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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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what did she say?

and where did u go

did u chat shit about ur new cf bonet?

As the bonnet isn't new, no. :P

Just took her to a quiet pub then met up with some mates after, was a nice evening. Spoke about a lot of things, just getting to know each other, general banter and so on.

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haha wtf i dent even no you could be allergic to jonnys, what happen did she swell up and your penis get stuck?

nah, some jonnies put in some random tingle effect, nearly all durex ones, and shes allergic to that. she just got real sore, so i took it out and finished in her mouth

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Lol, harsh.

She doesn't hate me, infact, i think she may be my gf soon if things go right... She said it felt so right with my arm round her waist, when we were cuddling up at a mates house.

She's also not ginger, as she's fit = redhead.

Heerrree we go aggaaiiiiinnnnn. :rolleyes:

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GF just text me saying "do you think this is working?"

Might be a good time to get out me thinks, been stressed all day at work about that lad. Was her ex, I wanna meet him before it ends though. Women, my hand was better than she was.

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Shes doing the whole me or bike thing :|

Set her straight mate.

If a girl ever asked me to give up Bike / DJ'ing I'd be like "Yeah f**king right!".

I got trapped under the thumb from 17-20, never doing it again. When I get with a woman these days they know the deal (I say woman because my g/f is probably 15 years older than most of yours haha)

I prefer 'em older as long as they ain't f'ugly!

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Shes doing the whole me or bike thing :|

What does she have a passion for, or do besides yourself?

If she goes out with mates all the time, or has some kind of hobby say the same thing to her.

Only as a contrast not actually "I'm going to leave you if you don't stop seeing your mates!" :lol:

Can't there be a girl love thread as I don't actually have anything to post here.

Althought without a doubt come one month I'll be posting some kind of trouble in here.

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Is there actually a chance of getting pregnant if you withdraw after about 5 seconds? No cumming, ive never really precame before but may have, and a very clean, semen free penis...

wouldn't normally ask but 5 days late = sllight scary time + google is whack

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Is there actually a chance of getting pregnant if you withdraw after about 5 seconds? No cumming, ive never really precame before but may have, and a very clean, semen free penis...

wouldn't normally ask but 5 days late = sllight scary time + google is whack

Exact same thing happened to me and my ex gf (when we were going out). Six days late and I was freaking out but it turned out fine. Was normal supposedly for girls to be late sometimes. :S

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You had sex for 5 seconds? But in relation to your question, no, pretty sure she can't.

We had sex before in a condom and i came, and hour later she was sayin goodnight ( we have to sleep in diff rooms at hers) and she said ''im still horny can we jsut try without the condom, oh wait and wash your nob there might still be some on from earlier or something'' so i washed it, and we started and she said '''im too scared sorry we should stop'' so i stopped. shes just scared there might of been some still on or i let out precame or something. and shes getting me worried with her constant worrying....

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