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Best Computer Game Ever?


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halflife - obviously

and the second one.

san andreas (because its the best GTA yet)

The most fun ever was playing max payne from start to finish without sleep.

Thats a beauti, GTA and CS:S are also really good, used to stay up till like 3 playing it, but I haven't played in aaaaaaages, and I can't be botherd with the updates. ;)


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I never really play games, and if I do I just borrow them from friends. They're way too expensive for what they are in my opinion, and I'd much rather spend my money on keeping my occupied in an active way.

The only 'games' I buy now are the flight simulators.

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Street Fighter II (Turbo)


Sonic 1 + 2

Super Mario All Stars

Mario Kart

Top Gear

Donkey Kong Country

Goldeneye 64

Crash Bandicoot (All except that shitty racing one)

Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3

All GTA's

Probably missed a shed load of good ones out but oh well.

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Battlefield 2 is the best PC game ever! I have friend who are obsessed with counter strike and when they played Battlefield 2, they found it better than counter strike.

Sidder77, do you know of any sever which you can't destroy vehicles?

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For racing sim game, Live For Speed S2 on the pc. They're having an update soon and the new BMW F1 Sauber car is being added, new tyre pysics and they are basically making even more realistic as possible.

Im sure a fair few people have played it on here and know how fun it is. Average of 500 racers online most of the time.

My 2 cents :sleeping:

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BF2 is pretty addicvtive, keep looking at Siders77's BF2 stats to see if he's online, just so I can go on see what's what. Hehe.

www.clan.potuk.org <-- The clan I someohow got involved in because I frequently play on thier server. If you like BF2, go check it out. It's new, and most of the time the main page don't work, so go to http://www.clan.potuk.org/forum/index.php? and join. Or just come play the server, it's pretty good. (Y) If not incredibly sad.

(I honestly can't believe I'm in a clan, I never thought it would be like this. : I'm still having fun though.)

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Haz, search the server browser in BF2 for "Karkand" and go on the Karkand 24/7 SuperServer.co.uk server. Pretty much all of the people in the top 10 list play there. Blazin UK's on there pretty much every day, too.

It's good for point whoring. :wink2: Although it can take up to 10 mins to get on. :(

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Haz, search the server browser in BF2 for "Karkand" and go on the Karkand 24/7 SuperServer.co.uk server. Pretty much all of the people in the top 10 list play there. Blazin UK's on there pretty much every day, too.

It's good for point whoring. :wink2: Although it can take up to 10 mins to get on. :(

Not keen on single map servers, unless it's Wake. + I got reserved slot on the PotUK server. :P

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Anyone ever have the Michael Jackson game for Sega Megadrive?

lol. He used to find kids in secrect doors, they would say 'MICHAEL' in a really suprised kind of voice and then they dissapear.

I bet he was jacking off playing that game and then played it for real.

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Goldeneye (Y) So so much fun at multiplayer and single player also the first game that had me addicted. It will allways be in my mind the best game.

Duck Hunt on the NES! many many hours of fun on that, especially when the gun went hay-wire and everyshot was a hit even when you were aiming away from the tv.

Legend of Zelda games, the one of the N64 was the last game I played that I was addicted too (it was a long time ago now)

Modern games are great but I never have quite as much fun with all aspects of them. Halo is awesome but not better than Goldeneye. GTA San Andreas is also a brilliant game and the reason I bought my PS2 but it just lacks something to make it my favourite ever.


bring on the revolution!

Edited by dan_brisa
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