which is F all use to a council who've invested money in the place and will want people to actually USE it.

The problem I see here is people (probably not real trials riders though) hurting themselves and giving the council grief as a result. I don't know the legalities, but plenty of 'ride at your own risk, council takes no responsibility' posters may be in order.

Mention that it gets bored kids with bikes off the streets, and if it's advertised they'll start doing trials (hopefully) instead of vandalising shit and causing mayhem.

You'll need to negotiate this carefully, like if it's indoor (which it should be so that a. you can ride in all weather and b. no-one will have their bikes nicked) then the council needs to take care of all the structural stuff of the building and make sure it's 100% safe, but let the trials riders build the damned obstacles, or it'll be crap. Make sure you get LOADS of people in to design the course, and make it moveable if possible, otherwise everyone will get bored. When you've ridden the same place over and over and over again, you have no motivation to do it YET again, so you don't go, the amount of riders going to the place drops, and it'll get shut down. You need to keep the place interesting to keep it open. Move shit around every few months, but make sure that there's always stuff for beginners to learn on and stuff for the big boys to break their bikes dropping off/tapping/sidehopping/whatever. A mixture of laughable and scary stuff with everything in between.

Might be worth talking about trials as a SPORT as well as just a hobby. BMX and skating etc are just seen as hobbies; trials is in that kinda midway point where it is both - make it a sport to the outside world and you'll get more acceptance. Perhaps say that it's a place to PRACTICE for comps rather than just somewhere to ride when you feel like getting off your ass for a bit. Even if you don't ride comp, someone out there will and will be glad to have somewhere to practice. You have to give this thing real appeal to people and word what you say carefully otherwise it just ain't gonna happen. Use pursuasive language and be serious and professional about it, don't just come across as some kid who wants somewhere to ride where he won't get his bike nicked. Come across as a dedicated participant of a sport that requires specialist terrain that can't be found elsewhere without the cops giving ye a hard time.

Bah, I'm rambling, but you get the point. Think about what you say.

Good luck.

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So ideas so far are as follows:

Keep trials bikers off the streets and will allow the police to get on with there normal job instead of having to be called out to take our names down for being on a wall.

Dont mention police i dont know just may give a bad impression

say like this is trials this is how we do it now

all we need is (and list minimal)

this is why

I dont know but i think id write it out lol

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Explain that there is a massive underground trials community in Britian, a few of which use T-F, who would support the idea and be willing to be involved in the park's creation.

Yep, got that. (Y)

They should be here in 1 minute, all the best. :P

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