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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Well I replied saying I wish she would have told me that originally and got my hopes up etc.

her reply

"Wow i'm honest with you and suddenly im in the wrong. f**k that. Cant win can i"

Hah. DEFFO not worth it!

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Yeah come round a bit and said uni is like almost 2 months away, dont see why it wouldnt be worth a shot to be honest.

in other words you had an awful wank???

ive realised i can now significantly lower the tone in here, because im doing it safe in the knowledge mr monkey is waiting in the aisles to drop it down another notch or 4.

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So you got disappointed when she didn't tell you what you wanted to hear and made her feel bad because of it?

Boy's got skills.

I wouldn't say i've made her feel bad because of it though - in all honesty. The fact she's led me on for months and then suddenly decided she's not wanting to get close because of Uni in 2 months seems a little stupid, surely i've got the right to be a tad frustrated...

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You need to be exiting after a couple of weeks if nothing's happening.

its all about the 2 hour rule on holiday, you aint tash'ed on within 2 hours of meeting her(obviously at the pool or on the plane dont count) then go for a creep,if she dont find anything else, and wants you, shell be back. if not you got time to throw some shapes infront of some other girls.

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Don't say "tash'ed" on, it's f**king beyond stupid. The next season of Geordie Shore should be me asking the cast questions, the person who scores the lowest at the end of each episode gets curb stomped. In case of a tie both get curb stomped. There is no winner, the last episode is the final "contestant" getting champagne etc, then at the end as they're walking away I run them over with a car.

If you didn't get it from there, just don't say it anyway, it's shit.

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Hahaaa f**k offfff ! I presume you're joking but it wasnt an attempt at knobbing her anyway !

As if it ended up lasting 3 pages hah

we've had a longer chat about it and shes getting back to me on whether we are leaving it or going to go for it.

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Just come home from workj to three pages of absolute shit - Dan that was the most pathetic attempt at knobbing someone I have EVER known.

Oh trust me mate, I could tell you some f**king stories.

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Getting with a girl

Step one - establish that there is some mutual interest

Step two - be really excessively full on with her

Step three - when she decides you're a bit too goddamn clingy go with the "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME, I LIKE YOU" tactic

Step four - keep going with step three until she just plain ignores you.

Some seriously good technique you've got there, champ B)

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Getting with a girl

Step one - establish that there is some mutual interest

Step two - be really excessively full on with her

Step three - when she decides you're a bit too goddamn clingy go with the "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME, I LIKE YOU" tactic

Step four - keep going with step three until she just plain ignores you.

Some seriously good technique you've got there, champ B)

Hahaha I know it's terrible isn't it !

And if it's any consolation she's the clingy one ahha !

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Are you kidding me?

I'm really not interested in backing up my point as i'm through with it. :)

I thought i'd take a comment with a pinch of salt last Tuesday though from a guy who was at my Job interview who is good friends with her "Be careful mate, she plays everyone..." but i thought i'd keep it to myself and he was just jealous cos I was with her all that night - and he doesn't look that succesful with the ladies lol (like me D: )

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This is what I'd text her.

"Babe, listen, I love you. I want to marry you. I'll lick your arsehole out every night if that's what you want. You want to bang me with a dildo, let's do it. I don't care, just give me a chance. I promise you'll love me like I love you."

If that fails, just f**king get some GHB, set up a Fritzl style sex dungeon. Tie that bitch up, f**k her, have kids with her and f**k them. Give them a bit of a sink and a fridge and you're set for life.

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