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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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f**k, where to start. :lol:

So she thinks you're too good for her? Or the other way round?

I dunno what to suggest really, perseverance is the key really, that's all you can do. Just carry on being who you are and being there for her as you have been and sooner or later she will realise you are actually being genuine and things should start to fall into place.

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So she thinks you're too good for her? Or the other way round?

I dunno what to suggest really, perseverance is the key really, that's all you can do. Just carry on being who you are and being there for her as you have been and sooner or later she will realise you are actually being genuine and things should start to fall into place.

Agreed, do what this guy said :)

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Yeah being genuine is good although don't let girls get the better of you.

I've found this always works, if you f**k about a bit with them and playfully tease / mock / be mean to them they stay in their place and don't walk all over you.

I'm so tired :( No sleep last nite gr

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"Sorry, i think we have to put an end to us, i really want it to go somewhere but with our friendship i can't see it"

Me - "Ok, personally, i think its silly to throw away something like us but i said i'd respect your decision"

"I know, i really really want to kiss you but i just can't see it".

She thinks i'm the most amazing person, yet doesn't want to take it anywhere 'cause of a friendship, er, no offense, but f**king live a little, surely regretting what you've done is better then regretting what you haven't in this case?

Women can seriously f**k off, seriously.

I hope she isn't expecting me to be all like i was, i had strong feelings for her and i certainly ain't going to drop them over night, and seeing her and trying to hold back will just be f**king akward.


Hopefully going to get pissed tomorrow, can drown my sorrows looking at more women i can't get, wont talk too, and probably wont ever talk too. Great.

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"Sorry, i think we have to put an end to us, i really want it to go somewhere but with our friendship i can't see it"

Me - "Ok, personally, i think its silly to throw away something like us but i said i'd respect your decision"

"I know, i really really want to kiss you but i just can't see it".

She thinks i'm the most amazing person, yet doesn't want to take it anywhere 'cause of a friendship, er, no offense, but f**king live a little, surely regretting what you've done is better then regretting what you haven't in this case?

Women can seriously f**k off, seriously.

I hope she isn't expecting me to be all like i was, i had strong feelings for her and i certainly ain't going to drop them over night, and seeing her and trying to hold back will just be f**king akward.


Hopefully going to get pissed tomorrow, can drown my sorrows looking at more women i can't get, wont talk too, and probably wont ever talk too. Great.

this forum is great, havent really spoken to si for a while, noticed this new girl among the regulars and now all is known! lol... simon you put yourself in the worst situations you really do, for once do what YOU want, not what you think grant wants (the mate who liked her to start with) not what you think SHE wants and certainly not what you think anyone else wants you to do. If you want to kiss her and you think she does but is confused (typical girl :@) just go for it, you will only be left in the same situation you are now... at worse :/

you lot coming to my work tonight or worthing?

ps. me and charlie nearly broke up last night :o almost did, then didnt :o

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Tell you one thing, You guys are all pussy's lol.

Si, when are you going to stop letting women walk over you? Grow some balls man. Cant you see the pattern you have with girls? I.e it just doesnt work. You must change your ways. Stop being so NICE to girls. Treat em mean, Keep em Keen. Trust. It works.


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Tell you one thing, You guys are all pussy's lol.

You're a slut. ;)

Si, shes f**king you about a bit. Everything that shes said to you about 'how wonderful you are' and then she turns around and says she can't be more than friends. Its pretty much self torture at the minute and you know full well that this will cause a lot of problems for a long time!

Tell her what you think...anyone seen Peep Show series 1?

'Sophie...I really like you, and....if....you don't like me, liking you...then you can f**k off'.

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You're a slut. ;)

Si, shes f**king you about a bit. Everything that shes said to you about 'how wonderful you are' and then she turns around and says she can't be more than friends. Its pretty much self torture at the minute and you know full well that this will cause a lot of problems for a long time!

Tell her what you think...anyone seen Peep Show series 1?

'Sophie...I really like you, and....if....you don't like me, liking you...then you can f**k off'.

ahh peep show.... "aahhh..... that was the bad thing...."

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Meh, i told her i'd respect her decision but in the end i didn't and i fought her choice. She's basically said she wants me to fight for a relationship, she just needs to get over the whole friend business. So we going to get a film, empty house, some pizza and just sit with each other, as most the time we been together has been in other people's company or in the car, where i can't exactly just put my arm round or huggle up. :P

Hahaha at peep show situation, so fitting for this situation. :lol:

Yeh Bren, me and her been mates a long time now, she's just a bit complicated, know that first hand from all the advice i've given her over the years. :lol:

Don't know yet Bren, was going to go out tonight all fired up with anger but now i'm all contempt again haha, so will see what plan is.

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Meh, i told her i'd respect her decision but in the end i didn't and i fought her choice. She's basically said she wants me to fight for a relationship, she just needs to get over the whole friend business. So we going to get a film, empty house, some pizza and just sit with each other, as most the time we been together has been in other people's company or in the car, where i can't exactly just put my arm round or huggle up. :P

Hahaha at peep show situation, so fitting for this situation. :lol:

Yeh Bren, me and her been mates a long time now, she's just a bit complicated, know that first hand from all the advice i've given her over the years. :lol:

Don't know yet Bren, was going to go out tonight all fired up with anger but now i'm all contempt again haha, so will see what plan is.


im so excited for u, i really am

i hope u get some

your like my fave character on the big aussie soap that is trialsforum

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I don't really post on T-F a lot, i browse and read.. it's all good :D

Well anyway..

Started a new college course this year and there's this amazing girl dong the same one. She likes to f**k around an have a joke and stuff but I don't know what to do. I go out with my mates at dinner and break for a fag and she comes too but she just doesn't seem to want to be near me at all. I try n slyly(sp) walk accross to her but any chance she has she moves away. Plus, one of my mtaes is like all over he and she loves it but has a bird and i'm so jealous! I don't know how to tell her how I feel, I might just coe out with it. My mate who's all over her knows aswell so I don't know if he's doing it to rub it in?

What do you do when you like someone and you think/know they don't like you?

Cheers for looking guys. Hope someone can help.

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What do you do when you like someone and you think/know they don't like you?

1. Forget about it.

2. Take them by force.

And don't be so dramatic; chances are you'll find someone else to drool over in a few months.

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Stop being so NICE to girls. Treat em mean, Keep em Keen. Trust. It works.

I have to disagree i'm afraid, girl that i'm with loves it when i'm nice to her. So thats what I do. And were great together! Maybe, just maybe, each girl is different ;) Haha.

Having a big cock might help too

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im so excited for u, i really am

i hope u get some

your like my fave character on the big aussie soap that is trialsforum

Haha, not sure if that's a good or bad thing considering my past stories in this thread. :lol:

Meh, not looking to get some though, i'm looking for a girlfriend, an attachment. Physical of course but it's not my driving force behind this. :)

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god how gay


Hell yeah sweet cheeks.



been a while though eh si? hopefully after this one you wont have the police calling you with a spare place in gary glitters cell :D

Gary glitters cell? Piss off, i get my own now thanks. :P

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make urself not like them

and here's how

everytime you start to think about her ...

go to the kitchen,

open the fridge door,

pull the old chap out,

place him gently in the opening

slam the door - hard.

repeat until you stop having the thoughts

it works on dogs

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