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Worst Thing You've Eaten?


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When I was at school in 6th form my teacher dared me to eat dried caterpillar (or however you spell it).... So I did..... it tasted like some sort of dodgy fried chicken. :sick:

Also had some stuff pumped into my stomach in hospital, it tasted like I was chewing tinfoil for days after and it made me so ill....lovely (N)

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Marmite. Eugh.

Steamed chinese dumplings, that was f**king disgusting. Some kind of gray piece of meat in some half-clear/white, jelly-like covering, served in something that resembled a metal bowl for dog food. oh my god, it was horrible.

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My friend drank a teaspoon of tabasco sause. Went very quiet for a good 15 mins. :lol:

I tried that once on a night out, except it was a shot of the stuff! the guy behind the bar had an ear to ear grin as sat there coughing for about 20 mins.


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Does snorting count as eating? If so, a line of pepper...

If not, at school they left the spaghetti on for too long or someshit, and it literally smelt like they had cooked about 10 fag packets in with the spaghetti, i can taste it now... eugh.

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Half a bottle of brown sauce in one go

Why did I crack up laughing when I red that? Possibly a wasp or bee could be the worst thing that has been in my mouth, when I had my quad I was on a track on a very hot and sunny day and spied a huge black and yellow flying thing and then the next thing i knew it was in my mouth, I shit myself and though it was going to sting the feck out of my throughout or something.

I did try and snort some crushed citrus polos at school once, my eyes began to feel like they were bleeding violently though.

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When semi drunk I ate a living moth.

When semi drunk I downed half a bottle of Oxy face cleaner. (Don't recommend it, the alcohol gets you f**ked, but it tastes like shit, it can't be good for you and it made me so ill afterwards).

And the worst thing I have snorted would be fag ash in a pub.

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me and my mates made a sandwich of doom this tme last year, which i had to eat. ( i got a milkshake and a muffin out of it though :D )

it included:


Brown sauce

Tomato sauce




digestive bisuits


chicken stock

cat food


curry powder


peanut butter

and bread obviously

to be honest it was rank as f**k i threw up after every bite but i did finish it (Y)

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Does snorting count as eating? If so, a line of pepper...

If not, at school they left the spaghetti on for too long or someshit, and it literally smelt like they had cooked about 10 fag packets in with the spaghetti, i can taste it now... eugh.

Hmm that reminds me of when I snorted crushed parma violets (you know, those purple sweets that come in that clear wrapping and taste like shite). They made me sneeze alot and bits of parma violet went everywhere.

I also snorted some kind of extra strong mint, that made it painful to breathe through my nose for about a day.

me and my mates made a sandwich of doom this tme last year, which i had to eat. ( i got a milkshake and a muffin out of it though :D )

it included:


Brown sauce

Tomato sauce




digestive bisuits


chicken stock

cat food


curry powder


peanut butter

and bread obviously

to be honest it was rank as f**k i threw up after every bite but i did finish it (Y)

The only bad thing about that is the cat food and possible the chicken stock.

Edited by robnewland
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