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Erection Game


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the wizard of erection (oz)

mad erection (max)

big erection in little china (trouble)

erection down (watership)

erection down (blackhawk)

american erection (psycho)

erection fever (cabin)

the erection of the lambs (silence)

panic erection (room)

the erection job (italian)

the italian erection (job)

dirty rotten erections (scoundrels)

shooting erections (fish)

the cook, the thief his wife and her erection (lover)

back to the erection (future)

erection now (apocolypse)

jacobs erection (ladder)

naked erection (lunch)

fear and erections in las vegas (loathing)

the shawshank erection (redemption)

erection day (independence)

last of the erections (mohicans)

very bad erections (things)

memoirs of an erection (geisha)

flash erection (gordon)

erection gordon (flash)

hard erection (candy)

erection force (delta)

James and the giant erection (peach)

erection bandits (time)

around the world in 80 erections (days)

20,000 erections under the sea (leagues)

empire of the erection (sun)

interview with an erection (vampire)

bram stokers erection (dracula)

this is better than the towel game...

Edited by poopipe
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This sounds like a variation of the c*nt game, which is the funniest thing you can ever play when your drunk. Same rules as this except you can only replace the last word with c*nt.

Try: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the lost Arc, Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back, Lock stock and Two smoking barrels, and my personal favourite, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...


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clockwork erection (orange)

erection of the bride (father)

father of the erection (bride)

gone with the erection (wind)

the sound of erections (music)

erection and I (withnail)

erection before christmas (nightmare)

one flew over the cuckoos erection (nest)

erection management (anger)

snow white and the seven erections (dwarfs)

the erection and i (king)

anna and the erection (king)

fatal erection (attraction)

invasion of the erection snatchers (body)

total erection (recall)

erection in the rain (singing)

erection with wolves (dancing)

dancing with erections (wolves)

stop or my erection will shoot (mom)

Edited by poopipe
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Euro Erection (Trip)

Eternal Erection of the Spotless Mind (Sunshine)


Ohh the fun you could have! My mate started this game in the corridor at Uni, but instead of erection it was 'penis'.. so we had the entire Digital Screen Arts course quoting film titles with Penis, was hillarious, we got odd looks from passers by too!


Edited by trialmedia
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